Days of Our Lives - Tues.Oct. 29, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, october 29, 2013

A days of mostly confontational conversations. Kristen is on the phone with Stefano, talking of her wedding tomorrow, learning Stefano won't be there as he is going to Boston with Chad. She considers postponement, he won't hear of it. Kristen goes to visit Chad, is disappointed he won't be at the wedding, Brady pops in, Chad wishes them both well.

Brady meets up with Sami, asking her to be his best man, and letting her know that EJ has already agreed to stand with Kristen, yep, maid of honor. Both laugh. They talk about how she hates Kristen, doesn't trust her, he feels the same about EJ, but both don't give a hoot what anyone thinks about them each marrying a DiMera. Chatter about the good, bad and ugly of doing so. Sami brings up the bad stuff Kristen has done, asks about John coming to the wedding, cannot believe he would not be there. Brady brushes it aside, says something about EJ trying to kill.....Sami interrupts, saying that is ancient history. (Huh? Kristen's past mischief is even more ancient, but tis o.k. to talk of that, but not EJ's crimes. Egads!) More chit chat, stick together, she is his stepsister, best friend.

Nicole is in the park, remembering Eric accusing her of raping him. She goes to the capital city and visits Martha the desk clerk in her apt. She tries to get Martha to see how wrong she was, but Martha won't back down. She knows Father Eric had something terrible happen to him, and she only told him what she saw. Nicole tries to point out the errors in her thinking, even bringing up the fax she tried to send, and called about, but Martha doesn't remember that. Nicole is trying to point out time frame, being on phone with her, so could not be strutting around the lobby in a disguise at the same time. Martha says Nicole could have been calling from anywhere, but she doesn't remember anything, was long ago. Nicole notes that Martha seems able to identify her particularly, even tho a disguise was worn, Martha threatens to call police, so Nicole leaves. We next see her on a bench in the square, bursting into tears. Kristen just happens to be passing and stops when she sees her.

Cameron visits Chad, hears about him telling all to Abby, calls him a pig, they argue a bit about Chad's telling a lie, and now Abby is mad at Cameron. They argue a bit, Cam leaves, returns later to say he talked to the doctor in Boston, who has all Chad's records, is up to speed, and will schedule Chad's surgery as soon as Chad gets there and he can examine him. Chad wants Cam to make an agreement not to make a move on Abby while he is gone. Cam gets ticked, says Chad tells a lie to get Cam to back off. If he hadn't, Abby would not have jumped into bed so quickly with Chad. Guess who is standing in the doorway? Yep, Tis Abby. Both guys look uncomfortable.

Earlier, Abby had run into Hope in the square, chit chat about JJ being home, slept in his own bed last night, but Abby hasn't seen him yet, he was still sleeping. (And Abby has such important things to do rather than stay home...I mean there is the non-job, the non-school, the non-volunteering. Maybe she had to check out a shoe sale??? :sarcasm:)
Hope sits with her, they talk about Chad, Abby thinks she & Chad have maybe made a mistake. Hope gives wise advise, all will work out in the end is the final comment.

Lucas is having breakfast with Allie, joking around with her. She mentions having left her earbuds at Mom's, but there is EJ, bringing them to her. Lucas sends Allie to the kitchen with Gramma Caroline, as EJ sits down, drinks the juice and eats the pancakes, while talking to Lucas about Allie. He says he is there as Sami's attorney, mentions the custody agreement, Lucas doesn't give a whit. He is worried about Allie's safety. EJ mentions the law, Lucas doesn't care what the law says, and now EJ brings out the tape recorder, on which he has recorded Lucas not caring about the custody agreement, or the law. Won't look good in family court, which makes allowances for things like recording conversations. EJ leaves, Maggie has arrived. Lucas is glad to see her, naturally she wants to know what is going on. She says if there was danger to the children, wouldn't Sami be concerned and move them? Lucas doesn't know, Sami seems to believe Ej will see to it. She believes everything he says.

