Days of Our Lives - Tues., Aug. 5, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Abby is sitting in the square, Clyde spots her, is about to go over, when Adrienne joins Abby, so Clyde just eavesdrops instead. Adrienne is sorry Sami is causing Abby all this trouble, but Abby seems to handling it. They talk, Clyde listens, seems satisfied with what he learned and leaves.
Sami is on the phone with the infamous Mr. Shin, who seems pleased with all that Sami & Kate are doing. Kate arrives in her robe, smiling at hearing Sami's end of the conversation. When Sami hangs up, Sami fills her in on her latest plans for divesting DiMera Enterprises of it's excess baggage at a profit, Kate is not all that pleased. She figures, after looking the file over, that the wrath of Stefano will definitely descend upon her, but Sami isn't worried. They talk of Jordan being so upset with Sami's news yesterday, Kate is purring. Sami laughs at her, ridiculing the mere idea that Rafe would now be ready to resume a relationship with Kate. But Kate realizes that Sami thinks Rafe would be coming to her. Sami notes confidently that she was the love of Rafe's life, and figures he never got over her, Jordan was just a crutch for him.

Rafe is at the Club, looking for Jordan. Ben tells him how upset Jordan was yesterday, that Sami said something that really upset her. Rafe leaves, goes to see Jordan at the hospital. But Jordan is not in the mood. However, she gives him a few minutes, makes him tell her again that yes, he was drunk, she knows he was upset about Gabi. He is sorry, too bad. She goes on about how he wanted to know all about her and she was ready to tell him, no more secrets, no lies, just honest, and then he does this. (But WHEN did you tell him Jordan, ???) He is saying he loves her, she doesn't believe him, not at all. Sami was right. Jordan mutters something Sami said about Rafe not really caring about Jordan, and then takes off.

Sonny goes to see Victor, thanking him for asking that editor to take a look at Will's work, but now wanting Vic to tell that editor not to have Will do this story on what happened with DiMera Enterprises. Vic refuses, tells Sonny that Will is a good writer, and if he loves him, to trust Will's judgement. He wonders how things would go if Will found out Sonny's part in Will getting the job, and then that he tried to have the lst assignment taken away. When Vic mentions "cover story" Sonny realizes that Victor probably asked the editor to do a story on the takeover. But tho Victor doesn't deny it, he did not say Will should write it. That was the editor herself, and Sonny should trust Will's judgement.

Adrienne goes to see Sami, who figures she is there to defend her niece, tells Adrienne to give her a minute, then begins asking about Adrienne's friendship with Kayla, how close they are, when she has problems, she would want to talk to Kayla first. And that is how Sami felt about Abby, that they were beginning to be friends like that. How she was there to hold Abby's hand when she thought she was pregnant.......with my husband's child. And now Sami starts talking of a time when Justin & Adrienne were having problems, he moved out, was living at the club. Sami did not want to be the one to do this..she goes to her desk, takes out a brown envelope, saying that she is sure Kayla & Justin never meant to hurt Adrienne, whose face falls. She doesn't believe it. Sami shoves the envelope at her, here is the proof.

Will has asked EJ to come over, tells him he was pretty upset when he heard about what EJ had done, but he has been thinking of all the good things EJ has done for him, for his siblings, so wants to hear what EJ has to say. Oh, EJ is happy Will is even talking to him, blathers about how he intends to stay married to Sami, they are a family still, after all they share children which makes a tight unit. (He actually says this to Will who is Lucas' son). But then he adds that he considers Will & Allie part of his family as well. And he knows Stefano is going to have his own revenge, and that is when he is going to have to protect Sami and the children. Will thanks him, EJ leaves, and Will picks up his phone, which has recorded every word.
Sonny returns, Will is writing but having a difficult time, he has had some second thoughts, doesn't know if he should continue. Sonny says maybe he can call the editor, say he can't do it. Will gets a phone call, tis Adrienne, who is furious with Sami. She tells of going to talk to her, tells how Sami blackmailed Kayla into getting Abby to resign, or else Kayla would be forced to fire her, tells how Sami tried to insinuate that Justin & Kayla were having an affair, admitted she made it up, but wanted Adrienne to know how she felt. Sami has to be stopped. Will hangs up, Sonny comes out and Will says he changed his mind...he is doing the story.

