Random Thoughts of Salemites, Part 3

Paul: (As he walks toward bar) Man, this place is a dive. But, why not? One more drink won’t change my life.
Hope: Sami was acting rather oddly when I visited her hotel room. She seemed to be hiding something. Could Rafe have been in there with her? Nah, no way. He'd never do anything that foolish.

Philly K: I hear that Brady is making a total fool of himself and Sonny is fully preoccupied with regaining Will? When is the grouchy old man going to wise up and realize that I'm the one to lead Titan?

Claire: OMG, Ciara was so mean to me. It's almost as if she was turning into a younger version of that awful Sami Brady.

Rafe: Thank goodness that I had time to get into that bathroom to hide. I'd have hated to have had to dive under the bed and share space with dust bunnies, cookie crumbs, stale pizza crusts, and used condoms.

Anne Milbauer: When are Jenny and Adrienne going to show up here at the Spectator? I'm sick of running this paper by myself for the crumby salary that those two cheapskates pay me.

Rory: I hear that my old pal JJ is in a bad way. Maybe, he'd like to join me to smoke some magic weed and eat a few of my special donuts.