Monday, February 18th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, February 18, 2008

Episode #10,764 Taped 1/25 Director – Herb Stein

This episode is rather difficult to see, as it is dark, dark, dark. In spite of the snow, in spite of what we see is a full moon. Note to Days: When you have a full moon over a snow covered landscape, it is almost like daylight outside. LOL

The plane has landed, and broken up. Debris is scattered everywhere. It is very still and quiet. We see a flashlight, and the figure of what appears to be a man, walking around, shining the flashlight on the various passengers, all out cold on the ground. Steve, then Chloe, Philip, Marlena…….we hear a moan. It is Belle. The figure is John, who goes over to her, Shawn comes to, Belle is calling for Claire, who pops up from under a blanket, not a scratch on her. Belle tells John to watch Claire, she is going to check on her mother, while Shawn goes to look for his folks. John protests that he cannot watch this munchkin, lol, but Claire looks up at him with such trust, asking for juice. He laughs, and is going to find some juice for her, and some for him (adult juice) as well. He find some, talks to her about what they have to do next. She says, go home. He tells her maybe this is going to be home, and if so, they will probably have to build an igloo. The exchanges between these two are really great. He wonders if she has ever lived in an igloo, nope. Belle finds her mother, who is bleeding from a cut on her forehead, but Marlena tells her to go help others, she is fine. Shawn finds Hope, who has come to, but Bo is out cold. Kayla comes to, crying over her pop. Shawn finds Kayla, who tells him Pop did not make it, and how he gave up his oxygen to help save them all. He was her hero all his live, and was one with his dying breath.

Belle finds Chloe, gets her awake. She has a cut but is o.k. Philip wakes up, Belle leaves. Chloe & Philip exchange a few words, he thinks his leg is smashed. She panics, but he says it is his prosthetic leg, trapped under some heavy debris. A few scenes ensue with Chloe trying to lift it so he can get out. He finally decides he has to unstrap it,. And then help her lift it.

At the police station, Max has taken Caroline home, having promised to call her with updates. Abe is unable to get any further info on the plane, other than it disappeared off radar. Chelsea wonders if Stefano had anything to do with this, Lexie assures everyone he is still in a coma, but Max goes off on Lexie, saying who knows if things are continuing as before. Maybe EJ is taking over. Lexie reminds him EJ is the one who turned Stefano in, but Max tells her that he came to town under Stefano’s instructions to wreak havoc on his family, and that her whole family is evil. He goes out for air, and later apologizes to Lexie. He talks of his bio father being so bad, and worrying that his blood is still coursing thru his veins. Lexie knows what he is feeling, tells him they are both lucky they weren’s raised by their fathers. She says she got talked into doing some despicable things by him, but luckily the values and morals instilled in her by her aunt & uncle kicked in. Max goes back to the girls. Chelsea talks of the last time she saw her father, and how he was disappointed in her. Max comforts Stephanie who is moaning about how they all thought their lives were back on track and they could rest easy. Now something bad happens again. Max comforts her, they kiss. Abe comes out of his office, looking very solemn. He reports that the FAA has come to the conclusion the plane has gone down. Rescue planes have been sent to the vicinity of Greenland, where they were last seen on radar.

Back at the crash site, John finds Marlena, who says she has a dislocated shoulder. He thinks she can tend to herself, but she tried, it did not work, and she needs his help. She needs him to pull and rotate, he thinks that will hurt, yes it will, do not mind her screaming. So John tries a few times to no avail, Marlena insists he try again, he does, it works, she breathes a sigh of relief. Hope has been unable to get Bo to come to, then realizes he has stopped breathing. She has told Shawn about learning just before the crash that Bo is ill….. Shawn gets no pulse, and both are trying CPR, but it is not working.
Kayla has found the unconscious Steve, and is unable to bring him to. She talks to him, finally telling him she is pregnant, he needs to come to, she needs him, the baby needs him. She is crying and sobbing, and finally Steve barely calls out “Sweetness”. He asks if some spirit told him he got her pregnant, she smiles thru tears, yes they have made a baby. It hurts to breathe, he says, she figures he probably has some broken ribs. John comes by, Steve thanks him for landing the plane, John says he could not have done it without him, and says “thank you, wingman”. Kayla asks John to get Marlena’s medical bag, and some blankets, he does and returns with them. She goes to examine Steve’s chest, and he gasps, barely able to croak out that he cannot breathe. She thinks he has punctured a lung, tells him to take short breaths. John is sitting alone, when Belle once more tells him to watch Claire, she has to go. John protests, but laughs at Claire, telling her he was saving this for a screwdriver (container of orange juice) but she can have it, he will just drink his juice plain.

Marlena has found Hope and Shawn attempting to revive Bo, goes back to the plane, finding a defibrillator. They attach it to Bo. John tells Claire that she is going to like this, and shoots a flare into the sky. As it lights up the whole area with a red glow, Claire remarks how pretty. We see the various passengers in a much better light now. It takes a couple of jolts of the defibrillator, with Bo not responding, before we finally hear a big sigh from him, he is breathing again, pulse is strong. John is looking up at the sky, as Belle asks him what they do if this doesn’t work. John replies, I guess then we have to build an igloo. Right, Claire? Kayla grimaces in pain. Oh, no, it is the baby.

