Days of Our Lives - Mon., Mar. 9, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, March 9, 2015

The accolades today go to Judi Evans (Adrienne), as this is a day of confrontations, and goodbyes. Jordan comes to the club to see Rafe, show him the letter and tell him goodbye- He is happy for her, but teases about the last time she tried to leave, as music begins to play, and they dance. A flashback to them dancing in the square previously, and they end the dance, she kisses him, he goes to kiss her again, she stops him. Out the door, with a wave.
Later, she sees Kate, telling her about leaving. They throw verbal barbs at each other, mostly about Rafe, but Jordan does tell her that she is going to regret letting Clyde into her bed. Clyde returns with a couple drinks, Kate takes a rain check, they have to talk. She leaves, Jordan tells Clyde she is leaving Salem, will be keeping in constant touch with Ben, and if Clyde hurts him in any way, she will return, and tell Ben everything, and he will never forgive Clyde. Now Clyde says he doesn't take kindly to threats, but this is not a threat, it is a promise. Clyde changes his tune, talks of her contacting him if she needs anything.but she clenches her teeth as she says she wants nothing from him.....ever.

Earlier, Kate was at home, Harold announces Mr. Weston, who just bursts in, Kate is cool and aloof, that doesn't set well with Clyde. She tries to squirm out of how she spilled the beans of a couple things, but Clyde tells her that they both have to be upfront with each other, they both know what the other is doing anyway. He is not going to apologize, but pulls out a gift, a jewelry box, urges her to open it, tis a fortune cookie. She smashes it, reads the fortune, something about a road going two ways. She is all sweet and huggy now, and they go out to the square. (See above)

Justin is with Lucas, questioning him about his wife, but Lucas is very upfront about his relationship with Adrienne, talking of giving them space to talk. Justin accuses him of calling her, Lucas goes into a rant about their kids, problems they have, and Sonny leaving town. Justin reminds him it was just to visit his brother, but Lucas is right back at him as he did not want to take his husband or daughter, who he has loved since Day 1. Justin whines about flying all this way, his wife won't talk to him, and his son left town. Lucas realizes Sonny did not even say goodbye to his dad, and tells Justin that should tell him there is big trouble. Sonny nearly dies, gets released and immediately leaves town?

Over at Paul's apartment, Adrienne has arrived and is very, very angry. She yells at Paul, yells at Will, accusing them both of causing trouble and betrayal. She doesn't even want Paul to say a word, as both he & Paul explain about Paul not knowing Sonny was Will's husband, and Will not knowing that Sonny was Paul's ex-lover. Will gets surprised that Adrienne knows Paul at all, she storms off. Will chases after her, but first tells Paul this all would not have happened if Paul had left Salem when he said, and again tells him to LEAVE now.

Will catches up with an upset Adrienne in the clearing off the square, tries to explain what happened, how, but really has no answers as to why. She is furious, tells him how Sonny nearly bled to death, and if he had, it would have been knowing the one person in the world he loved and trusted had cheated on him. Will is still making excuses, Adrienne slaps him, then collapses on the bench, is sorry, that is not really her. Will is sorry, too, and understands. Will talks about how, when Paul told him what his boyfriend said about marrying him, those were the exact words that Sonny used to Will, when asking him to marry him. Will doesn't know if Sonny really wanted to marry HIM, or just that he wanted to get married. Adrienne tells him he really is Sami Brady's son.
You are looking for an out, don't want to accept responsibility for what you did. . Well I am not going to help you there. If Sonny ever forgives you, you are going to have to live with yourself and what you did. Will doesn't know if he ever could do that. Oh, you won't have a problem with that, replies Adrienne. Your mother sure as hell never did! (LOL)

Ben is telling Abby the charges have been dropped, they are hugging, happy, Chad walks in, Abby tells him the news. He thinks it is fantastic, offers his hand to Ben in a handshake, but Ben hand doesn't leave his side. Abby thanks Chad, Ben excuses them, tells Abby he has to go to work now, she does, too. Chad joins her in the lounge, she is doing something with her tablet, claiming she is working. Blah, blah, Chad is flirting a bit, then Abby asks him what if she had said YES, she would do anything, sleep with him, to get the charges dropped. Would Chad have done it.

Paul meets his mother, tells her he wants to take her somewhere other than the square, she is hesitant. He insists he wants to show her a good time. They go to the Club on the Square.
John & Marlena are walking, she has no idea where they are going, wonders if she is dressed appropriately. He assures her she always is, then tenderly kisses her. They go to the Club on the Square, which is pretty crowded. Rafe greets them, seats them.
When Paul & his mother arrive, Rafe does the same, chats a bit, is happy to meet Tori, drinks on the house. He leaves. Tori & Paul chat a bit, he notices Dr. Evans & John Black over there, should say hello. Meanwhile John & Marlena spy Paul & Tori, and get up to say hello, but Tori jumps up, has to go make a call, and dashes out.
John & Marlena say hello to Paul, hope Mom is o.k. Paul explains about the call, they leave. Tori is keeping an eye, returns when they have left. She claims she had to call grandfather, who is o.k. no problem. But Paul says he knows she left to avoid John & marlena......why? Meanwhile, outside, John & Marlena are agreeing that Tori seemed to want to avoid them.

Adrienne is home, still upset, making herself a drink. Justin comes in, wants to talk. She wonders if he really wants to have this talk tonight. He tells her of going to see Lucas, she wonders if Lucas told him about the kiss. Nope, was there a kiss? Yes, there was, but we ended it, it was not right, we both agreed. Can you say the same, Justin, about Elsa? Look me in the eye, and tell me there is nothing going on between you and Elsa. Justin is silent, Adrienne storms off. I knew it!

