Days of Our Lives - Tues., Feb. 7, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Lt. Raines is trying to question Hattie, who is running off at the mouth, while Hope keeps her back turned to him. Hattie (and she is a hoot) talks of him coming to visit her, liking men in uniform, cops, fireman, soldiers, prison guards, ooops, nope not them. She evades, avoids, finally calling out to "Doc" that she & the Lt. are needing some privacy, so get the heck out of there. Hope leaves, but outside, stupidly ditches the clipboard, and runs off. Inside, Raines is getting exasperated, accusing Hattie of stalling him, she denies, doesn't want to get sent back there, yep, she non-stop babbles, but Raines figures finally that his prey had been in the room.....should have realized, dashes out, sees the clip board and is on the trail.

In Prague, the group arrives, other guests are wearing masks, etc. and lots of waltzes heard in the background. They all check their ear mikes, make sure everyone is connected, check with ISA Resnick, all in place, at their places. Small talk ensues between the various couples, with Sonny checking with a doorman to see if his friend Meradi has arrived yet, but they don't have guests "check in". He & Paul then get martinis, shaken, not stirred. Marlena makes the nervous Rafe dance with her to try and calm him down, while Steve sort of romances a nervous Kayla, they kiss. Finally Kresnick reports a limo with tinted windows obscured license plate is out front, the group inside start looking around. They see the doorman pointing to Paul & Sonny, the guy leaves, Rafe follows him. Marlena is to stay put, but spots a man, same height & build who could be Stef. She follows him, the rest of the crew warning her to stay where she was. But she won't, she goes into a hall, reports there is no one here, wasn't him. A tap on her shoulder, she turns, gasps.

Nicole is at the Kmansion, picks up a baby blanket, holds it as Brady comes in. She breaks down, telling him about Chloe nursing.Holly, & also about Deimos poisoning Andre, and having Dario beat up. . Brady listens, is comforting and supportive, as Nicole tells of offering to ditch Deimos, to no avail, Chloe wants Holly for herself, and now Belle is going to paint her as bad mother, stabbed a guy, etc. etc. Brady calms her down, talks some common sense. Deimos has come in, eavesdropped for most of the conversation, then walks in, asking Nicole why she was not answering his calls. (Earlier we saw him telling someone he gave the Hernandez & DiMera 48 hrs. to come up with the key, or never see Chad & Gabi again). Brady leaves, Nicole tells Deimos that she doesn't like the things he has done. He asks what she would do for Holly, she replies anything. Exactly! Now claims that is all he was doing, protecting his family. She warns him that if there is one more act of violence, she is done completely. She walks out. (And no, she doesn't know he has kidnapped Chad & Gabi)

Later, Brady bumps into Nicole in the square, she is in a hurry, he tries to talk to her. She has a shopping bag, filled with diapers, baby stuff, etc. He realizes she was going to go see Chloe, talks against doing so. She claims just in case, he wants her to be patient, she can't. He tells her how a judge won't look at what she does the same way she does. She wants her child. He talks of when he was going sober, how every minute seemed like a day, but eventually got easier. She has to be patient, just a little longer, and she will prevail. She finally agrees, is near tears, hugs. Thanks him.

Eric is having his own problems, as a cop with a search warrant is at his place, needing to search. They are in the bedroom, the cop going thru dresser drawers, Eric asking if he thinks Hope is hiding in one. Cops is about done, Eric tells him he missed the bedside table drawer. Cops opens the drawer. (missed a minute or so here). The cop is gone, the bed torn apart. Eric on the bed, looking at the torn, but glued back together pic of Hope & her kids.

Deimos is at home, Victor notes he heard what he did to Andre & Dario. Needs to get better at eliminating his enemies. Does he & Maggie need to worry. Nope, taken care of, all will soon be well. Deimos calls someone, wants all the dirt, if any, on the judge who is hearing the Holly custody case, figures he can be bought, and thus insure ruling in Nicole's favor. Victor notes that buying judges is a dangerous thing, as he knows well. But Deimos just wants to make sure he gets Nicole, and she gets Holly. One little happy family. Yes, Chloe is standing in the way. Victor calls her a few choice names.

And in the alley, Hope is hiding behind some boxes as Raines comes into the area, gun drawn. He hears a noise, takes a few steps back, looking in a corner the opposite side. For some reason Hope comes out of her hiding place, and bingo, there is Raines, gun pointing at her, "Raise your hands". She does, but pleads with him not to take her back there, he saw what happened to Hattie, she will be killed. Raines has no sympathy, she is escaped felon, a murderer. She notes Stefano could be alive, therefore she did not kill him. He knows nothing about that, and is not going to check into it. Put your hands top your head, or he is going to shoot her. Then go ahead and shoot me, she says as she runs off. He fires at her retreating figure.
Thanks Poirot. So tomorrow we find out who tapped Marlena? They are really drawing this out. And goodness I will glad when this Hope-on-the-run story ends. Thanks, Poirot, for taking the time & energy to write this summary for us. :)
I was home today to watch this. I spun into a ditch on my way to work, and after getting pulled out and making it home (I spun out about a mile from my house, and was on the other side of the highway when they pulled me out) on even icier roads than those on which I'd spun out, I decided not to risk another run.

