Galen Gering as a young model?

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Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Not sure where to put this, but thought it was interesting.

I stumbled upon this magazine ad for Love's Baby Soft from 1989. If I'm not mistaken, this appears to be a very, very young Galen Gering. What do you think?


OK, here is the link to the picture:
I read that he started modeling at age 18 and this ad is from 1989, so the age would definitely match up.

I love that the heading on the ad says something about loaning his jacket to Nicole!
If that is him, can't you sooo see him playing someone like Uncle Jesse's friend on Full House back in the day?!! (not that he did, he just looks the part) Or one of the Saved by the Bell kids?! Someone to try to woo Kelly away from Zack!
Oh, for sure that's him. There is also a commercial he made when he was, I believe 14. It's for a candy bar-- can't remember which one, tho.
I think he was a cutie back then, but I honestly think he gets better looking with age.
Holy cow!! I remember that commercial!! Thanks for posting!
Is Galen's 3 1/2 year old son going to take after daddy? Jensen is modeling for banana republic! I agree he gets better looking with age, no wonder Galen was named one of People Magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People", in 2000!
"Why I love lending Nicole my jacket" :wink:

..after I read the rest of it @ Rew :rotfl:

I think I'm gonna sell ads from my Old Seventeen Magazines
That's definately him, his wife said something about him modeling. I'd love it if he lent Nicole his jacket too haha.
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