Kate runs into EJ, tells him how they are unloading the refinery in Houston, EJ is sputtering is protests, he needs the money for....Kate interrupts. For what? You don't have a job, a home, or a family. What would you need money for, you have nothing to spend it on. She walks off, EJ goes to see Victor. All jovial now, EJ wants to hook up with Victor, who hopes EJ did not take his previous offer seriously. Oh, EJ knows how to make those DiMera companies that Vic just acquired make lots of money. Just wants to know if Victor is in.

Ben is with Abby in the park, has talked to someone, and heard about a few jobs, so maybe Abby can check on them, gives her some papers. She looks them over, laughing about the pastry chef one, a couple others, then sees one for PR and marketing, and sounds right up her alley. She thanks him, they kiss, he tells her she will be a success at whatever, she is smart, beautiful, etc. More kissing, she looks up, is startled, taken aback, as there stands Clyde.

In Rome, Eric is asleep, having a fantasy of Nicole being in bed with him. he wakes up alone. He answers the door to find a papal assistant making sure he was awake and getting ready for his appointment. Eric is getting dressed, fantasy of Nicole arriving at his door, halter top, asking is she looks appropriate to see the pope. He has another fantasy, gets upset with himself. The papal asst. returns, telling him it is time. Eric is all dressed in suit and tie, takes a moment to pray, asking God to help him stop these visions. He gets up, spots a picture of the angel Gabriel coming to tell the pregnant Mary not to be afraid, God is with her. Eric smiles, figures all will be o.k. now. He opens the door, and there stands Nicole, looking lovely in a black dress with a multi strand pear choker around the high neck.

Jordan runs into Kate in the square. Kate begins babbling at how that one night stand was her fault, blah, blah. Jordan isn't buying any of it, says Kate has been lying to her since Days 1. Kate calls her Jordan, "or whatever her name is".

Henderson comes in, telling Sami that Rafe Hernandez is at the door. Show him in. She looks at herself in the mirror, smoothing her hair, giving a satisfied grin, tells herself "I knew he would come". She enters the study where Rafe is standing. She smiles......
Hello, Rafe.
I got a business call right when Sami shoved the envelope at Adrienne with proof. I did not see what happened after that, but when Adrienne was on the phone with Will she said Sami had made it up, admitted it. I have no idea what was in the envelope, or if Adrienne even opened it. Or if contained Johnny's homework. LOL
Great show today. They sure got us with that Sami Adrienne scene. I almost thought we were in for a hell of a storyline. It was chilling when Sami told her to duck. What is Sami's next move? Someone is going to get hurt here.

Sami's wedding pictures were in the envelope, I think.
What you missed was this: Sami tries to put the envelope back in the drawer, but Adrienne snatches the envelope away, and sees it is just wedding photos. Sami says she tried to get Adrienne to be in her shoes, understand why she hates Abby, they have words and Adrienne leaves.
Good show today. Sami was hilarious thinking Rafe never got over her. She showed him her true colors and he walked away with his head held high.

I felt bad for Jordan. But I hope that she sticks to her guns and is done with Rafe. Not because Rafe is a horrible person (though he did something bad) but because I don't want to take anymore naps while they are onscreen.

Clyde felt so out of place in this episode. I really liked Abby's scenes but I am just tired of the same ol' conversations he has with everyone. Boring.

I'm glad we got to see Adrienne. I actually liked her in this episode. And while Sami did make me feel for her a bit, she is still such a witch!

Victor gets line of the day today: "Did you marry Will or adopt him?!" :rotfl: but seriously Sonny needs to leave Will alone. I am enjoying devious William.

