Murder mystery

It did seem to me she pulled it from the coat pocket, but it is dark in the room. The camera did a closeup.

That said....the article in SOD doesn't say that Abby or Gabby killed Andre. Only that it is Abby dressed up in the coat & wig, attempting to plant the urn lid in Stefan's room. Yes, one can assume it was her who did the dastardly deed, but she, just as easily, could have gone in that room in the Gabby persona, found Andre dead, picked up the lid in shock, left.

So far, we have not seen Abby kill anyone, or even hint at it. But week......who knows??? LOLOL

(I hate that is bad enough to have Abby and we have Gabby. That is what happens when folks get hung up on those "couple" names. It ends up now very confusing, (there are those people who spell Gabi's name as Gabby, so it really is gonna be fun, isn't it?)
So we now know that Abby killed Andre. I hope they filmed it. It should be pretty interesting. Poor Chad and Thomas.
Actually, supposedly, it was Nicole, and Brady knows but is not telling. I personally don't think so....heck, everyone was drugged out of their minds.......

Well, except the maybe it was Henderson.....and then it was Arthur who really did in the nasty Andre?????