Days of Our Lives - Wed. Aug. 26, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Mostly a "filler" show today, as Serena & Chad continue to down the booze, get drunk, flirt a lot, as Clyde watches and listens. Serena goes to "freshen up", giving Chad time to have a big daydream about Abby coming, telling him the baby is his, she knows why he said all those awful things to her, his father, she really loves him, wants to marry him, not Ben. He kisses her, but then back to reality.

Over at the hospital, a large group of people have gathered around Caroline's bed, urging her to help with the Bi-Centenniel plans. Doug, Julie, Victor, Maggie, Hope, Aiden, & Dr. Kayla are doing their best to convince Caroline they need her. They talk of various plans, Victor has bought that old Victorian house at the edge of the square which is where the festivities will be held, period costumes for all, Doug is getting a barbershop quartet together, plus a whole lot of old pictures, articles, etc. to be put on digital, and they want Caroline to help with that. She agrees. all are happy. Hope & Aiden leave the room, do a lot of kissing out in the waiting area, Aiden has a surprise for her, but won't tell. He does thank her for making him a part of Salem life, and knows everyone in that room loves Bo, but they accept him, all due to her. More kissing, Doug comes and needs Hope for a minute back in the room. She leaves, Aiden takes out a ring box, gets a call from someone, tells them he is on it, that Hope is over Bo, he knows for a fact, and that he was given an was Hope Brady, he has done it, trust him.

Replay of Eve listening to the conversation between JJ & his mother about his undercover work, she goes to see Kyle, tells him JJ is working for the cops, and has him listen to the phone conversation. He suggests JJ may be just lying to his mother to cover what he is doing, and wonders why she is not more concerned about her daughter dating the likes of him, instead of telling on JJ. None of his business. Now she goes to the square, calls a tip line, tells them that the person responsible for the increase in the drug trade is Jennifer Horton, with her son JJ, who has dealt drugs already, check it out.
She sees Paige, tries to talk to her, but Paige won't have any part of it. No she won't forgive her, and her life, who she dates, what she does is her own business. She flounces off.

Adrienne talks with Lucas who has a big surprise for her, won't say, though. He waits outside, while she goes in the Kmansion for something. Justin is there, has a letter from Sonny. After reading it, they talk of him making the right decision despite missing Ari and Will as well. Adrienne comments how she missed Justin, too, even after what he did to her. She goes back out, she & Lucas take off. Later she is laughing, having never done that before, had so much fun...turns out they went night bungee jumping off some bridge. She is laughing, mentions something she & Justin did once, parasailing, stops abruptly, is sorry. Lucas says it is o.k. he knows she had a life with Justin. She is apologizing, talks of the divorce being so hard, Lucas knows all about that. Soon she is laughing again, looking forward to her life, to new things, new adventures, and with Lucas.

Paul & John sit and talk, mostly baseball, but Paul tells him all about having sex with Will, not knowing he was Sonny's husband. John reminds him that Will knew. They chat about growing up, baseball games where John saw & remembers Paul playing, Paul wondering if John wishes he knew then that Paul was his son. John wishes he knew Paul growing up, back yard games of catch, etc. Paul tosses a ball to him, we can still do that. Both smile. (nice bonding time)

Will meets up with Gramma Marlena, whines about Sonny being gone, he lost him, he will never be coming back, all because of Paul. Marlena nicely explains the how and why that Sonny just needs time, Will agreeing that he should not grab Ari and hop a plane to Paris. No, not a good idea at all.
Later, he runs into Paul, and of course gives him a hard time about Sonny leaving. Paul gives it right back, tells Will it is his own fault, Sonny is now gone, and to leave him alone.

Abby comes home to a waiting Ben, with an armload of bridal magazines, starts to look
through them, but Ben has other things on his mind. He wants her, starts kissing and pushing her to the bed. She gets him to take it slow, and sultry music comes on, a gal singing "give it to me", while the pair slowly strip, into bed...yep, a sort of partial porn scene.