Thanks, Barb.

It looks like John has a heart after all. I don't think it will be long before our boy is back. I just hope he keeps that wry sense of humor.
Thanks once again for a great write up. I can't wait to watch this show. John is still our John no matter what. I hope that he keeps this dry wit that he has now. I love the parts where he is watching Claire ,he does still have a heart no matter what Stefano does to him. I tape the show each day now so if I can watch again when I get home from work. I am lucky because I can watch it at my lunch hour also but I always miss bits of it. Days needs to keep these new writers they are doing a great job everyday.:smile: The name is Bond, John Bond
Thanks for the write up. Again the screen was so dark I could only make out the audio. Hopefully the lighting will improve. It was so well done with Bo and the Defib. Anxious to see tomorrow what happens with Kayla's baby. Love the way John was with Claire.
DJM...glad it was not only me that was frustrated by the non-lighting. It was very badly lit, and anyone living in an area with a lot of snow on the ground knows that when there is a full moon, it really reflects off the snow, making it very bright...and bright enough to see.
Oh, they are really cute. I loved it, John laughed in a couple places. Claire grinned at him.

Oh, gotta tell you all this. At the beginning when John is walking around alone, he wonders where he is, it is all snow and so cold, and asks aloud if it is the North Pole. Then starts calling Santa Claus, saying he was a good boy all year, and could he gift him with a brand new airplane, as his old one got broken up a bit. LOL
John and Clarie

That part really sounds good and I can't wait to watch it....Pop Shawn is gone and another veteran leaves the show....Opens the door for Victor and Caroline......And I can't wait until Sami and EJ get together......If they do........Stephanie's acting is getting really good now.....I think Chelsea over acts.......JMO.......Max too........Again JMO.......Ok enough from me today......Thanks Barb for the great job you do.........
Then starts calling Santa Claus, saying he was a good boy all year, and could he gift him with a brand new airplane, as his old one got broken up a bit. LOL

Maybe he'll get his wish, Stephano in a coma, no Dimeria's claiming that fortune... we all know he wants it. A new plane ain't such a bad idea.

Especially bc John and Marlena fly all over all the time...

**tear** As I will be missing this epi too!
I just hope that Kayla doesn't lose the baby. I mean with the death of Pop and all the horrible things that have happen and that will undoubtedly begin to happen again once we find out what the mystery woman is all about a little joy could do a lot of healing.

This is just so heartbreaking....
Oh, they are really cute. I loved it, John laughed in a couple places. Claire grinned at him.

Oh, gotta tell you all this. At the beginning when John is walking around alone, he wonders where he is, it is all snow and so cold, and asks aloud if it is the North Pole. Then starts calling Santa Claus, saying he was a good boy all year, and could he gift him with a brand new airplane, as his old one got broken up a bit. LOL

North pole and Santa, that's funny. :) NuJohn is pretty funny in a dry sort of way. The scenes with Claire sound really cute. There's nothing like a grandchild to soften one! Even a grandchild one doesn't remember. Too bad that Claire is leaving just as she's starting to be able to really interact with people!

I hope they blend this NuJohn with old John as he gets his memory back.
ha! they find Marlena's bag amonst wreckage. how neat and orderly! And why does MARLENA always carry the bag - she's a shrink, Kayla is an ER doc! GEEZ. At least John doesn't call Marlena DOC anymore. That was so freakin annoying.
one more thing - Salem is supposed to be near Chicago (I remember that from when Steve drove from Chicago to Salem very quickly before he got his memory back). I have actually flown from Chicago to Ireland before - we had to go through Atlanta, so I'm kinda wondering how they ended up in Greenland? Only in Days-land!
I can't wait to see the John and Claire scenes!!

Me too!

Wouldn't it be something if it is his interaction with Claire that brings back his memory. Nothing like the purity of a child to crack through any shell. Ole Steffie didn't count on Claire!

I only hope that they keep this dry witted John. I could do without all the mushiness the old John had with Marlena. I like how he calls her Blondie. Makes Marlena more human. Athough I like the bas@$$ Marlena too!

She's giving it back to him as good as she is getting it from him!
Maybe he'll get his wish, Stephano in a coma, no Dimeria's claiming that fortune... we all know he wants it. A new plane ain't such a bad idea.

Especially bc John and Marlena fly all over all the time...

**tear** As I will be missing this epi too!

Tis ok, you can catch it on youtube, most of the recent episodes ever since John came back are up on there. Toodles.:)
GeorgiaBelle, you don't have to go through Atlanta to get to Ireland. You must have flown Delta. Had you flown United out of Chicago you probably could have gotten there non-stop. It just depends on the airline from where to where. Delta is based out of Atlanta. United is based out of Chicago and so is American I believe.
My memory bank is letting me recall bits and pieces. LOL. You are all gonna crack up.
John says to Claire....You really do like your juice, don't you? And Claire responds."That's a fact". I cracked up completely, and John gives her this odd look. It was sooooo perfect!