This is Us (may contain spoilers), part 2

LOVED the episode tonight. What a fantastic cast..........Jack's visit to those parents....his silence as he listened to the song he asked Rebecca to sing...The man who said he never cries...just WOW...
Anyone else watch tonight? So the Nicky mystery just got bigger, plus some questions were indeed answered but replaced with more.

By the way..... I think I have a fav and it is Beth. She don't take no jack (no pun intended) from no one including the husband she loves so dear.
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Yep, watched....I like that Kevin went where his father had served.....but the Nicky mystery deepens......
Before I saw the episode, I wondered if Nicky is still alive.

Interesting ending showing the future.
And we know who "she" is. Interesting how people seem to mostly be talking about Nicky, rather than "her". Maybe it isn't all that surprising given the age of the characters in the future, but Nicky is certainly surprising.
Ooooh, thanks for the pic. Agree, great episode last night.........
And they truly deserve it.....Congrats to all, every single one - cast & crew!!!
I just watched Songbird Road: Part Two episode from two weeks ago. I haven't watched last week's, so I may be missing something. The episode I'm talking about is the second part of the trip to see Nicky. It took me a little while to put some things together, which of course may be wrong, but I wanted to see if anyone else saw it, too. At the end, these pieces happened not in sequence. I don't remember the exact order, but:

Kevin tried to get Nicky to go to that veteran's place
Rebecca tried to talk to Nicky, and tells him that both Jack and Kevin were/are recently sober
Nicky was having none of it
Kevin goes to Nicky's trailer and starts cleaning up
Nicky comes home and is guiding Kevin in some of the work
Nicky said he would go to a meeting and they might see each other again, but it was just too painful
Kevin "reveals" that he drank liquor while at the trailer

I am wondering if Nicky realized, after returning home (and learning that Kevin was recently sober), that Kevin drank some of his alcohol... and maybe *that* is what prompted him to actually "agree" to go to a meeting. And maybe that also partially contributes to his pain - knowing that he was a part of Kevin's relapse, no matter how true that is.

I don't know. Anyone else see that? Or have some other thoughts?
I thought Nicky went to a meeting because he wanted to be with his family
and others; not to be alone anymore.

Last week's episode was just about Randall's wife Beth and her mom. It
was a good one.
I don't know. Anyone else see that? Or have some other thoughts?
I don't think Nicky figured out that Kevin drank his booze. Since Kevin had cleaned up Nicky's trailer, IF he noticed the bottle of booze gone, he probably figured Kevin just threw it away. (or if it was empty, that Kevin poured it down the sink)
You are probably right. I figured that Rebecca telling Nicky that Kevin was newly sober meant something... but it probably was only to magnify Kevin's mistake, rather than give reason to Nicky's choice.
I thought Kevin told Nicky he drank the booze....Guess I am mistaken.
Hated that NBC bumped the show again, but it is to be back this week.
What an episode last night.

Randall stuck his foot in his mouth. I thought for sure he was going
to step down from his job.

I bet everyone is going to blame Kevin for what happened to Kate.