Kyle has invited JJ over, doesn't tell him about Eve's visit, but wants a bit more info on JJ, all the while keeping his gun in his hand. JJ talks of his Abe Carver, family friend, aunt Hope a cop, Roman Brady his uncle, how he knows them all. Kyle is smiling has decided to promote JJ, have him handle it all. He has a load of meth coming in, wants JJ to test it for him, make sure it is the good stuff.

Eve walks into the nearly empty club that Victor owns, drops something, Justin picks it up, hands it to her, she flirts a bit, he invites her to have a seat. She wonder why he is there, the moody lighting, nearly empty bar, reminds her of a Sinatra album cover. Justin says it is not quarter to three, but maybe he can buy her a drink. She says "why not...we can see where it goes from there..strangers in the night and all that". (Too bad we did not hear Sinatra singing about then, lol)

And over at Club TBD, Chad is still pouring drinks, but Serena said she has had enough. They have been flirting back and forth, insinuating they would be spending the night together, they kiss, but then she decides to call it a night. She gets up to leave, he grabs her, pulls her onto his lap for a kiss, telling her not to leave yet. She pushes him away, gets up, slaps him, telling him he should learn no means no, and runs out. Chad sits for a few seconds, gets up, staggers a bit, bumps into something, leaves via a different door. Clyde watches the entire thing from his seat at the bar.
Chad's daydream, hands down, is the best part of today's episode!:love::love::love:
Eve, Clyde, Ben, Will can all leave and I don't care how. That sex scene today was:confused:.

Paige not falling for her mother's antics is good, but don't really care about her enough.

Aiden and company. :fan:

Paul and John/Marlena, I really like on their own and together.
Lucas, Justin, Adrienne and Eve:drunk:
That song in Chad and Serena's scene was nice for the scene and did help set the mood for the club. I liked it.

Abby and Ben's little flirty strip tease was awkward to me at first but after thinking about it, it's definitely something I could see any couple who is that comfortable with each other doing. I still laughed though.

I didn't like Lucas picking Adrienne up at the mansion for their date. Although she and Justin are getting divorced, the fact is she still lives in the home with him and his family and mutual respect should be observed. Lucas and Adrienne both should have been more respectful of the situation and just met somewhere, like the pub or the bench. I did laugh at her saying she wanted to go the all night Waffle House with Lucas though. It was a cute little scene with her dropping to her knees.

Clyde spent the entire hour creepily watching Serena and Chad.
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Wow, what a choppy mess this show was. I get that we are in a transition period but the scenes with Caroline at the hospital seemed very weird with everything else going on today. I FF'd the JJ/Paige/Kyle/Eve mess. I just can't with that storyline. I hope it's over really soon. The Ben/Abby sex scene was really risque and raunchy. I'm no prude but I think I caught a few glimpses of Abby's breasts. :eek: So apparently Aiden is working for someone and Hope is his mission. Yeah, ok. Let the destruction begin. :fan:
Oh I forgot...EVE! She told Paige that Kyle is dangerous, yet she told him that JJ was working undercover with the police. This tells me she is ok with JJ possibly being killed as long as he's away from Paige. For someone who claims to value her relationship with her child so much she sure doesn't care that she may cause another mother's child to die. This is just evil and she absolutely deserves anything and everything that happens to her at this point.
heck, then she calls the tip line and says Jen is the driving force behind the drug problem?
Yep, she deserves whatever comes her way. For heaven's sakes.
She would rather get her revenge on Jen, get JJ out of the way, than rid the town of an escalating drug problem.
Oh my goodness, Aiden took my heart, ripped it out and stomped on it today. So sad for this development. I like Daniel Cosgrove (Aiden). I've liked him in everything he's been in. I liked him with Hope. Breaks my heart that he has playing all this time.

And Eve. She is just inexcusable. How will they ever redeem her? And good question Kyle, why are you more interested in sticking it to JJ than taking taking down the drug dealer dating your daughter? She is just unbelievable. Take responsibility for your own actions. You very willingly slept with JJ. There is no one to blame but yourself.

