SPOILER !! Week May 22

Maybe Daniel performs a ghostly healing. Deemed a miracle by everyone. ShaSha
Actually, there has not been any spoilers, per se, that say Deimos is murdered, or that Brady gets his heart.

What has been released is that Vincent Irizzary (Deimos) has been written out, has been done taping for a while. Also that there is to be a murder mystery with a lot of suspects.

Thus, lots and lots of speculation, as the show has been giving a great many of it's citizens reason to want to get rid of Deimos. With the speculation that if it is Deimos who is murdered, comes the additional speculation (since Brady's heart is failing) that it will be Deimos's heart that will replace Daniel's. I hope there is a turnaround and Brady's body decides it wants to keep the heart it has now.

That said......I am curious about who all crashes on that island. Two planes went to Greece, but Hope wanted to hitch a ride with Chad......whose plane had some engine problems. So he evidently hitches with Sonny, Paul, JJ, Eli, Lani, Gabi.

Do Hope, Xander, & Deimos take commercial jet back home? If so, just Hope keeping them in line? Doubt that. What about Eric & Nicole & Holly? How are they getting back, are they on the island, or did they disguise themselves to get aboard another plane? Inquiring minds really want to know. LOL
Whatever happened to Eric's heart condition? Was he miracle cured?

From Jan. 04, 2016 summary "Marlena comes into Eric's room, Kayla says he has a collapsed lung, asks if he ever had a lung infection. Yes, at times, in the winter. Kayla orders an echocardiogram. [snip] But also, there is Eric, who has an infection/inflamation in his heart. No, not caused by the accident, from a lung infection he had at some point in time. He never even realized it, but it has affected his heart muscle."

From Jan. 06, 2016 "They accidentally discovered an infection in Eric's heart muscle which has damaged his heart. Fynn is up on all the latest drug treatments, anti-biotics, etc."

Best I can tell, the Days writers played fast and loose with medical information (no surprise there). At some point in past, Eric had developed a lung infection, which caused some sort of infection in the heart. The infection was apparently still ongoing and had caused some damage to the heart muscle, which was apparently so minor that Brady never noticed it.

Since there were antibiotics that could be used to treat the infection, Brady got Daniel's heart. In a few summaries over the next few days, it was mentioned that both Brady and Eric would both be fine. Reading over it like this, it makes me wonder why Eric was even considered for Daniel's heart. I mean, seriously, wouldn't the first item of consideration for an infection be antibiotics? And since the infection happened at some point in the past, but was still ongoing, and had done so little damage up to this point, that he was unaware of a problem, as were any doctor that had examined him, doesn't that mean that the progression was really, really slow?

That if other treatments didn't work, that at some point in the distant future, a heart transplant might be needed? But they were talking as if he was in urgent and immediate need of a heart, if the other treatments didn't work. Sheesh, only in Salem.

Okay, so I did some brief research via Google, and found 3 types (there may be others) of bacterial infections that can be caused by lung infections. All of them are treated with antibiotics. In one, there was damage to the heart valves, and in severe cases, the heart valves would need to be replaced with artificial ones.

None of them hung around for years, though with one, you stood a greater risk of repeat infection if you'd had it before. Now, they could prove deadly if left untreated, and I guess if the heart was too badly damaged, a heart transplant would be considered, but Eric was nowhere near that point.