Days of Our Lives - Wed., Oct. 15, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Kate arrives at the DiMera mansion, insisting on seeing Sami, that only Sami can fix this. Marlena refuses, Sami is sleeping, was up all night. Kate is insistent, Marlena even more so. Kate claims Stefano will be out for revenge, there are companies only Sami controls, and she has to take care of this. Marlena asks her to take a room at a hotel for tonight, Kate refuses, will be back. Later, Kate runs into Chad, tells him how Marlena practically threw her out, refusing to let her see Sami.

Miguel meets up with Clyde, is all nervous, the cops are looking over everything, and Stefano will be on their trail, learning "we killed EJ". Clyde tells him there is no "we". YOU killed EJ. Did you ever hear me tell you to kill anyone. Miguel is clearly scared, Clyde tells him to hide, Miguel figures there is no where he can hide that Stefano would not find him. Oh, but Clyde has a place. Later, Clyde is talking to Jeremy, telling him to take the nervous Miguel to Poplar Bluff. Jeremy wonders where he should hide him. Clyde says that that place your daddy had is really good soil. You can hide him there, really DEEP!

Kristen talks to EJ's picture on her phone, is sorry he is gone now, was so mad at him for not helping her, but did not want this to happen. She misses him. And now has to go do something, and EJ would understand exactly why she has to do this. She wipes her eyes, fixes her face and leaves her room.

Chad meets up with Abe & Theo, gets big hugs from Theo, who wants to be assured Uncle Chad won't go away like Uncle EJ did. Although now he is with his mother, she is no longer alone. Chad gives him a toy plane, says it is from Uncle EJ, who wanted him to have it after his other one broke. Theo is thrilled, runs off to try it out. Abe knows Chad bought it himself, thanks him for doing so. Chad tells him his father wants to offer a reward (to help the police) $50,000-$100,000. Abe will talk to the higher ups, noting that it could be a problem.

Jordan runs into Rafe, asks about the investigation into EJ's shooting, if he saw Sami, small talk. She leaves.
At the Pub, Nicole is having a fit about Eric's statement that Daniel & Kristen have become friends. Kristen walks in, and is all sweetness & light, gooey friendly, suddenly realizing how all 4 of them helped to get John out of the coma and well again. Oops, except for Nicole, who doesn't belong in this conversation. Nicole flies off the handle, goes after Kristen, Daniel grabs her, takes her outside. Nicole is steaming, rants about Kristen, and is furious to see thru the window, her and Eric chatting.
Inside, Kristen is babbling more of her malarkey to Eric, talking of them now being friends, but Eric lets her know they are no such thing. He says he talked to EJ a few days ago, and said he thinks he reached where he could forgive him, but he is not there with Kristen yet. But she is hugging Eric, figuring they are on their way now. Nicole comes storming in, but Kristen wants to talk to Daniel privately They leave.
Nicole &Eric talk, she learns about him getting past it with EJ, and trying to do so perhaps with Kristen, and nearly has an appoplectic fit because he cannot forgive her. Why not. Eric claims that it is because she was his friend, his love, the one and only person he could trust, and she betrayed him.

Brady has left the mansion, running into Theresa, who came to pay her condolences. Brady says Sami is sleeping. Theresa wants to talk to Brady privately, and they go to her apartment.
Marlena has gone to tell John what happened. Before she gets there, John is reflecting on Kristen's visit, telling him she knows he knows it was Theresa, and that he thinks he is going to keep Brady from her. John though, is out to get both Kristen AND Theresa, needs some help on the outside, someone he can trust. He looks at Marlena's picture on his phone, knowing they still have some things to work through.
She arrives, has told him about EJ, and how much Sami is hurting.

Chad is at DiMansion, sees the urn, sniffles a bit. He sits down in a chair, talks to EJ. This wasn't supposed to happen. We were supposed to get past all of it. There is a hand on his shoulder, it is Jordan, standing behind him. He holds it briefly, she looks concerned.

Abe sits with Rafe in his office. Rafe gets a phone call, says to secure the area, will be right there. He hangs up, tells Abe they just may have gotten a break in the case.

Kristen is with Daniel at his apartment, babbling about Theresa being the one to hit John, Daniel knows it, John knows it and is lying, and if Brady is Daniel's best friend, he needs to do something, before Theresa gets her hooks in him. They go back and forth, Daniel will not work with Kristen, who gets angry and leaves. But Daniel ponders her words.

Theresa & Brady are at her apartment, where she can talk privately. She assures him that he is really not at fault for what happened with his dad, that both she & John are not lying about that. Brady wants to know why the heck she is keen on being after him about this. Oh, because really, she wants to know if there is another chance for us. Oh, not to get married again, just for us.
And then when we return to the apartment, her sofa is getting a workout from the two naked bodies who are kissing and making out.
I was pleasantly surprised for the first time in several years with the balanced use of so many characters, some old favorites, some not so much, and some new, even if most of the scenes were about the death of Charles Manson - I mean EJ Dimera. There is potential for some decent storylines coming up if the writers follow through on some of the beats. Hopefully, the mourning for a character that - in my opinion - should've been either jailed or killed 8 years ago won't last much longer and some less distasteful stories can be told. The past 8 years have forever blemished Days of Our Lives in my eyes (I'm calling these "The Dark Years") but I'm hoping the writers or whoever decides storylines will redeem the show by getting back to the type of stories that made the show watchable. Today was a pretty good start.
Kristen really doesn't know when to quit, or rejection turns her on or something. She goes straight from Brady telling her no thank you to Daniel rejecting her three times in as many minutes. I am looking forward to Kristen vs. Eve and Anne though--that should be fun.