Maggie gets a call, goes to the side, Lucas calls Sami, tells her EJ said he could keep Allie another night, wanted to be sure it was o.k. Sami is all cheerful, but realizes EJ evidently talked with Lucas enough, that Lucas is bringing Allie back tomorrow, instead of not bringing her back at all. She says it will be fine, then goes over to where EJ is working on his computer, asking what he said to Lucas. Did you threaten him?

Father Eric is in the church, praying, gets up to leave, Father Matt arrives. They have one of their confusing conversations, wherein ERic beats around the bush, and Father Matt tries to make sense of it. He wonders if whatever is troubling Eric warrants confession. He doesn't know. They sit and talk, as Father Matt asks questions and ERic gives his non-answers. Eric doesn't know if he did something he shouldn't have willingly, or if something was done to him. Father Matt actually asks if this perhaps concerns Kristen. Eric is stunned, but Father Matt says he knows she has been there often, pre-cana and all that, and also knows how Kristen tried to kill his mother.
Eric insists that is not the case, it is not Kristen. Finally, Father Matt leaves Eric to mull over things on his own. Eric goes to his office, sits, looks at the papers for the DiMera/Black wedding, as Brady comes bounding in. Eric jumps up, shuts the door, Brady is asking what is up? Eric says he just wants the truth.
How cold-hearted of John to still harbor resentments over EJ's attempt to kill him. After all, in Salem, a past murder attempt is usually no bar to later cordial relations between the parties involved. For example, EJ socializes with Will who once tried to kill him and is about to marry the woman who once put a bullet in his head. Similarly, Chad appears to harbor no ill feelings about Brady ordering a Kiriakis thug to shoot him, and poor Father Eric has buried any qualms he might have had about performing a marriage involving the moral monster who once tried to kill his mother. Really, John should get over himself and appear at the joyfully festive Kristen-Brady nuptials. :sarcasm: As for Chad, his DMera powers of recuperation are remarkable. He recently received two near-fatal bullet wounds and is now scheduled for serious surgery, but he still has enough vitality to demand that Cameron stay away from the great romantic prize that is ex-stalker Abigail. Finally, kindly Father Matt must be shaking his head over young, modern priests. It's doubtful that in days gone by, he ever had to counsel any young cleric with as complicated a history as confused Father Eric.
Lucas children have drank the Dimera poisonous juice

Sami and Brady as best buds...Very fitting for the Cretins step-siblings

Sami remains an idiot with the IQ of a chihuahua...Glad Brady threw Ej's past in her face.. She is such an hypocritical snot.

It looks at if a kid just throw this Episode together.. It was boring
Kristen is so selfish the way she was so irritated at Stefano and Chad for ruining her wedding plans. She softened up later when talking to Chad but the way she spoke to Stefano over the phone was ridiculous.

Why do I get the feeling Sami will actually thank EJ for blackmailing Lucas into maintaining the custody arrangement. You know, she'll probably be angry at first and they will argue about it but that will undoubtedly lead to angry sex and all will be better after that. :sick:

I was hoping there would be another confrontation between Eric and Nicole. It just seemed like they were marking time today with this storyline. Nicole visiting Martha was pointless. I suppose Eric will tell Brady his assumptions about Nicole. This storyline can't end soon enough.

I wish I could enjoy the sibling bonding between Sami and Brady but they are both so stinkin' dumb I just can't. Are they even paying attention to what the other is saying? Sami tells Brady that Kristen will never change and Brady says the same about EJ and yet both vehemently disagree with the other saying their precious beloveds have turned over a new leaf. Gad, make it stop! :beat:
My bet is Lucas will lay low a bit... But when Kristen's fiasco comes to light.. That would give him more ammunition as to the kind of freaks that her daughter is living with in that Mansion of horrors.. Lucas will win if Sami and Ej decide to play it out!

