Twitter week Jan 1

Why does Billy Flynn (Chad) have to make a political statement? He just totally ruined it for me. I absolutely dislike any entertainer who want to put their political views out there. I want them to entertain me, not try and tell me who to vote for. He's off my list of entertainers that I like along with George Clooney, who I use to love, but got tired of his holier than though and his self righteous attitude with his political views.

I won't even watch him or others that get on their political podium. JUST hate when people that are suppose to entertain and nothing more think for one minute I would entertain their views. They live in a world we can only imagine and have no idea how we live.

Done ranting. Had to get it out.

Ahh, I feel much better now!
Oh, agree, whole heartedly. I used to follow Billy Flynn (Chad) on twitter, but he seemed to use every tweet, over anything, to say something political and yep, he was crossed off for me. It is a shame he had to use a "feel good" time, to do it again.

Thanks, Kat for eliminating it from this thread.
I agree, soapkitty. I hate when celebrities get political. I especially hate when they blather on about that stuff at award shows. Just thank your mom, your manager, your manicurist and whoever you pray to, and call it good.
Dittos! They go on and on and on. Before I stopped watching their political parades, I used to mute the acceptance speeches. If something clever is said it will be available on social media afterwards.
I think public figures can be influential to their followers so I don't have an issue with political messaging if it's done factually and responsibly. I agree it doesn't need to be part of a holiday greeting though.
I prefer they not get on a podium and act like they know politics. They aren't hired for their political views and opinions. They have 1 purpose for me. Entertain. Period!

I stopped watching a lot of entertainers this year because of it. I do not need or want their political opinion. They have ZERO influence in my life. Just because they can act or sing or tell jokes does not mean they know how I feel politically. Ok I'm done!
Actually, it is taking advantage of a captive audience to express an opinion or viewpoint on something entirely unrelated to why the audience is there. Am guessing it doesn't matter if they alienate fans by doing so. I also no longer will watch certain entertainers for that reason. I am capable, very capable of forming my own opinions. And there certainly are enough actual political speakers out there, who are in that business, who report, debate, etc. etc.

Ran across this......was there a sale on that dress? This is from HGTV...
