Pros & Cons


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
While I realize that the new headwriting team has had to end and/or clean up a lot of "stuff" they inherited, while beginning their stories, it has been a rather rocky road, some good stuff, some not so welcome stuff. It really is a shame Corday let Josh Griffith go on and on unchecked, but, he is gone now. The new team's work began in Sept. so, only 3 mos. in now. What have you liked, and what has been displeasing.

I like that the teens have been put on a side burner, where they belong being all so new. I think Claire, Jade & Theo were good additions, if one had to SORAS the kids. It is really too bad they ALL were saddled with stories that were not suited for them.

I did not like Aiden's return, being that he still was a bad guy. Nor did I like his exit story. I DID like the "kidnap & held prisoner" explanation, his escape, but then he lied about it. Ruined it all.

I don't mind Hope evidently falling for Rafe, but I do mind Rafe's hovering. I like that she protected him & Roman, accepted her fate. I really do not like that we did not really see any arrangements she may have made for Ciara, the house, etc. (I.E. Doug & Julie could perhaps move into her home to caretake it, and keep an eye on Ciara).

I do like everything with Steve & Kayla (tho I hated her putting him off for so long) but then, Steve's persistence, bravery, etc. ...who could resist. I absolutely HATE this "Jade is pregnant" story, along with "my parents threw me out of the house".

I know Jen Lilley (Theresa) thought her exit story was "brilliant", but I did not like it at all. I did LOVE having Shane back, Kim, too, but Theresa suddenly reverting to her wild side just did not compute. I don't know why Brady has been turned into such a dumbo for the past few years, that is not current writing, just has been going on.
continuing.... I really did like the prison escape, & the 3 vengeance seeking desperados banding together for a common cause. Though I honestly still do not understand how they all wound up in the same prison. LOL

I like that Jennifer has become Jen again, even back in the newspaper business, however, she still doesn't go to work. LOL *I truly dislike that the writers have not been able to write Jack back and alive, especially when so many of the viewers have noted there is a super easy and very believable way.

I honestly understand Peggy McCay (Caroline) wanting some time away, but it is beyond time for Caroline to turn the business over to someone else. If the writers do not see a family member doing so, then a manager. It truly is a shame that the good cooks (Alice, Caroline) were unable to raise/teach anyone. So MY suggestion is, Andrew comes to Salem to take over, a master chef.

I do ramble, don't I? LOL. So now to Chad...too long holed up in DiMansion, with occasional forays wheeling a buggy in the square. Gabi as his fashion guru is ridiculous, in my opinion, Abby wandering the town in that Halloween costume is too silly, as is her determination to not let Chad know she is alive. And her failure to even want to figure out why Andre helped her.

But I really like Chad, am glad he is spending time with his son, appreciate how torn he is between loving and grieving his wife, and knowing he has to get on with his life.

And while I do love Thaao Penghlis (Andre), I just cannot stomach Andre and all his secrets, plotting, manipulating, etc. Yep, he is the newer version of "Stefano", who has his own way of dealing with predicaments, there not always a "but"....I think the Tony persona would just work better for me.
I love seeing Chad and Patch on my tv screen. Those two would have good chemistry with a door!

I have to say that right now there isn't one story line that really interests me. I was looking forward to Abigail coming back to Salem, but so far that's one big snooze fest.
I just posted in the other thread that we needed a new thread like this and voila!

I do not like that one of the first things these writers did was to get rid of Belle and Shawn. They are a rootable couple in an age group desperately needing energizing on this show. As the children of 2 supercouples, they should be front and center. They should have been remarried and had a set of twins. To give them angst, they could have had Chloe's baby end up being Shawn's or have Lani come back pregnant.

I also would have Philip and Chloe mixed in with these 2 as friends and/or frenemies.

I have no use for Dario, Deimos or Jade. Get rid of all of them.

I thought Theresa's exit was stupid. They should have just killed her off or had her and Brady break up. Either way, I hope her exit is permanent. This character never had true direction and was overexposed in the process. I'd like to see Brady move back towards Chloe. I'm also open to recasting Brady with Kyle Lowder (ex-Brady) to make this happen though I think the current Brady has chemistry with Chloe too.

I like seeing Kim and Shawn back but where were they when Tate was born or when Bo and Paige died? Stop wasting returns on useless storylines.

I like Jen and Adrienne buying the Spectator. Now I need to see an actual newspaper office to go with it.

I also like the Justin/Adrienne/Lucas stuff. Get rid of the 3 I mentioned above and put these 3 back on contract.

But that's enough for the 50+ crowd. That group is already oversaturated and all hints seem to be pointing to a David Banning return at some point as well.

I don't like the writing for Rafe at all. This constant hovering over Hope is ridiculous. She is capable of standing on her own 2 feet. Rafe should be dealing with his sister instead of Dario. And how about seeing him develop a friendship with Brady and renewing his friendship with Nicole? He needs to be out of Hope's orbit a bit. And I want to see Hope single and focused on being a mother and grandmother. 3 men within a year plus all the stuff that happened to her is just too much. Rafe and Hope are simply not enjoyable together. A couple shouldn't have to be written out of character to force a storyline agenda.

The Pub definitely needs a transition. I like the idea of it being Andrew Donovan but I could also go for Eric getting released early and taking over. I'd also like to see one or more of the teens working there. Caroline's absence is noticeable.

I'd like the drunk to end up being Eric and Chloe's baby to miraculously belong to Eric and Nicole. Enough with the St. Daniel stuff.

I don't like how Abby's return has been written at all. I have a hard time believing she would stay away from Chad and Thomas this long.

I also don't like the Gabi and Chad stuff. The actors do work well together but I also have a hard time believing Chad would move on in less than 6 months plus he never questioned anything about at Andre told him. Why is everyone so quick to believe him? None of this makes any sense.

I didn't mind seeing the 3 villains but I think they were underutilized. I think Xander should have turned out to be Deimos' kid. So much storyline potential with that. Orpheus should have escaped instead of dying so easily though I'm guessing this may have been a rewrite on account of Drake Hogestyn (John) getting injured. Clyde's return made the least amount of sense without Ben and Abby in the picture.

I like how the teens have been moved to the sidelines and how Claire is getting more of a focus over Ciara. I also like that she and Hope are finally acknowledging their relationship. I would like to see some more connected teens though such as Joy Wesley, JT, Tyler Kiriakis, etc. The teen set needs a bit of a minor energizing as well.

I like that Victor and Maggie are back to being backburnered. Now I need to see Brady going back to his real parents for help and advice.

I'd like Jennifer and Nicole to get appropriate love interests. And I want Jack back alive.
Ah, Heather, I agree with a lot of what you would like to happen. Just remember that I did say "new writers" which began in Sept. Tate's birth was long before.

I do not think Belle & Shawn leaving Salem was the work of the new writers, but already set in motion before they took over. But, definitely, a mistake. Trouble is, the show can only accommodate x amount of characters with the measly budget that NBC gives.

I do not like that the show has yet to deal with the absence of John. O.K. they are going slow, as, at the time, they had no idea as to the length of time needed. But, they insert things all the time, just like they delete. so there should have been a mention. Hey, John went to Italy to trace Stefano's "doings"????