Wednesday, February 13th

I agree, whatever happened to suspending reality? Come on we have had so many unreal storylines here. It is all about fantasy, and before someone says it - no I am not fantasizing about being raped, but I don't take every episode, dissect and make it relate to my life. I enjoy the entertainment value of it. I dont like all the storylines, but I also don't delve into them being more "meaningful" then they are. I just enjoy the drama.

I agree, John is acting suspicious - and I love it!

I agree to a point. Well I mean I totally agree that it is a show and we shouldn't let it get us too worked up. BUT, everyone has their own fiction line in the sand so to speak. :)

For example... if a character had molested a child, I don't think there is a person on this board who would ever feel that that character should be allowed to be that childs parent no matter how reformed he may some day be. And no one would be saying "ah come on it is just a show."

I know that's an extreem example but I wanted to make the point that even with a fictional show we all have our point where fiction or not we don't want to see it happen.

So some people can ignore the bad things EJ has done and just enjoy the drama with he and Sami. That is completely fine! But for some others the fictional line has been crossed with what EJ has done to Sami and her family. It doesn't mean they don't get that it is only a show. It just means they have a different tolerance level.

As for John... I don't think he is responsible for the plane problems. I think he just doesn't care. He was about to off himself a few days ago, I don't think he really is that concerned about anyone's life right now.
Oh my goodness...wasn't sure if it was bugging anyone else, but I can't stand it!! He looks so evil with it and that chin hair (maybe that's the point???). I wish he would get rid of it already!! :(

I also thought it was odd that John just said uh-oh when they hit that turbulence...I couldn't tell if he was acting like he was involved, or if it was just his normal no-emotion type of response. I could see where he might be involved, but then why does he try and fix the plane? Makes things very interesting... :evillaugh:

I totally agree, but what if he was just pretending to try and fix the plane. :confused:
I am really too sad that a Day Ahead summary which is mostly about a plane going to probably crash with half of Salem aboard, plus a relieved Sami being told she can finally leave the safe house.......was hi-jacked into a discussion on another issue entirely. In spite of the fact I asked specifically that it not go in that direction. I do not know why it was brought up to begin with, but I am really sorry so many of you found the summary itself so dull and uninteresting.
It takes a lot of my time to get up so early to watch and then write up the show, and then a lot more time to try and keep things running smoothly here on the board. I have a home and a business to run.....and I cannot be here 24/7 to referee. We have had this discussion on this board more times than I can count, people get upset, people get disgusted, people get angry. It has happened over and over and over. there is one post I probably should have deleted, as I know it set off several here, and tho the poster has apologized, I probably should have deleted it. I just thought my request would carry more weight than it did.

Well, it should have Poirot, and I for one (as I'm sure many others do) do appreciate everything you do on this board! This is the best place I have found to be able to chat and hear people's ideas and speculations about the show. Although I wasn't a member of this board yet when that subject first came up, I didn't even want to get into it today. Thanks for everything! :)
The victum wanted it sure sounds like an old rapist line. Let's blame the victum. Let's see, did she say no? The condition was to leave the man you love die by saying no. That is like saying a guy comes to your house and threatens to murder your kids in the next room if you scream or protest and then saying you must have wanted it because you didn't say no. Rape is rape. DOOL really screwed it up bad, but we don't have to make it worst by saying she wanted it. Let's have some respect for what rape is's not sex, it's power. Nothing gentlemenly about rape!!!

I totally agree!!

And to add to the list: the murder of Eve the cop that was doing his inside work at SPD.
All his black glove stuff, sending the notes to scare Sami, all the dangerous situations he put her in while pregnant, beating the stuffings out of Patrick (I know he was no good...but that was brutal), all the threats to Sami about Will, her family, what he did to Willow (didn't like her but that was just plain mean), torturing Steve, and--- we could go on all night.

If he's a gentleman....that's a big insult to a lot of gentle men!!