I MUST admit Maggie's hair looks great today!
So, a few of my thoughts :

- Eric : SPEAK UP AND TRY TO MAKE SENSE, YOU DIMWIT ! I'm so tired of the cryptic words and phrases coming out of his mouth. And, oh, no chance the good father would have asked father Matt if he had indeed asked Nicole not to speak about the night he was "ill". Nooooooo. I kept waiting for him to bring it up, since father Matt was on. Wow. This is beyond, and I mean, way beyond frustrating. :beat:

- While I hate this Martha person, she was right about one thing : Did Nicole have to barge in and make threats ? Great way to get what you want... NOT ! Another stupid move by the writers in a stupid/gross storyline.

- EJ : He's a wimp. And I bet Sami will be over the blackmail in a heartbeat. And... did EJ actually EAT ALLIE'S BREAKFAST ? :mad:

- Lucas : Love you man, but do stand up and don't back down.

- ridiculous, pathetic Abigail, Chad, Cameron : :zzz:

- Brady, Sami : brainless as ever, don't care, FF everything.

- Kristen : :mad::sick:
- Maggie : BUTT OUT !

And finally, the things I wish I never heard ever again on Days :

"EJ/Kristen has changed"
" Sami is a good mother"
It's surprising that Lucas didn't fall over laughing when Elvis Junior said that he was acting as Sami's attorney. EJ's record as an attorney is pathetically bad, and if he actually had to earn a living representing real clients, he'd quickly starve to death. As for the recording, Lucas should call EJ's foolish bluff. No judge would care a whit about Lucas's comments after learning that Allie has been living with the notorious Stefano and the monstrous Kristen in a house that's been the scene of violent confrontations, assorted shootings and homicides, and in the past had prison cells and a mad doctor's laboratory in the basement. In fact, the judge might want a psychiatric examination of Allie to make sure that she hasn't suffered any mental harm from living in this vile DiMera environment.
When did Brady try to get chad shot?
It was back when a drunken, drug-addled Brady declared war on all things DiMera, particularly EJ. When a Kiriakis gunman reported that he had Chad in his sights, Brady said to go ahead and shoot. Afterwards, nobody blamed Brady, and in fact continued to regard him a great guy until he began his descent into imbecility by taking up with the perverse Kristen.
Sami became Brady's "best friend" when he kicked REAL best friend Nicole to the curb for trying to protect his dumb _ (intentionally left blank lol). Sami will booted back to just "stepsister" if Nicole decides to forgive the jerk when he comes crawling back to her.

I really dislike (mildly putting it) how the writers ALWAYS have Lucas back down to EJ and Sami. So what, he threatened to take Allie out of the country. I'm sure a family court judge would look just as disapprovingly at Sami deciding to go on the run with a wanted criminal and abandoning all of her kids last year during the DAYSASTER. Yes EJ and Sami were both cleared, but they were attempting to flee the country. How I wish it had come out during the trial this summer that EJ was in possession of FAKE PASSPORTS for him, Sami, and the kids, including Allie. He had every intention of leaving the country with Lucas' child. To all of this I say :rolleyes:.

Hoping something big happens at Brady/Kristen wedding that will make Lucas see once and for all that he needs to get Allie away from EJ and his deluded family, which now includes Sami.
Heck, Sami herself sent Allie out of the country to Lucas to keep her safe when the DiMeras put that fake Rafe in her home and bed. And EJ did not have much thought for his own children when he did that. EJ had better be careful or both he & Sami could lose custody of THEIR children.
Thanks for the summary. That hairdo Abigail has makes it look like her head is from the Sigourney Weaver movie, Alien.
Awful and boring show today. Maggie being words. Nice to see Lucas, but why did he give in to EJ? Could care less about the young love triangle. It's so bad! Eric beating around the bush is getting on my nerves. So done with Kristen/Brady and Sami. Poor Nicole!

On another note, nice break from Jennifer and the gang.