Please pray for my brothers, Allen and Warren

the look of love

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
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My youngest brother Allen, on the 1st of September, had his best friend almost literally die in his arms. David was only 50 and had a massive heart attack at their home. Then some one went into the house and stole his computer, and a few other things. Allen has always had some emotional issues. This has been very rough for him. He relies on me so much anyway and now more than ever

Then Tuesday my brother Warren fell and broke his arm between the shoulder and the elbow. He had to have an operation to fix it. This is the brother that lost his wife a little over a year ago. He came home to Missouri and is staying in his motorhome at our house while he is waiting for final papers to buy his house. He is still in the hospital, because he is on a blood thinner as one of his regular meds, his hemoglobin is low he has had to have blood transfusions. We hope he can come home tomorrow.

When he does I will be playing nurse. I also need prayers that I can hold up and help my family.

Thank you all.
Oh dear, so sorry to hear about all of this. What a trooper your brother is, and you for being there for him. Of course I will pray for him and for the both of you. G-d bless and take care, LookOfLove. Hope all gets better soon.
Just a quick update.

Warren came home from the hospital yesterday. He is in pain and has some pretty heavy duty pain killers, but he is doing okay. I am so blessed to be able to help him.

Allen is still in a bit of a tough place, but he is trying to keep a positive attitude. He has some good friends that are helping him get through all this.

Best of all, I have all of you lifting them, and me, in prayer. Thank you. :love: