Days of Our Lives - Wed. June 30, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Episode #11,366 Taped 4/20 Director – Noel Maxam

This is definitely an episode that shows how the pre-emption a couple weeks ago affected the planned sequence of events in Salem. Shane arrives at the Bo Brady house just as Kim is about to leave. He wants to talk, she doesn’t, lots of shouting back and forth, Kim stalks out, she promised to help her mom with inventory, tells Shane to lock up when he leaves.

Daniel comes into Chloe’s room to interrupt another standoff between the two women. Chloe says Carly was just leaving, Carly says like hell I am, but then waffles as to what her excuse is, delaying in true soap opera style with awkward pauses, etc. until a nurse arrives telling both doctors they are needed in ER, multi car accident. Daniel & Carly leave, Chloe worries, Nicole arrives, babbling about EJ and whatever he may or may not have on her to ruin her life, but she realizes Chloe is upset, notices no wedding ring. The women chatter, Nicole giving Chloe the pep talk, take charge of her life, Chloe agrees, Daniel loves her, yada, yada. Down in the ER, Daniel & Carly are arguing about a mother, a baby, and it almost sounds like Carly has told Daniel, but no. Daniel begins to rant about the mother not strapping the baby in the back, Carly defending the mom who just thought her child would be happier facing her, Daniel ranting even more about the airbag. They part, he returns to Chloe’s room just as Chloe is saying something to Nicole about Carly telling Daniel she slept with someone else. Daniel asks Nicole to leave, asks Chloe what they were discussing, Chloe reports how Nicole fears EJ is up to something to ruin her. He asks her if she would ever lie to him, she is perplexed, of course not. He asks if any change in her personal medical condition….no. He is happy, loves her, she loves him…..let’s go home and start fixing up a room for our baby, says Daniel.

Melanie asks Philip why he did not let Kayla & Steve adopt his baby. She may not get along with Stephanie, but her parents seem like kind and loving people. Philip agrees they are, and as the two walk in the park, sit down on Benchie, Philip explains that at the time, he just was not ready, and just did not want to have his child so close by. He assures Melanie he did a thorough back ground check on the adoptive parent, using 3 different avenues to do it. Melanie replies that was good, but she b ets Trent would have passed that, too, at the time. Oh, but Philip has kept track of Tyler, constantly. He is doing great. ,Melanie wonders if he will want more children, Philip says yes, asks her, she does, too, both agree to a “not right now, but definitely in the future”, and walk off hand in hand.

Sami is practically struck dumb by EJ’s declaration that he loves her. She babbles, not really saying anything, lots of uh, ur, huh, as she strides around. EJ is rather confident now, as he talks of her still being there, not leaving, carefully making sure he doesn’t mention Rafe. LOL. Sami finally gets her voice back, says she is flattered, and she is glad they get along, are no longer bickering and fighting. She talks of him bringing Sydney back to her, being her hero, but actually, they are just friends. He talks of her living there, she shoots back about the flooded apt., the repairs taking so long, insisting that he is not going to tell her how she feels or what to do. He laughs, saying how she gets backed into a corner, comes out fighting, it is something that infuriates him, and also something he loves about her. Now, EJ gets up close and personal, in her face, weaving his spell, as Sami breathes heavily. (Reminds me of the cobra hypnotizing his victim). EJ talks and talks of her, of him, of them together, his face so close, their lips about to touch, and his cell phone rings, she slips away telling him to answer it. He looks, must be a text message as he says it is Arianna, the arraignment has been moved up. (honest, that arraignment has been set early, pushed back, moved forward so many times it makes one dizzy. LOL) He has to take off, but not before he grabs a quick kiss to a surprised Sami, and leaves.

Rafe is with Arianna, telling her to get rid of EJ, he will take care of her, go to court with her, she doesn’t need EJ. Arianna tells Rafe of the public defender who did not believe she was innocent, wanted her to plead guilty so she could lighten her case load, but EJ, tho a victim himself, came along, and believes her innocent. Arianna wonders if Rafe just saw Sami, Rafe doesn’t answer, but eventually does tell her he was tracking down Anna, almost got her to tell him who she was working with, but she got poisoned, he was thrown in jail, and by the time he got out Anna was gone. Arianna realizes he did this all for Sami, Rafe admits it. And in walks EJ, wanting time with his client. Rafe tells him he is not wanted, he is taking care of his sister, EJ tells him he doubts it, he would be rather impotent, as impotent as he was at finding Sydney. Rafe nearly takes a swing at EJ, Arianna stops them both, tells Rafe she has to go to court shortly, needs EJ, Rafe should leave. He does, EJ talks with Arianna, goes over a couple strategies, figuring the judge has to let her out on bail.

Shane is knocking at the Pub door, Kim telling him they are closed, he threatens to break a window, she finally opens the door, telling him to make it quick. He hands her a letter, asking her if this is quick enough. Kim reads it, has quieted down, asking if this is true. Yes, it is a letter of resignation from the ISA, they have accepted it. Shane says all that time in the hell hole of a prison gave him much time to think, mostly about his family. He could have died there, she could have died from her leukemia, neither one knowing about the other, being able to help, comfort, or even grieve. He has so long lived for “the mission”, but his family means more to him, and that is where he wants to be, with his family. Kim is silent, Shane about to go out the door. She calls him back.

Nicole is down on the dock, talking on her cell, apparently to Dr. Baker. She if going on and on about not knowing if EJ is bluffing, or if he really has proof that she & Dr. Baker manufactured evidence to frame Arianna. She hears a noise, closes her phone, turns, and there is Rafe.


P.S. Reminding you all that Days will not be shown in the U.S. on Thursday & Friday, July 1 & 2nd because of pre-emptions for tennis, so there will be no Day Ahead on Wed. June 30 or Thursday, July 1. We will be back on Friday a.m. with the Monday, July 5th Day Ahead. Have a good weekend everyone.!
Thanks Barb for the write-up. I will probably be going through severe withdrawal by Friday. Although I love Wimbedon so I will make due. Your description of EJ is so fitting (a Cobra)and about says it all. We just need Rafe to be the mongoose and kill the snake. I think Sami has been drinking too much of the kool-aid and is now under the dimera spell. I am so over the Carly, Chloe, Daniel thing. Hurry up and stop playing the stupid games.

I am so happy that Kim and Shane are back in salem. Now there is a dynamic couple. Both strong willed, and loving at the same time. I can't wait to see their scenes
Thanks for the great write up Barb!!!
The EJ/Sami/Rafe triangle is making me dizzy!! Sheesh!!

Enjoy your few days off!! Give those fingers a rest!
Thanks Poirot!

So happy that Philip is keeping track of his son, even if it is from a distance.
Thanks Poirot. Sounds like a super show today. So Philip did not let Kayla and Steve adopt Tyler because he did not want to be close and was not ready for a child. (oh but what about Claire and his fight for her he was sure ready for that child, he also moved heaven and earth looking for his son. To me that is not his real reason, it makes no sense) I am happy to know that the child is ok. So excited that Kim and Shane are talking and that it looks like they may get back together before they leave.
I wonder how much Rafe heard?

good to see Shayne and Kim have a fighting chance.

kept thinkin' about the song..."take me in oh tender woman..." with that cobra description...heh heh heh

great write up as always Thanks Barb!
As far as I am concerned, Days has pulled that trick just once too often (making you think someone heard something, when they didn't. How many times has Daniel "almost" heard something. I figure Rafe will have heard nothing, just like others.

Guess Philip learned a lesson from the Claire escapade, as he obviously signed away his rights not just once......but twice.
I can't wait for EJ to "get his" as my grandma used to say...if he doesn't soon, I'll be cranky.

Fingers crossed that Shane and Kim get back together after all of these years. I can't wait to watch!!!
Days fiddled with history in terms of Pocket and why he was given up to another family and not Patch/Kayla. If I recall, Kayla was the one that convinced Philip that giving up his son was the right thing to do.

Thanks for the write up
I remember that Philip went to see Pocket and had a DNA test done. Once the test was done Philip said that he was going to allow the foster parents adopt the child. (Kayla and Steve had looked after Pocket before he got sick and they thought that something was done to him and he was sent to another set of foster partents. He also got sick there as well and they found that he had a problem with certain foods. Kayla was heartbroken when the other foster parents got the child. The part I don't get is that Philip says that he was not ready to be a father, yet did everything in his power to take Claire when she was not his, but he had bonded with her and felt like he was her father. He even went through IVF to have a second child with Belle. Signed over his rights when it turned out that Belle was not the mother of the child. Moved heaven and earth to find his son when he found out that the child was born and not aborted. Yet suddenly was not ready to be a father. The whole giving up Tyler made no sense at the time and his reasons now still make no sense to me. I think he was only ready to be a father if Belle was the mother.
I agree, DJM, and think that Philip was using the baby as leverage to keep Belle involved in his life somehow. He had major control issues.
Thanks for the writeup Poirot! Can't wait to see EJ slithering in Sami's face...NOT! :sick: I too am getting beyond sick of Carly's meddling. I look forward to the Shane/Kimberly scenes. :)

@DJM, as far as the Philip thing with Tyler/Pocket is concerned I too thought it was weird how he was so hellbent on keeping Claire as his and then going all over the country trying to find Lauren to get to the bottom of everything with Pocket. I think the writers left the possibility open that when the DNA tests were done Philip might have found out that the baby was not his after all and that's why he allowed the adoptive parents to take him. That baby was likely Shawn and Belle's due to the embryo swap and maybe Philip was p.o.'d at that revelation and still a bit jealous of Shawn and Belle's relationship and already having Claire, decided not to tell them about Pocket. I think this could come into play in the future if they ever brought them back on the show.
@ Sparkster. I was thinking the same thing at the time. He found out that Pocket was not his and did not want Belle and Shawn to have another child so just said nothing. Youth Protection would not have know of Belle and Shawn as possiable parents when the test showed that Philip was not the father the child would have been available for adoption and Philip just told everyone that he gave up the child.
I lurk but don't post.

Here's my question, of all the times that Pocket/Tyler could have been brought up...why now?

When Carolyn spoke to Stephanie about marrying Philip, why didn't she bring Tyler/Pocket up then? The entire time Stephanie was involved with Philip everyone in her family had a ton of reasons, but never was this brought up.

Thanks for the write up, I so enjoy reading them.
Hey there April....good to hear from you. And this is just my thoughts....but Tyler had to be brought up for a reason. Chloe is pregnant, she already is wondering herself about paternity, since the romp with Philip is about back when she evidently got pregnant.
Looks like we are in for a who's the daddy story.....and Tyler was brought up to provide some back history for newer viewers.
I thought the whole way they ended the Pocket/Tyler story was to be able to revisit it later. Maybe the baby is going to show up in Salem. (Not a spoiler just a guess on my part.)
What happened to Kim's husband, I think his name was Richard? And wasn't Shane with Kayla, at one time? Isn't this awkward?
I dont know about any else but days wasn't on today at1pm
thank god for soap net. lol:(