In The Summertime......via TV Guide


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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One of the things that bugs me about ANY show (and movies, award shows, etc.) is that I have no idea who the blazes the actors or singers are, never heard of them. I watch a lot of TV, read mags, admittedly don't go to the movie theatres, so it bothers me when these new series/shows appear, and I don't have much interest since I have no idea about those involved. However, I do give things that interest me a chance. I don't do "streaming", nor prime cable. So, maybe that is what lets me out of the "inner knowing" circle. LOL

This summer there are returns, new shows, some surprises. The entire casts of a few shows that have been off the air for years, are returning for short stints. Yep, new shows. Will & Grace, Roseanne are listed, as is American Idol, which has only been off air for a year or so.

Then newly cast Dynasty will be on tap, and those "newly cast musicals"...The Little Mermaid, Jesus Christ, Superstar, plus the Broadway musical "Rent", and come Christmas, a musical based on "A Christmas Story".

So Matt Roush thinks the 5 top upcoming shows are........The Gifted from Fox, The Good Doctor from ABC, Young Sheldon from CBS (yep, early life of Big Bang's Sheldon), Ten Days in the Valley on ABC, and Rise on NBC.

As much as I love Big Bang, Sheldon has become increasingly insufferable to me, so not sure I will be watching how he got that way. LOL

Lifetime is doing a new movie about the Menendez Bros. who murdered their parents in 1989, & are serving life sentences. While, at the time, it was said they wanted to inherit the fortune, the movie takes the opposite tack, using their "defense" reason at the time, of being abused by the parents.

There is a series coming about a talking dog, Downward Dog, which sounds silly, but got an absolutely excellent review, and insistence that it is really good. (The foibles, faults, and good things about it's owner are told thru the dog's thoughts. LOL)

Are you looking forward to the summer series/tryouts, etc. ?
As much as I love Big Bang, Sheldon has become increasingly insufferable to me
Funny, I'm loving him more since he moved in with Amy. Meanwhile I worry this will be overkill and will hurt the mother-show.

I'm giving the Dynasty reboot/remake/retread whatever 5 episodes until it's axed. Oh wait - on the CW it could make it a season and a half. But it sounds absolutely dreadful (and the original was truly atrocious to start with!).
I am looking forward to my horrible summer guilty pleasure, Zoo. Season one was okay. Season two was a joke. Now waiting for season three. But not looking forward to most of the dreck that comes on this summer.
I usually use the summer to watch some of the shows that I couldn't find the time to fit in during the regular TV season. There is only one show during the summer that I actually watch and that is The Night Shift. I see it comes back late June. So until then, I will just be watching stuff that I couldn't find time to watch during the season
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I'm not looking forward to any summer show on the networks. I'll watch shows on
Netflix like I'm doing now.

Downward Dog is on Tues on ABC.
There's usually one show I'll find and watch like a Murder in the First type. (that's been cancelled soo.....)

I like some reality competition shows and for the summer it's always Big Brother for me!
As a fan of Dynasty and the characters, I watched the trailer for the reboot and all I can say is I feel this is going to be a huge disappointment. At the very least, I think some of the original cast members should be included but then I guess that wouldn't really be a reboot. I'll give it a chance but I am not overly optimistic.

The other shows that I am into right now is Sense8 on Netflix (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this show).

I am just about finished re-watching season 1 and 2 of Twin Peaks and will jump into the new season which takes place 25 years later. I'm disappointed that Michael Ontkean will not be in it but still excited for it.

I will tune in for the Will and Grace stint as well.
The thing is........(as in the Dallas reboot), when using previous actors, and it is years later, it shows. The characters are no longer the younger, feisty folks they once were. I guess that is why reruns are so popular. LOL I know, on Dallas, they tried using the now grown up children to fill those roles, and actually I liked Dallas, was disappointed it was not renewed. Going to be interesting.

But as proved with the recent Dirty Dancing remake, not easy to just make a new show out of a big favorite.

By the way, Nashville is returning June 1, and this summer, if you are into cooking shows, the foul mouthed Gordon Ramsey has a new one coming up, he is quite excited about it....and of course....tis called - The F Word.

Guess reality shows & game shows will be appearing all over......America's Got Talent begins next Tues., May 30, Fear Factor, World of Dance on NBC, all May 30.

And then American Ninja Warrior, So You Think You Can Dance, Little Big Shots, Boy Band, Big Brother, and Battle of the Network Stars....all in June, various dates.

Night Shift and Queen Sugar will be returning, lots of different shows on the cable networks.
And then Mario Lopez will be heading up a new game show called.......(straight from the Internet )- Candy Crush. LOLOL
Yep, if they are going to do a remake with different actors, different premise, etc. then do like they do in movies. The Shop around the Corner with Jimmy Stewart & Margaret Sullivan was set in Europe, sold leather goods, the couple were pen pals.

Remade with Van Johnson, Judy Garland, the shop sold music stuff, she sang, still pen pals, but called "In the Good Old Summertime".

And then came Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan, still pen pals but via internet & chat rooms, the shop sold children's books, he did not work there, but opened huge book store close by......and it was called You've Got Mail.

Each movie had the same premise, but it's own style, story, dialogue, and each was good in it's own right.