Days of Our Lives - Friday, April 5, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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sorry folks, only saw 15 minutes, the show is pre-empted for a new conference about the firing of the Rutgers basketball coach.

What I did see was....Chloe & Daniel going full at it on his sofa, but he ends up backin off, can't do that, Chloe leaves. Quickly calls mom Nancy to bring back Parker NOW. It all worked, Dan & Jen are over.
Hope visits Jen to find out what happened, she only says it is over

Kristen brings a little box of photos of them to John, thinks he will enjoy seeing them
She then overhears nurses talkin of the fight in the hospital, goes to see Jen

Abby sees Cameron performing, and he spots her.....Chad saw, too

Oh, the conference just ended. I will now see the last 5 minutes. Oh, yeah, Eric may get transferred, Nicole is upset.

NOTE: I was able to do a full summary, see below...JS
Nicole prays to God, really talks to him, asking that Eric not be transferred, and in he comes, was all a mistake, the transfer was intended for someone else. He goes to a conference, will be back in a couple days.

Chad & Abby jabber about Cam, who comes on stage agaIN for another dance.

John looks at a pic of him & Kristen, flashes back to kissing her, tosses the picture back in the box, shoving the box with his foot into the waste basket. Kristen is looking at a pic of her & John, smirking as she has him now, and puts the pic in the fire.

Daniel walks in the square, coming face to face with Jennifer. They stare at each other, he walks away.

sorry, any one with the middle......feel free to fill in.
Will & Sonny should go on a date there! I hope Kristen can bring down Chloe for Jennifer. And I wish Eric got transferred so Nicole could set her sights on Rafe!
Well my sis was right with her speculation about Cameron, seems he's moonlighting to pay off school debt.
Poirot.... I'll take anything you can give me.... THANKS for going the extra mile for this......
Yes, bring Parker back now.... Jen and Dan are done.... I'm sorry Nadia (Chloe) this has to be just as horrible to act as it is for us to watch..... the total destruction of a strong independent character...
Friday, April 5, 2013:

Chloe tells Daniel he's a good man, and then he kisses her. Daniel and Chloe fall to the couch, kissing. Daniel pulls back, says he can't do this. Chloe says yes he can, it's meant to be. They start kissing again. Chloe reaches down to unbuckle his belt and he stops her. She reminds him they were in love once and Parker is proof of that love. He said she was there and saw/heard what Jennifer said. He says he can't use Chloe to get over his problem (with Jennifer). Daniel says Jennifer doesn't lie, her feelings were genuine today; and he has no right to use and hurt Chloe to get past what happened today. She says he's the best man she's ever known (barf :sick: ).

Daniel says he'll go to see Parker and maybe he can have Melanie meet them there (in NYC). Chloe says no, she'll have her mom bring Parker home; then she leaves the apartment (and calls Nancy; says Jennifer and Daniel are done and to bring Parker home). Daniel pours a drink and relives the argument with Jennifer as he holds the necklace. Someone knocks on the door; it's Maggie; says she's sorry for what happened at the hospital. He doesn't want to talk about it; Maggie says OK, then pulls him into a hug.

Maggie comes in and sees the bottle of booze. She talks about how many times a drink made her feel better, like never. She talks of being an alcoholic. She wants to fix him a hot cup of tea; wishes she can make him feel better; feels like it's her fault, because she was Jennifer's biggest cheerleader; but now she's mad at Jen and doesn't want to see her anymore; doesn't understand why she did what she did. Daniel says "because of Jack". Daniel says he may not have Jennifer, but he has Parker; says Nancy's coming back with Parker tomorrow, so he won't do anything stupid (get drunk) because he needs to be clear-headed to see his son tomorrow. Maggie is relieved he won't get drunk. Maggie tells Daniel that she went off on Jennifer for what she did. They have a chuckle. Daniel says he's going for a walk; Maggie offers her company, but he declines. She leaves and he thanks her, calls her "mom"; says he's so glad she came by; they hug.

Cameron comes on stage, dressed as a boxer, gyrating, bumping and grinding. Abby and Chad leave the club, thinking they missed Cameron. She runs back in to get her purse and her jaw hits the floor as she sees Cameron on stage, stripping down to shiny gold shorts. Chad's pacing outside, waiting for Abby to come out; finally heads back into the club. Abby stands there, horrified, as Cameron gyrates, while ladies tuck money into his shorts. Cameron sees Abby; they lock eyes.

Chad sees Cameron on stage; he makes a few jokes, but Abby is clearly not amused. She said they're leaving as a guy grabs Abby and says she's not going anywhere. Tells her to step over to the side. Cameron comes out to talk to Abby and Chad. Cameron is mad that Abby followed him. Chad keeps making jokes (pretty funny). Chad thought they were helping him, because they're concerned about him. Cameron said if they were really his friends, they wouldn't be there. Cameron says what he does there is his personal business. Abby brings up Cameron paying off the goon in the hospital. Chad mentions something about Abby being a virgin (he's pretty amusing in this scene!) Cameron says he doesn't owe Abby any explanation. She screeches at him (just like her mother).

