Days of Our Lives - Mon. July 8, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of our Lives
Monday, July 8, 2013

Rafe is coming out of a store in Horton Square, runs into Sami (who is wearing a black dress). She greets him, glad to know he is o.k. She is touching his face, he says he has to go. No, she doesn't want him to leave, but he just murmurs he has to go. He starts walking away, Sami says, no, no, I lost you once, I am not going to lose you again, takes out her gun and fires at him. Whoops, we are in Rafe's hospital room. He is coming out of his coma, dreaming, having nightmares. Kate & Gabi are there, questioning Kayla about what happens, when will be wake up, etc. etc. She explains it takes time, he will, maybe within the next hour. He may have a loss of memory, that might go back a few weeks, or 6 mos. or maybe even a year. Rafe is stirring, moving his head. We see him having another dream/nightmare. This time he is in bed with Kate, she is very scared, no one can ever know about us. She slips out of bed, and there is Stefano next to his bed, (we only see his back) plunging something down on Rafe. Once again, in real time, he jerks, Kayla realizes it is probably a nightmare. She leaves the room, Abe comes along to ask about Rafe's condition. She notes that if Rafe has a memory loss going back 6 mos., he won't remember being with Kate, and if it is a year, he won't remember divorcing Sami.

Meanwhile, Stefano is on a plane with Cecily, pouring wine, laughing, toasting, kissing, and glad to be going home. He gets a phone call, is aware of EJ's machinations, and laughs at the surprise that is coming for him. Ah, the plane begins it's approach to the Salem airfield.
EJ arrives home with a very happy Sami, (her pink dress looks like it belongs on a 5 yr. old...sorry, just my opinion) who is trilling about the kids loving their new day came, she is cleared of all charges, and is engaged to marry the man of her dreams. Kiss, Kiss. EJ gets a call from Justin about trouble in re: the takeover. He cuts Justin short, goes back to Sami who says her father just called, they are bringing Rafe out of the coma. EJ suggests she go see him, assures her he is not jealous man, thinks it a good idea. (Actually, he cannot wait to get her out of there). She leaves, he calls Justin, tells him to get over there now. Justin lets him know Mr. Shin is waffling again, and the London folks are putting off the vote again. Justin arrives, Mr. Sheffield from London calls, EJ schmoozes him with a new role within the company. Justin has been gather info, hands it to EJ, who calls Mr. Shin, starts schmoozing him, then brings up the man's son, who is applying to a rather prestigious school. Seems EJ knows advisory board members, can make a couple calls. In a few minutes, each man gets a phone call, short. They grin at each other. Fait accompli. It is done, EJ now controls the DiMera empire, and, because Stefano put the house in the name of one of his companies for tax purposes, EJ now owns the house as well.

JJ & Rory meet by the lake, evidently JJ ditched study hall to come. They are blathering about their little business, when JJ spots Theresa, just out of the lake from a swim. His eyes pop out, as do Rory's , but Rory soon leaves. JJ tries coming on to her, but she talks again of him sharing his stash with her. He claims that is only for friends, and he doesn't even know her name. She tells his Theresa, but no last name. He grins, "like Beyonce", I get it. He is trying for more info, phone number, Facebook page. She brushes him off and leaves. He gets a call from his mother, who tells him to get to her office, NOW.

Jen has run into Daniel at the coffee shop. She starts making small talk, asking about Rafe first, then Parker. (seems Daniel took him to see Chloe for the first time, she is doing much better). She then asks about his 4th of July, and Daniel calls a halt to all this. She cannot have it both ways. She asked him to take a break, she can't have innocent little chats. They go on and on about JJ, his problems, Jen's guilt, JJ manipulating her. She knows what JJ is doing, but she has to try and help him. Daniel understands JJ needs help, but he, Daniel, is not the problem.

JJ comes to Jen's office, where she lays down the law. He is not going to say a word, not try to make excuses, she will be the only one to talk. She goes on about the shop lifting, the punishment, but evidently that was not enough for him. he ditches school, tries to lie again. So,no more anything. phone, TV, no inappropriately aged women in her home, in fact no friends of his at all. None. And no more lunch money, he can brown bag it. He protests that no one brings a lunch. She says no one shoplifts either, and he can either pack a lunch or starve. His choice. He leaves.
He returns, having forgotten his backpack, and there sits Theresa behind his mother's desk. Jennifer comes in, sees Theresa, is not happy with JJ. He protests he just returned for his backpack and she was there. Theresa grins. I'm your new assistant. Cue Jen to look shocked, while Theresa smirks.