Will has come home, Lucas has questions, and for a change, Will is honest. He tells his father how he cheated on his husband, and with whom. He tells him how Sonny was the man mentioned in the article, the one who asked Paul to marry him. Lucas warns Will that this is huge, wonders if it can be fixed. Will is adamant, he is not going to lose his husband, is not going to let Paul ruin his marriage.
Please Will, you aren't going to let Paul ruin your marriage. Son, you did that all by yourself, you and you alone are responsible for the damage done.

Thank you, Adrienne, for voicing out loud what so many of us are saying about Will.

Bye, Jordan. I really wish you had had a storyline that caused me to care that you were leaving. I have a hard time believing this story was better than what they had originally written.

Thanks for the summary.
Thanks for the summary, a great show.
Filler stuff with Kate, Clyde, Abby, Ben and Chad, but what else is new? LOL
The Jordan goodbye scenes with Rafe were nice, but I'm still glad she left. The show will be a tad less boring now. I'm also glad that we saw John, Marlena, Tori and Paul all together. This storyline is about to get interesting.

I knew it--Justin having an affair with Elsa. It was obvious, but I just wish he'd been honest with his wife from the beginning, and also that he would stop being so judgmental about Lucas & Adrienne. I don't like them together either (especially since Adrienne wasn't sure 100% that her hubby was having an affair), but he has no room to talk. As for Adrienne, :clap::clap::clap:. So glad about what she told Will. I'm also ecstatic that she, Justin, and Lucas are getting more airtime.
Will makes more excuses and blames. Will cheated on Sonny and has admitted to such, however, he never gets a break from anyone; because he is like everyone else who always makes excuses for their wrong doings. I am sure everyone has tried to shift their own failings to others at times, but the old writers have ruined Will and hopefully the new ones will make amends to all of this. It is Will and only him who can now however possible to save his marriage and become once again the Will and Sonny we all fell in love with.
I know I left this out of the summary, but Kate & Chad have some sort of silly chat about some plan Chad came up with regarding DiMera Enterprises future doings. I guess we are supposed to be wondering if Chad is on Kate's same side, working with Stefano.....or actually out to pull the wool over the eyes of both of them.
Seems like the ladies on this show get away with the slap.:sarcasm:. Some writer could actually bring Jordan back in the future. I could see Rafe getting involved with someone and she decides she wants him back. Nice chemistry in the exit. They really blew this one. Though, I would not be surprised if they don't at least mention Jordan at the end of the Clyde/Ben story if Ben finds out what Clyde did to Tammy Sue.

Yes and Adrienne was a force to be reckoned with. Hope they continue to use these vets at least through the 50th.
WOW, GO ADRIENNE!! I loved her telling Will what's what.

Have I mentioned that I will never believe that Sonny said the "same words" to that loser baseball guy as to Will? Because I never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever will!!

Really overly clutzy scenes with John/Marlena/Paul/Tori. Let's get this moving already.

BUT I ABSOLUTELY LOVED John & Marlena's scene in the opening act!! :love::love: "Every moment with you is special!!"

I'm sad to see Jordan go, because today's scenes showed how powerful she can be when written well. Look at the range displayed today. She & Rafe could have been great if they hadn't forced it only to flush it. Yeesh. And seriously Kate, get a life you loser!!! Is it wrong of me to hope Clyde punches her a few times, or that she gets stabbed or shot or something? She needs some kind of rude awakening.

Will's idiocy cannot be overstated, so I'll say it again, WHAT AN IDIOT.

At first I didn't like the Justin/Lucas confrontation but it was overall a good set of scenes. I'm wondering if the Elsa thing is real or if it will be retconned tomorrow.

Please Will, you aren't going to let Paul ruin your marriage. Son, you did that all by yourself, you and you alone are responsible for the damage done.

Thank you, Adrienne, for voicing out loud what so many of us are saying about Will.

Bye, Jordan. I really wish you had had a storyline that caused me to care that you were leaving. I have a hard time believing this story was better than what they had originally written.

Thanks for the summary.
YES, a thousand times yes (to each point)!!
"You are such a child." - Adrienne to Will. She tells no lies here.
Edited to add: That slap sure did look like it hurt.
I hope it did!! Go mama bear!!
I turned on the tv at 1:04pm and Rafe and Jordan were already dancing. Huh?!? Really bad pacing. And I'm annoyed that Jordan and Rafe got a good-bye scene that nodded to their minimal history yet Sami and Rafe got nothing when she left Salem and those 2 were MARRIED and together for several years. I still don't think we've seen the last of Jordan.

Nice to see Justin, Adrienne and Lucas and LOVED Adrienne's dialogue. I may watch this episode again later.

John and Marlena: Again filler :angry:

Paul and Tori had more air time than they did. :angry:
I felt this deserved its own post.

I literally laughed out loud when Adrienne said (after Will tried to say he didn't know about Paul & Sonny), "What, did you not know you were MARRIED!?!?!" Judi Evans (Adrienne) was on fire today, great material overall as well. Kudos to today's dialogue writer.

I hope the future writers don't create characters and then give them nothing to do. Ben seems to be vanishing at this point.
Paul and Tori had more air time than they did. :angry:
Of course they did, these writers created them. :rolleyes:
Also - does it ever seem to any of you that the producers/writers begrudgingly bring people back (often by fan demand), then destroy them/make them unlikable (John, Lucas, Justin...)???
Watching scenes with Tori are just uncomfortable, I do not feel the mother/son connection with Paul at all and I almost felt bad for him today.

I felt a little sad about today's scenes with Rafe and Jordan, only because it's just another reminder of Rafe being alone. I know they weren't together for awhile but I'd like to see him have a love story.

SLAP! I laughed.