Cameron says he can take care of himself, but Chad asks why Cameron carries a gun. Cameron tells them to leave (as Chad makes more jokes). Cameron says he has a mountain of student loans and he had to help Celeste (financially). He borrowed the money from the goon. Chad says Cameron should've come to him; but Cameron says he doesn't want DiMera money; asks them not to tell anyone about this. Cameron walks away. Abby and Chad talk about the situation, wonder how they can help Chad make more money. Chad says he probably couldn't make as much as he does at the club, as Cameron comes back out on stage, this time dressed as a policeman.

Nicole asks Eric about his religious conference; he tells Nicole he might not be coming back. Nicole is stunned. Eric says he got transfer papers. The Bishop is considering moving Eric to another parish, maybe a parish that needs him more. Nicole talks about all of the good Eric's done for the church and new school. Then she grabs the transfer papers and tears them to pieces. She tells Eric he's done so much for the church; he's a good man. Eric says he's going to miss discussing theology with Nicole because she has a unique point of view. He said he took a vow and has to go where sent to serve. She begins to cry; he tells her not to be upset. She asks what she'll do without him. Nicole says it's all Kristen's fault (Eric had mentioned making Brady and Kristen step down from the board; guess the Bishop didn't like that?? Not sure why Nicole says it's Kristen's fault).

Nicole tells Eric she's going to call the Bishop herself. Eric says oh yeah, that's a great idea (sarcastically). He tells Nicole she'll continue on the path she's started (being a better person); they hold hands and she cries. He tells her how she always has his back; helped him with his nightmares; says she turned him around and he thanks her; says she's tough as nails and one hell of a friend. He says they're going to save their goodbyes as he heads for the door; he turns around and asks her for a favor. He asks Nicole to help Vargas and cut him some slack. Nicole says they're buddies now, it's not a problem. Eric didn't realize they worked out their differences, then leaves. Nicole leans against the wall and says "you don't know the half of it". She says it's not the Bishop who did do this; it was God because he got tired of her impure thoughts under his roof. She talks to God about how she doesn't deserve anything, but it's hard not to show her feelings about Eric. She begs God not let Eric leave. Suddenly Eric comes back in; says the Monsignor called, it was a mistake; the transfer papers were meant for someone else; he'll just be gone for the conference, then he'll be back. Nicole happily asks if he's sure.

Kristen comes to John's hotel room with a small box; says she found it at the DiMansion; it's full of pictures of John and Kristen together, from back in the day. Kristen looks at the pictures, shows them to John. Says she thought they were happy and in love, but it was an illusion; she knows that now because she knows what "real love" is. John says she doesn't love Brady, she's just using him. She laughs; tells him to enjoy his trip down memory lane (looking at the pictures) and goes to leave; she stops, makes fun of his 90's mullet (funny!) and closes the door.

John throws the pictures away, as one falls on the floor. He says there had to be a reason she brought the pictures to him and he's going to find out.

Kristen is in the square and hears two nurses (who are sitting at a table) talking about what happened with Daniel and Jennifer at the hospital. She's shocked and takes off (to see Jennifer; see below)
Jennifer sits on the couch, moping, holding a little toy car she was going to give to Parker. Hope comes to the door, shocked to hear that Jennifer quit her job; asks what happened. Hope doesn't understand what's going on, says Jennifer isn't pulling the wool over her eyes; asks if Jennifer and Dan can work it out. Jennifer says no. Jennifer say she's not over Jack and not ready to move on. Hope says she's not buying any of it; asks if it's about Chloe. Jennifer says no and asks Hope to leave.

Hope leaves; Jennifer places a framed picture of her and Jack on the mantle. Kristen rings the bell; Jen says it's not a good time, but Kristen comes in, says she's not leaving until she knows Jennifer is OK. WOW, Kristen brings up Peter (her brother); says she was able to move on with Peter after Jack, so why not now, with Daniel. Jennifer says it's past history. Jennifer says that John is firmly planted in Kristen's heart. Kristen backs off; she says Jennifer is not the kind of person to do have such a public display. Jennifer says the one who really got hurt was Daniel. Jen asks Kristen to leave. Kristen says she and Jack didn't get along but she knows he wouldn't want her not to live her life because he's gone; then she leaves. Jennifer holds the toy car again and says "I'm sorry Daniel, I didn't have a choice". The bell rings again. (it's like Grand Central Station there today)

This time it's Chloe; Jennifer says it's a bad time. Chloe says "yeah, rough day" (sarcastically). Jennifer tells Chloe to leave. Chloe says Parker is on his way back and if Jennifer does anything to go back to Daniel, she'll take Parker and leave. Jennifer says she'll stay away, since she wants what's best for Parker and that's Daniel in his life since Parker's mother is such a witch. Chloe says it's nice that Jennifer is being such a martyr, then snatches the toy car from Jennifer's hand and leaves.