Still can't believe Aiden. :cry:
deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum - JS

I'm also disappointed that Aiden is using Hope. I liked Aiden, A LOT. Why does he have to be thrown under a bus? Isn't just being charming and lovely and existing enough? deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum - JS Edited to add, well at least Hope's been having fun and not just pining away for 3 years or however long, I suppose I should be grateful for that at least.

Oh Eve, find something else to do. Kyle is right, you should be more worried about him feeding your daughter that meth and less worried about the Horton-Deveraux family.
I don't mind sex scenes; I used to watch NYPD Blue. And I have seen a lot of shows on cable with a lot more nudity than that. I just wish it wasn't between Abby and Ben. I did a lot of fast-forwarding through Abby and Ben's scenes yesterday mainly because I don't want to listen to Ben.

I did read a recap of what was said though. Why does Eve have to keep mixing in her daughter's life? I did not like this character the first time around, and I do not like her any better now. She is going to get JJ killed, not to mention blow any chances the DEA has of getting to Kyle's supplier, namely Clyde. I hope Jennifer finds that bug Eve planted. Eve put a target right on JJ's back.
This week has been really painful with these choppy scenes. Aside from the Caroline scenes, everything today could have easily been written by Tomlin/Whitesell. :eek:

I did like the Caroline scenes but also thought were random and misplaced. Overall, as the episode went on it seemed like more and more characters just popping up. I kept waiting for Jennifer to pop up too.

Eve is despicable and what she did today makes Jeannie Theresa's antics look like child's play. The show doesn't need both. I have no doubt she will cause the death of her own daughter through these antics and I'm sorry to say but I can't wait to see her get what she deserves.

The Abigail/Ben scene was very raunchy for 1pm but I will give props to Director Albert Alarr for trying something new. I could have done without the repeat images but I liked that they used real music and this is a committed couple supposedly.

Chad and Serena were kind of boring and Clyde was creepy again. But I wonder if it's a red herring?

I'm not a fan of Lucas and Adrienne together but I did enjoy Adrienne's giddiness and her casual attire.

That engagement ring looked hideous. I'm also very disappointed about Aiden and I think Higley/Griffith have made a big mistake here. However, I still think his feelings for Hope are sincere.
The Abigail/Ben scene was very raunchy for 1pm but I will give props to Director Albert Alarr for trying something new. I could have done without the repeat images but I liked that they used real music and this is a committed couple supposedly.

I prefer my smut and semi-nudity in the evenings, thank you. :rolleyes:
Just had a thought...Maybe, just maybe, but probably not :(, Aiden is working with the ISA or someone. And he was hired by some bad guys to get to Hope, but fell in love with her for real and is just saying what his employer/bad guy wants to hear in order to protect Hope and complete his ISA assignment. I know it's been done to death and probably not the case, but I like Aiden and don't want him to be bad! lol
I would say it's a three-way tie between the Sisters Donovan and Bubba Voldemort (Clyde) for most despicable character on the show right now.

So are we supposed to believe that Eve is oblivious to the danger she has just put Page in with her little stunt? I guess she really is farther gone then I thought. :eek:

Ben and Abigail in the boudoir I kind of liked the way they tried to do something stylistically different in the way it was shot. But since that is all those two ever seem to do it just made me go ho-hum.

I thought I may I have incorrectly heard Will accept responsibility for Sonny leaving town when he was talking to Abigail yesterday. Having seen today's episode I now know that was indeed the case. Watching him today I know there is no way he could have said that.
I prefer my smut and semi-nudity in the evenings, thank you. :rolleyes:
Amen, especially when it's being provided by lunkhead Ben and bed-hopping Abby, who was probably fantasizing that it was Chad on top of her. Elsewhere, Eve has completely lost it. She's already committed a felony by planting a bug in the Horton clock and now she's interfering with a police investigation and endangering JJ's life. And it's all to get even with Jenny and JJ. This woman makes Xander look well-adjusted. Hopefully, she gets as wasted as Chad and Bluebird, blabbers everything to Justin at Club Victor, and then ends up being hauled off to one of Roman's cells. On a positive note, it was nice to see everyone gather around Caroline, including Victor, Doug, and Julie.
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