I am really irritated that Daniel and Nicole never got to have their coffee and instead Nicole got treated to both Kristen and Eric telling her she was the worst person in the world. :beat:

Brady... all I can do is shake my head and sigh. I am interested in what John has in mind to get rid of Crazy 1 and Crazy 2 from Brady's life.
I want to slap Eric right upside the head with his "I can never forgive you" to Nicole. He is trying to forgive the woman that drugged him and raped him but not Nicole. He needs to think back - Nicole was going to tell him she had the evidence when he - the man she loved that she thought would never love her that way - told her he was in love with her.

He wanted to leave the priesthood to be with her. It was a dream come true for her. I do not understand how what she did is so absolutely unforgivable. And she forgave him for accusing her of being the one that raped him! I am just so tired of Eric's holier than thou attitude.
Kristen really doesn't know when to quit, or rejection turns her on or something. She goes straight from Brady telling her no thank you to Daniel rejecting her three times in as many minutes. I am looking forward to Kristen vs. Eve and Anne though--that should be fun.

I am really irritated that Daniel and Nicole never got to have their coffee and instead Nicole got treated to both Kristen and Eric telling her she was the worst person in the world. :beat:

Brady... all I can do is shake my head and sigh. I am interested in what John has in mind to get rid of Crazy 1 and Crazy 2 from Brady's life.

Maybe it's about time John stops trying to control and manipulate Brady's life and just backs off. Brady may crash, but he needs to learn to deal with his addictions himself. His family can be supportive, but manipulating him is not the answer. The same would hold true for most of the characters in Salem...especially Jennifer, Theresa, Anne, Eve, Kate, Chad, Clyde, Eric, Marlena, Sami, of course, and a few others to a lesser degree. They all want to control the people they interact with. Good grief!
The Love Doctor really ought to start spending more time in staff-only areas of the hospital because when he ventures elsewhere he's subject to accusations from Nicole and sourpuss Eric, and Kristen's manipulative blandishments. Speaking of Eric, he has revealed himself as perhaps the most dysfunctional person in Salem, which is saying a lot. What else can be said about a man who can forgive the likes of EJ and Kristen, but simply can't find a way to do the same for poor Nicole? As for Kristen, whom is she kidding when she says that Theresa is the biggest danger. Give it up, Kristen, Jeannie T. is like the annoying fly who can be swatted at any time, but you are a scorpion waiting to inflict a fatal sting at the right moment. Finally, it was good to see the Rafe and Abe are right on the EJ case. It would be nice if the writers allowed them to make a big arrest that sticks.
Thank you so much for the summary. My TV was wall to wall Ebola coverage since the latest victim recently traveled from Cleveland to Dallas just hours before becoming symptomatic. No soaps for me today. I seriously can't believe that nurse decided to travel while still in the incubation period.

Sounds like a missable episode. I don't think I could stand to watch Nicole being treated like trash anyway.
Two things about the show today....First, Eric is a piece of crap! Sorry, but the fact he is willing to forgive the demented Dimera clan but not Nicole is beyond comprehension. I know the writers seem to always write the victim as the forgiver then forget-er is a travesty.

Second thing about today's show is why in the name of all things related to grief do the writers ALWAYS end up having characters deal with grief by having sex?! Is there no other way to deal with grief? OY! Okay I'm done!
Thanks for the summary.
I feel like Kristen and Daniel will end up having sex. Everyday that goes by there is more sexual tension between them.
Eric is the least likable person in Salem now that EJ is dead. I can't stand him. (deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum...JS) Nicole deserves so much better.

Brady & Theresa--here we go again...
I'm liking Chad & Jordan. So much better than Rafe & Jordan, who are just as snooze worthy as EJ was with Taylor.

The Clyde and Miguel stuff sounds good, and it's nice seeing Abe again, and doing his job with Rafe! Can't wait until they (maybe) learn the truth--but I think they should give the culprit a key to the city instead of acting like EJ's death was a huge tragedy.
I didn't see any sexual tension between Kristen and Daniel. I saw, yet again, Kristen trying to seduce Daniel and being shocked it didn't get her anywhere.

I like that Rafe is onto what's up with EJ's murder. Nice to see that FBI brain in action. :clap: I felt like they're grooming Clyde to be the new Stefano-like character. He gets this look and this tone of voice that creeps me out when he's in evil mode.
I felt like they're grooming Clyde to be the new Stefano-like character. He gets this look and this tone of voice that creeps me out when he's in evil mode.
Like today, when Miguel was freaked out and Clyde gave him that "good ol' boy" reassurance about going somewhere no one would find him. Meanwhile, Clyde was planning to have Miguel take a "dirt nap".
I couldn't believe Miguel. He seemed so wimpy when he talked
Clyde. Not the best henchman for the EJ, but none of the DiMera
henchmen are. Good-bye Miguel

Muse, Clyde is turning out to be more disgusting EJ if he turns
on the charm for Kate after today's show.

Maybe it's good John didn't talk to Marlena. Brady needs to figure
things out for himself especially Kristen and Theresa aren't good for him.

Line of the day goes to Chad talking to the urn "People
were dancing in the streets"