Twitter week Jan 29

I noticed that the Tate twins are following Martha Madison (Belle) on Instagram. So far they haven't shared any airtime.
I have heard she & Shawn were to be back this idea if that is true or not. It was said as if common knowledge......but I know how easily speculations become "fact" to some. So, nothing official has been said anywhere.....
Hmmm, nice pic...all the "young" couples, huh? Got a kick at the pic on the bus....all the background Atlanta residents wearing heavy parkas, hoods, down jackets. Guess it is winter everywhere except Salem. thanks, Kat.!!
I have heard she & Shawn were to be back this idea if that is true or not. It was said as if common knowledge......but I know how easily speculations become "fact" to some. So, nothing official has been said anywhere.....
Shawn is definitely going to be on in March (the 26th), from that leaked script cover that lists him with the characters.

Yeah, that was an interesting script leak....especially Hong Kong police office & Abby's hotel room, Stefan's hotel room. So, are they in Hong Kong? or has DiMansion burned down, and Salem Inn is home to them all?