Will could be in a safe house. We don't know for sure who shot Ej. And what will happen if John gets his memory back and remembers who shot him, and just how much did he know about Ej then--he was investigating him at the time. And that DNA just may be the most messed with on record...and the babies could be Lucas'....too much is unknown right now....but, we know what they let us see..and that's enough to put him away.
He's much better at the "mind games" than Stefano...plenty of time for him to go right back...where he is much more interesting.

Sorry Poirot!!!! I was typing while you were, it seems. That is the biggest reason they need to get this s/l OVER...and quick!!

Back to the plane......
You are wrong. I am not a Lumi, but I am a Lucas fan.
It was directed toward the "rapemi" comment...that is the silly high school name thrown out there to do nothing but start crap. If Lucas and Sami fans like Lucas and Sami, that is great...but stop trying to bash EJ at every chance. Just love your couple. This is so **** old and people act so childish about it. We have gone over this numerous times! Can you take a break! Move. On.

I appreciate EJ taking an interest in Allie...(although if he didn't, people would fuss about him, and when he does, people fuss about it. The boy can't win!)...but if Sami senses something fishy about it, she has a right to tell EJ to back off.
EJ is Johnny's father and should stick to his son until he proves he is a decent father figure. Then Sami can change her mind, if she wants. I wish EJ would back off a bit from Sami and move on with his son.

Lucas is a poor example of a man/father to shoot another man in a fit of jealousy two steps from the mother of his children...not to mention leaving his newborns with a stranger.
EJ is a poor example of a man/father with some of the stuff he has done...but at least EJ recognizes what he was. Lucas is still blaming Sami.
In real life, all three of them would be in prison for something. No sense in arguing who is a better person...all of them are wretched at one point or another. It's a soap. They are supposed to do wretched things.

that is her opinion and to call out certain fan base is wrong imo
I am really too sad that a Day Ahead summary which is mostly about a plane going to probably crash with half of Salem aboard, plus a relieved Sami being told she can finally leave the safe house.......was hi-jacked into a discussion on another issue entirely. In spite of the fact I asked specifically that it not go in that direction. I do not know why it was brought up to begin with, but I am really sorry so many of you found the summary itself so dull and uninteresting.
It takes a lot of my time to get up so early to watch and then write up the show, and then a lot more time to try and keep things running smoothly here on the board. I have a home and a business to run.....and I cannot be here 24/7 to referee. We have had this discussion on this board more times than I can count, people get upset, people get disgusted, people get angry. It has happened over and over and over. there is one post I probably should have deleted, as I know it set off several here, and tho the poster has apologized, I probably should have deleted it. I just thought my request would carry more weight than it did.


Thank you for taking time out of your day to type these up Poirot!! I read your summaries every day, they are my little "guilty" pleasure since I don't have the time to watch days anymore.

Thanks! You are appreciated!
Poirot - out of respect for you, I won't respond or go there again.

I appreciate what you do...I say it everyday. I am indebted to you when I can't get my daily Days fix. I am sorry that we just can't let it go and that we have to repeat the same stuff over and over again. I promise you that I would never like to have this discussion again...but I can't stand it when I am antagonized. Forgive me, girl.
Poirot - out of respect for you, I won't respond or go there again.

I appreciate what you do...I say it everyday. I am indebted to you when I can't get my daily Days fix. I am sorry that we just can't let it go and that we have to repeat the same stuff over and over again. I promise you that I would never like to have this discussion again...but I can't stand it when I am antagonized. Forgive me, girl.
you weren't being antagonized but i let it go only for barb.
I am really too sad that a Day Ahead summary which is mostly about a plane going to probably crash with half of Salem aboard, plus a relieved Sami being told she can finally leave the safe house.......was hi-jacked into a discussion on another issue entirely. In spite of the fact I asked specifically that it not go in that direction. I do not know why it was brought up to begin with, but I am really sorry so many of you found the summary itself so dull and uninteresting.
It takes a lot of my time to get up so early to watch and then write up the show, and then a lot more time to try and keep things running smoothly here on the board. I have a home and a business to run.....and I cannot be here 24/7 to referee. We have had this discussion on this board more times than I can count, people get upset, people get disgusted, people get angry. It has happened over and over and over. there is one post I probably should have deleted, as I know it set off several here, and tho the poster has apologized, I probably should have deleted it. I just thought my request would carry more weight than it did.


