SPOILER !! Week Dec 4

Monday December 4:
Sami and Rafe make love!

Really?! :rotfl: Come on, "make love"? Let's call a spade a spade, sex is sex. There is no love involved. Anyone who has ever felt either would know the difference. Okay getting off my soapbox. But yeah. :rolleyes:

Interesting spoilers, though. Will kisses Paul, (remember, Susan kept telling him he was straight, so he just more or less stopped saying anything and stayed in the closet). Paul is not giving him any hassle or pressure, while Sonny is just coming on toooo strong. Hmmmm.

And then, Belle accidentally tells Will something unpleasant from his past. Yes, wonder if she mentions Lucas going to prison for him.

I think the truth would be that he slept with Paul. Maybe that's why he kisses him. He's curious to know why. And I agree, I love Sonny but he's being a monkey's butt toward Paul. Paul was right, everything that he thought would happen, happened.

One minute Sonny is proposing for the second time (or is it third?) & the next minute, he acts like they're not even in the same room. I'm excited to see Sonny walk in on Will and Paul, then maybe he'll understand what he's doing to them both. Honestly though, I have a feeling Paul will push Will away before anything to damaging can happen.
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deleted unnecessary quote - no need to quote the post that is directly above your own post - JS

:) That too!!!
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All this is way over the top. The writers are out to literally screw up everything again. I hate it.:beat: ShaSha
I am here for Sami & Rafe, however fleeting, as they had a genuine connection.

Yes Rafe hides when Hope comes knocking but why is Hope even there in the first place?

Sonny makes a decision and the Will & Paul kiss, this is the circle that just goes round and round.

The Ciara & Vivian returns are a yay. Hopefully neither is going to be relegated to side status and both gets right into a great story.

Sami probably comes at Belle for whatever Belle tells Will. And how inadvertent will Belle's reveal actually be?

Steve confronting Tripp could be interesting. Will he confide in his father that he was just trying to keep Kayla safe and leave Steve with the same dilemma or will Tripp let the secret fester and grow?

Eve & Maggie showdown, it will be entertaining to see the breaking point and who will dominate.
Sonny is acting like a first class horse's patoot and I feel sad for the way he is treating Paul. His boo-boo faces when he is around “Sonny the terrible” tug at the mom in me. When did Sonny get so high and mighty anyway? He was always the level-headed, down to earth, extremely likable, honest one. Paul should square his shoulders, kick him to the curb and stop waiting around for Sonny’s crumbs. I like Paul, he deserves way better.
Sonny is acting like a first class horse's patoot and I feel sad for the way he is treating Paul. His boo-boo faces when he is around “Sonny the terrible” tug at the mom in me. When did Sonny get so high and mighty anyway? He was always the level-headed, down to earth, extremely likable, honest one. Paul should square his shoulders, kick him to the curb and stop waiting around for Sonny’s crumbs. I like Paul, he deserves way better.

I could not have said it better myself. Brilliant!! :clap:
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Rafe doesn't have to hide. He isn't married. He may be embarrassed that he gave in to his base urges, but really, hiding???? This makes the character very weak.

He committed the un-cool (at the very least) act of very quickly taking full advantage of a "break." :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

If Hope is any kind of detective, she will be alerted by clues in Sami's hotel room. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Hmmm, good thought KL, forgot about that.

OC, I wondered exactly the same thing. Seems like a repeat spoiler, repeat scene, but then, maybe Paul is even MORE concerned, now that Will is in Salem itself. ????