Next we see Daniel, as he dejectedly walks through the empty square....lo and behold, Jennifer comes walking in from the opposite direction. They lock eyes, and Daniel changes direction and leaves.

Kristen returns to the DiMansion; she sees a huge bouquet of roses (from Brady). Back to John pacing his hotel room, looking at the picture of them together. He says "OK Kristen, what are you trying to tell me??" Back to Kristen at the DiMansion, as she crumples up the card that came with the roses, tosses it in the wastebasket and says something about Brady and "it must be done, must be done" as she takes out something from the desk drawer (with a sneaky look on her face). Back to John's hotel room as John flashes back to him and Kristen (a clip from the past); he says "it's not over" and throws the box (that held the pictures) into the trash. Back at the DiMansion, Kristen holds a picture of her John and says the same thing, then throws the picture into the fireplace.

NOTE: at half-past the hour, we get another commercial for Ready For Love with James Scott (EJ) and Alison Sweeney (Sami).
Maggie was right, she's Jennifer's biggest cheerleader. Ugh she needs to butt out! However, her scenes with Daniel were cute. This episode was boring, but at least there was no EJ-Sami (maybe the commercial was to make up for that? LOL). Thanks for the write-up. I hope and think Ready for Love will be cancelled
There didn't seem to be a whole lot of anything going on in today's episode so don't worry, Poirot.

The Eric/Nicole scenes were really nice. I thought it was cute how she tore up the papers he got from the bishop and she offered to call him to say Eric couldn't be transferred because he was needed here. And how much he's done for her, she was a lost soul and he helped bring her back and make her a better person. He also thanked her for how she helped him through his nightmares about what happened in Africa. Very touching.

And then let's see, Maggie went to visit Daniel to make sure he was ok. They chit-chatted a bit. She saw that he was about to start drinking so was able to convince him that alcohol wasn't the answer. They talked a bit about Jennifer. She feels partially responsible since she was their biggest cheerleader. She told him she loves Jennifer but doesn't like her very much right now. LOL.

Later, Chloe went to see Jennifer again to warn her to not do anything stupid like try to get back with Daniel or her threats to take Parker away for good will be realized.

I think that's about all you missed. I wasn't paying too much attention to the John/Kristen stuff.

Were you watching on your NY feed? I'm scratching my head here as to why they would interrupt a show in your area for something happening in NJ. :confused:

EDIT: Ha! JS, I must have started my post before seeing you did a summary. Thanks!
Chad and Abby refer to Cameron as "Apollo" several times, which is a reference to the character of Apollo Creed from the Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) movies (since Cameron is dressed as a boxer when he first comes out on stage).

This Apollo Creed:

Oh, thank you both, you are sweethearts for sure. And yes, I was watching on the NY channel. They did say Days would continue on various cable channels there, but, of course I don't get those.
I thought the Apollo reference was maybe Cam's stage name?????? But since I did not see those Rocky movies, except I think, just the lst one.
Doesn't seem I missed much at all.
Actually, if I had seen the entire show, would have been in trouble writing it up, as I got company about the time I would have been in the middle of it.
Thank you again! And I know our readers thank you both, too.
How stupid can Daniel be!? Did he not notice that during Jennifer's rant she kept looking off tothe right at someone? I know Chloe was "hiding" but once she told him she saw the whole thing wouldn't a bell go off. I was hoping that this was all just going to be a ruse and Jen had told Daniel everything and they were working together to bring Chloe down. Make her think they did break up so she brings Parker back then telling her. But since he was making out with Chloe (WHAT!!) I'd have to say no on that. It was so dumb how Chloe told Jennifer she would take Parker and Daniel will never find him and then tells Jen that he's in Brazil. Ugh tired of this storyline. Also, I think the whole Cameron is a stripper is disappointing. I was liking what I read about him knowing where Nicole's baby is and being involved in that whole thing. I guess I was expecting something more sinister.
Well, I FF most of the show, but I did stop at the stripping club parts. And I gotta say, I just loved Chad. His lines had me laughing out loud ! If only more comic relief was shown on Days, things would already improve. Because if I have to chose between Martyr Jennifer :rolleyes::sick: and Chad :D , I don't have to think long and hard to make a decision. All he said was right on, and really, very funny to me. My favorites :

Cameron : You followed me here ? You invaded my privacy like that ?

Chad : Dude, if you want privacy, you should consider another line of work.

And later :

Chad : So... How much money can fit into those yellow shorts ? :rotfl: :clap:

So... More Chad and lines like that please. And less, oh so much less victim Jennifer !