Sparkster rises from the ashes...



...just like the Phoenix, aka Stefano! LOL!

Folks, sorry I haven't been on the board for nearly 2 months. It's been a very hectic couple of months. My husband was unemployed for several months and began a new job at the beginning of November. Then I started a new full-time job in mid-November. For the past 8-1/2 years I had been working from home as a design consultant along with being a stay-at-home mom. With my husband out of work for some time, we made the decision that both of us needed to find full-time jobs in order to pay the bills. So here we are! It's been a bit of a transition for all of us, especially the kids and me, but we are adjusting to this new schedule slowly but surely. Unfortunately, this means I have even less time now to get online to check out what's going on here at the Spectator. I've kept up with the show and check the site for commentary from my phone but just haven't had time to post so haven't bothered logging in. Hopefully I can find at least one day a week to get online to discuss the show with you all. I miss this place!
I hope everyone is doing well and that you all have a very blessed New Year! :hug:
Glad to see you posting again. Sounds like 2017 will be a good year for you
and your family. Welcome home and have a great New Year :)
Was wondering what happened to you, glad it was not illness within the family, but changing lives is truly difficult. Glad all are o.k. and things have improved on the home front. Good to see ya, Sparks. :)
Welcome home Sparkster! You have been missed. Family adjustment s like this require some time and patience. Thinking of you.
Great to hear from you Sparkster!!!!!! Oh boy have we been where you are. It's crazy how life can completely change in just a few months. Make sure you take a little time for yourself even if that's just a nice soak in the bath.