Eric scenes...snorefest!
Why did Adrienne even buy into Sami's lies about Justin and Kayla. When that affair supposedly happened, Sami was on trial for Bernardi's murder and Justin and Adrienne were on the outs because Justin was defending Sami and Adrienne had given the video of Sami attacking Bernardi to the police. Why didn't Sami burn Adrienne with the news of the affair during that time, when it would have made sense for her to plot revenge, if she was holding on to photos. Adrienne was a complete sucker for letting Sami dupe her like that.
This is just my opinion/thought.... What Sami did to Adrienne was dirty pool... but Sami's good at that. Sami/Abby.... years ago, Olivia Goldsmith had a book, "The First Wives Club", was also made into a movie. In book and movie, it was stated the second or trophy wife should be "younger, taller, prettier, blonder".....etc.

I thought EJ was "trying" for a second "wife" before he had remarried the "first." I think, maybe, the writers have that in their subconscious and that's why they are having Sami go after Abby.

Either that or they can't think of any other way to go.....
Adrienne had no business harassing Sami in her own home. Yes, I know that Abigail is Adrienne's niece but, if all the others who have spoken to/yelled at Sami on Abigail's behalf haven't been able to stop her, I don't know why Adrienne thought she could. I hope that, at least for a second, Adrienne felt a little of what Sami is feeling. Many of you know that this comes from someone who can't/never could stand Sami Brady but she is hurting right now and, rightly or wrongly, she won't stop until the hurt starts to subside.
Adrienne was just giving Mrs twit a taste of her own medicine.. with the amount of harassing Samantha has done I am surprised half of Salem hasn't slapped restraining orders on her. She is a shrew plain and simple who refuses to listen to reason. But look at who she married to prove a plot point? Pun intended:rotfl:

The only thing she is proving though is that she is a weak spineless woman, who can hide behind the DiMera money and power for now but it will not last long. Then she will be at the bottom of that barrel with nothing and no one.
I agree, HelplessRomantic, with what you said about Sami. She's a horrible person. I just don't think Adrienne should have gone to Sami's house to continue saying what other relatives/friends of Abigail have told Sami. She should know Sami well enough to know she won't stop until she gets ready to stop. I think that just makes the twit more determined. Sami can't be charged with slander as long as she believes what she is saying about Abigail.
Well, Adrienne was not going to have a talk with Sami in the middle of Horton Square, or the Pub or Club. Sami certainly would not come over to the Kmansion, so...Adrienne had no choice. Actually, am glad the actress got a chance to be on the show. After all, da plot demands that Sami confront as many Salemites as possible. Her flippant remarks, shrewish behavior and cruel attitude have to be spread around. Thus making the realization that it has been HER behavior since the wedding that is causing most Salemites to feel kinder towards Abby, despite what she did.
Sami may feel the injured party, she IS the injured party, but her revenge plots and plans, her dialogue with everyone, has not resulted in a single sympathetic thought by anyone, including her own family.
She confided in none of them, she shed no tears, she just immediately embarked on how to get back at the perpetrators. And, she DOES blame Abby the most.
I was glad Adrienne was able to recall, for Sami, a few of her own youthful which Sami replied "she was very young"/ Well, so is Abby, but Adrienne did not say that.
Don't you wonder why Sami claims to have wanted to be friends with someone as old as her son? I do wish Sami DID have a friend, a good friend, but she really makes it impossible to be one.
Another day, another enemy for Sami. If she keeps this up, if TPTB ever decided to have a "who killed Sami" plot, they would have more potential suspects than for the faked murder of Stefano. As for Adrienne, as others have said, she should have stayed away from Sami, but as one of Salem's professional-grade busybodies, she just couldn't help herself. Speaking of Adrienne, she may have been mistaken in confronting Sami, but at least she wasn't completely delusional, a word that can be applied to Samantha Gene if she thinks Stefano won't eventually bite back or that Rafe is ever returning to to her. He's more likely to wring Sami's neck than ever again share a bed with the out-of-control Salem screecher.