Sami has arrived at the hospital, runs into Kate in the waiting area. They have words, Kate warns her Rafe might be a bit disoriented. Sami brags of saving his life, he would want her there. Kate reminds her he doesn't know that.. He is her ex-huband, practically a father to her kids, Sami flounces off to the room anyway. She goes in, Gabi welcomes her, Sami seems a bit taken aback at seeing Rafe without all the apparatus attached. Daniel is in the room, as is Abe. Rafe is stirring again, and finally, opens his eyes. He sees Gabi, smiling. His eyes move to Kate, to Abe, and then to Sami. His monitor starts beeping like mad, Sami seems to be creating this reaction. She is ushered out, but protests. Daniel talks to her out in the hall, explaining Rafe's condition. Daniel had already talked of how Rafe's body suffered a great deal of trauma, and he will have to undergo a lot of therapy.Kate asked if he would be able to walk, Daniel said right now he cannot even stand.
Sami wants to go back in the room, but Daniel refuses. Rafe pulse and heart rate had gone way up with her there, and went to normal with her gone, he will not allow her in there until he deems it will not create another reaction like this. She finally agrees.

EJ sits in DiMansion study, smoking a cigar as Stefano enters, so happy to be back home. EJ asks Cecily to talk to his father privately, Stefano sends her to "powder her nose". Cecily takes a bottle of wine, a glass, kisses Stef and goes off, will see him in a bit. She leaves. Stefano smiles. It is so good to be home. EJ gets up, waves his cigar a bit, says it is good, isn't it. But don't get too comfy. When your friend returns, I want you both out of MY house. Stefano chuckles. What a joke that is.
I watched the show today because of Rafe…It was awesome to see those gorgeous big brown eyes of Rafe's open and Sami sure can't hide her feelings for Rafe. I wanted to scream when Daniel, Jennifer, and JJ were on talk about BORING!!!!! I laughed when Kate had the sheet tucked into her bra talk about sexy Hahaha...
He probably already transferred all the holdings, or the majority of them, into another corporation. Plus he knows Justin is involved, so, that will be an uh, oh, as well. That is speculation on my part, strictly speculation.
EJ fuming to Stefano's portrait - wasn't that thrilling :rolleyes:. EJ as a cut-throat business man, :rotfl: . Sami looked like a bottle of pepto bismol, which is exactly what I need after suffering through that stomach churning conversation between Dan and Jen. Kate sure had pepto's number today. She told her all of the ugly truths about the decisions she's made regarding her relationship with Rafe, but like always Sami heard nothing. I wonder if she ever gets tired of the sound of crickets chirping between her ears. Show of hands, who thinks pepto is going to swipe a pair of scrubs and sneak back in to Rafe's room. Who will cause Jen to flatline first, JJ or her new assistant?
Those little dream sequences of Rafe's were just a heads up by the writers to let everyone know where they're headed. Rafe will think he's in love with Kate, and he'll want nothing to do with Sami. Can I say the d-word here because that's how I feel about this Rafe/Kate nonsense.
I don't know where Jen is getting her parenting advice from but it just seems wrong and counterproductive. I can't see how talking to your son with so much vitriol is going to help things.

Maybe when Stefano gets rid of EJ he can go back to his role as Dr Phil.
That kid is going to end up in juvenile detention. And why is it that Abby is not in the least clued in partially to what he has been up to. Friday we left everyone at the lake, and today they are all gone, JJ is back in school, Justin is back at work.
JJ doesn't care one iota what his mother doles out as punishment. He will continue to do as he pleases, when he pleases.
Wonder if JJ has showed her those receipts for all those books and school supplies Jen supposedly gave him money to buy. And has there been any report cards sent out yet?

In Rafe's dreams, in both cases he was being killed. Sami was saying she "lost him once, is not going to do so again". Maybe those monitors going off were because "he loves her still".
(Sorry folks, I cannot stand him with Kate, so I try to think the opposite. However, I am guessing that because the pairing of Kate & Rafe is not all that popular, that is exactly why it will continue under these writers.
Now I'm second-guessing my earlier comment about the writers' intent with Rafe. Could Rafe know sub-consciously what Stefano had planned for him and that Sami saved him. He dreamt of being in bed with Kate, Stefano standing over him with his arms coming down, and Sami shooting him. If things go south for Sami, could Rafe end up saving her again?