Twitter week Oct 23

Hmmm, Missy Reeves (Jennifer Deveraux) is one missing babe in that photo Ron.
Not to be a total downer here, but to me terms like "babes" and chicks" contribute to the culture of trivializing women. Sadly.
Good to see a summary of the evil deeds of Brady Black. They omitted the time that an embittered Brady gave the OK for a Kiriakis thug to shoot and kill Chad. Fortunately, this goon, like most Salemites, wasn't very good at his job and only winged Stefano's surprise son in the arm. Anywhere but Salem, the ethically-challenged Brady would be playing pinochle at state prison with Gus, Vargas, and Dr. Baker instead of bickering with Big Boy Sonny over who should be leading Titan.
Looks like he's wearing Andre's "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" jacket. Wonder if it his personal jacket and the wardrobe department uses it on the show?