Barb, you do a fantastic job and even though you and I don't agree on couples - you try to be fair which is not the case on all sites. I respect your board and love what you do with your recaps. :clap:

I love snarky John. I think he may have had something to do with the plane being tampered with but if he had nothing to do with it, I think I might love his new "tude" even more. It breaks up what I feel is a rather boring storyline.
:) Cheers. I didn't mean to make it all a big deal either. And yeah you are right... I can't think of a character on the show, except for maybe Alice, who wouldn't be doing a minimum of 3 to 5 in the local jail house. :)

How about Maggie? Caroline? and of course little claire who will be a screwed up adult someday after her early years. ROFL
Hey guys, I'm new here. I check the write ups everyday but never thought of joining. Anyway, I loove the new John too and I just wish Marlena would leave him alone a little bit..jeez, let the man breathe.
Hey guys, I'm new here. I check the write ups everyday but never thought of joining. Anyway, I loove the new John too and I just wish Marlena would leave him alone a little bit..jeez, let the man breathe.

welcome to the forum.
You are wrong. I am not a Lumi, but I am a Lucas fan.
It was directed toward the "rapemi" comment...that is the silly high school name thrown out there to do nothing but start crap. If Lucas and Sami fans like Lucas and Sami, that is great...but stop trying to bash EJ at every chance. Just love your couple. This is so **** old and people act so childish about it. We have gone over this numerous times! Can you take a break! Move. On.

I appreciate EJ taking an interest in Allie..(although if he didn't, people would fuss about him, and when he does, people fuss about it. The boy can't win!)...but if Sami senses something fishy about it, she has a right to tell EJ to back off.
EJ is Johnny's father and should stick to his son until he proves he is a decent father figure. Then Sami can change her mind, if she wants. I wish EJ would back off a bit from Sami and move on with his son.

Lucas is a poor example of a man/father to shoot another man in a fit of jealousy two steps from the mother of his children...not to mention leaving his newborns with a stranger.
EJ is a poor example of a man/father with some of the stuff he has done...but at least EJ recognizes what he was. Lucas is still blaming Sami.
In real life, all three of them would be in prison for something. No sense in arguing who is a better person...all of them are wretched at one point or another. It's a soap. They are supposed to do wretched things.

I think there is a difference in trying to be Allie's father and being a male figure in her life. I think it's healthy for the twins to spend time together as they grow with both sets of parents. EJ taking Allie to the zoo isn't saying he's her father. If Bo took Allie to the zoo that isn't saying he's her father,or whoever else. Lucas is in jail for what is percieved to be many years, it would only be natural that Allie would begin to look at EJ as a father figure, and like it or not Lucas did this to himself and if the shoe were on the other foot I'd be saying the same thing about EJ. It's not an EJ/Lucas issue at all. Plenty of kids have step parents and adopted parents, and can you believe they still get to go to the zoo??? I'm just curious of when Allie gets older and wants to go play with Johnny over at EJ's house for the day, or go to the park with EJ, what is the solution then? "No Allie you can't go, EJ is not your father"? That's really not fair for the twins.

You are absolutely right! Trying to argue who is the lesser of two evils is getting to the point where it's extremely silly. Many people here forget or attempt to justify the horrible actions of some to make light of another. It really does come entirely down to the fact that we love who we love and dislike who we dislike, end of story call it a day. There is no sense it trying to argue between the actions of EJ and Lucas, they are one in the same, regardless of what some might think. The way I see it, I'm watching a show where characters can change like the weather, and some do not seem to be keeping up with the change of course the show is taking. It's amazing what the slightest change in a character can do, I hated Chelsea when she first came on the show, then loved her, and now hate her again. It's the name of the game!!! It's almost like a boring hobby hating EJ, it's grown to be the same old song and dance from the same people time and time again. I don't understand what there is to be so bitter about, if you don't like the storyline with him and Sami hit fast foward, no one is forcing anyone to watch.
New poster!

I am a new poster to the forum, but I've been reading daily for a while now! I work 50+ hours every week taking care of patients, and I don't get a chance to watch days ever unless I skip work every now and then (shhh!)

Anyway, just wanted to give a HUGE thanks to Barb and the wonderful job she does at writing up these excellent recaps, I appreciate it so much and love getting my daily fix at 10:00 every evening! Thank you bunches, and keep up the great work!:clap:
I've been a little curious of John's time when out of Marlena's sight. First he disappeared for a short time from the B&B to go ouside and I remember Marlena asking where he was. I don't remember if she asked him when he returned and if she did what his reply was. Also comments were made by several family members about how long it was taking John in the cockpit when Marlena asked if he would check with the pilots on progress.
I really really don't want to think of John as a villian and trying to kill off all of the Bradys', but would he have had enough time to damage the fusalage during his first disappearance? Also, could he have put some kind of knock out drug in the pilots drink while in the cockpit? Afterall, Doc had plenty of drugs in her little bag. The pilots would not have noticed anything in their drink as they were not clued in to look for anything. Marlena saw the particles because she was asked to look.
It's just a thought but I don't think much on the line of him killing himself and the plane full of Brady's for failing his 'mission'. I'm looking for a different villian on the sabatoge plot. Now, who could it be??

I think he is questioning himself about certain memories he has. Once he said something to one of the pilots about keeping his family safe after they discussed with him that they had no radio and the instruments weren't working. He stopped short of leaving the cockpit and had a very curious look about his face as if to ask himself "where did that remark come from". He appears to be having emotions that are shocking him. He knows he has been programmed to be a certain type of person now and that programming is starting to fail.
I loved his little 'ut-oh' when the plane jolted. And that look when he wondered how he knew of air and turbulence. It seemed as if he knew something was amiss but kept his emotionless composure.
His feelings of love for his family are starting to show and he will have to save the plane from destruction. I don't think any amount of programming Stefano did can destroy that part of him. Discovering those emotions is becoming scary and confusing to him.

I do so enjoy coming to this site for my daily Days fix. Thank you Poirot for giving of yourself and daily life for giving us this enjoyment.
TO BARB: I'm a new member to this forum but have been reading your "day ahead" for years from a link on Dustin's page. It's a guilty pleasure of mine since I don't get to watch Days every day. I appreciate you taking time out of your life to do a favor for people that you don't even know.



John could possibly have had something to do with the plane problems & I think that's what the writers want us to do . . . speculate. That means the show is getting better!!!:woo:

I just thought about the woman that was standing outside the plane that Steve recognized. Could she have something to do with the plane problems? Also, how does Steve know anything about flying planes? (By the way, for the life of me, I can't remember what John called him when he told him to go tell the other passengers what was going on, but I thought I was gonna fall out of my seat laughing! It had something to do with his bad eye. I LOVE this snarky John!)

It almost seems to obvious that John might have something to do with the plane. Either that or he did it & now that his family is in danger, the "real John" is starting to come through to try & save them, almost like Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde.

I'm loving this storyline!
I doubt John is the one who drugged the pilots, afterall they all come back to salem...well except for Shawn, then again, if John was planning to just kill Shawn, how could he predict the circumstances under which Shawn dies? (lack of oxygen mask..)
(By the way, for the life of me, I can't remember what John called him when he told him to go tell the other passengers what was going on, but I thought I was gonna fall out of my seat laughing! It had something to do with his bad eye. I LOVE this snarky John!)

It almost seems to obvious that John might have something to do with the plane. Either that or he did it & now that his family is in danger, the "real John" is starting to come through to try & save them, almost like Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde.

I'm loving this storyline!

He called him Dead Eye. I was laughing too. Total lack of filter and so rude of a comment. I loved it! And I love how the cast just blows it they are scared to say something.