Let me say without hyperbole that watching today's episode was worse than spinning into the ditch.

I really hate the Prague story. It's full of characters I like - Steve, Kayla, Sonny, Marlena, and Paul - and has guests I adore - Carrie, Austin, and Anna. But the guests are underutilised, they're trying to make Sonny/Paul "cutesy" (and it's not working in my opinion), and everyone's taking a backseat to Rafe. Plus the genesis of this story is the re-re-re-resurrection of Stefano (totally unnecessary) to save murderer Hope. Was I supposed to believe that 30-year-old was Stefano? I don't have enough disbelief to suspend!

Meanwhile - I actually wish Nicole was still pining for St Orange the Eggbaby, because watching her feel torn over Deimos was too, too much. I don't even recognise her anymore.
Then go ahead and shoot me, she says as she runs off. He fires at her retreating figure.
I can't possibly be the only person who wants her to get it in the back, can I? I am sick of The Rafe and Hope Show. What loss would it have been to have Hope turn herself in?

On a macro level, nothing clicks on this show anymore. We have 5 days of Jennifer last week, and nary a word this week. The pacing is awful. If we're lucky, we'll know why Marlena was gasping tomorrow.
The only reason to follow the "30 yr. old" was because he was talking to the doorman, and Paul/Sonny were pointed out to the man. Rafe followed to see what that was all about. The man Marlena spotted was someone different.....but supposedly she was unable to find that one either.

Aside to JasonD......Glad you are o.k. Same happened to me a few years ago, I spun out and ended up in ditch on other side of road, facing opposite directions, thankful the truck coming did not cream me, (and am sure that driver was thankful I was already in the ditch by just a few seconds as he passed.) Glad you went home, and decided not to try it again (I did the same), hope your car wasn't damaged.

As to the show.....Prague masked ball does seem a letdown so far. However, on the plus side, I enjoyed hearing all the Strauss waltzes. Just too bad the attendees were not dancing...Ha. Marlena said something to Rafe ...about he should stop being a little girl. LOL. Too funny.
I can't possibly be the only person who wants her to get it in the back, can I? I am sick of The Rafe and Hope Show. What loss would it have been to have Hope turn herself in?
No you are not the only one! That's what I was yelling at the TV - shoot her!! And I hate Rafe and Hope more all the time because they are just trying to shove them down our throats! Everyone acts like Rafe and Hope are some great love. They are not!! Glad you are ok and made it home safely.

Raines. Typical Salem cop. Doesn't even look at the other person in Hattie's room? I was surprised that he finally figured it out! And when Hope was hiding behind the boxes I thought if he doesn't find her but thankfully he did.
Aside to JasonD......Glad you are o.k. Same happened to me a few years ago,
Yeah, I was lucky and went off in an area with no rails or posts or anything. Interestingly the same thing also happened to me almost exactly four years ago. I'm looking up the date but it was February 2013.

Paul/Sonny were pointed out to the man.
I got the feeling that we were supposed to think that guy was Stefano...or was Marlena's insistence on following him that he would lead them to Stefano? I admit I was probably dozing by that time, LOL
Since the failings of the Hope, Prague, and Nicole plots have already been heavily discussed, instead here's some dialog that might have added something today's episode:

Paul: "This masked ball is a total bore. Why do people want to come to something this dumb?"

State Cop: "Eric Brady, one more word out of your smart mouth and I'll arrest you for interfering with a police investigation."

Lt. Raines: "You won't surrender, Hope? Don't be ridiculous. I could grab you by the scruff of your neck and put you in cuffs in a Salem second."

Victor: "Deimos, are you sure that this Orwell thing is worth fighting over? The last time we went to war over some gadget it was that idiot Nick Fallon's so-called fuels project, which turned out to be a big nothing."

I was home today to watch this. I spun into a ditch on my way to work, and after getting pulled out and making it home (I spun out about a mile from my house, and was on the other side of the highway when they pulled me out) on even icier roads than those on which I'd spun out, I decided not to risk another run.
Jason, sorry about your accident, and am glad to hear that you're all right.
JasonD, so glad to hear you're safe. And thanks for the summary, Poirot. The episode was, once again, just OK. Nothing to write home about either way.

I, too, and sick and tired of the entire Rafe/Hope saga. Enough! Been going on entirely too long. Do the writers honestly think the audience is still interested in this stupid storyline? Sure, some days are better than others, but still!

Nicole still sniffing around Deimos is so out of character for her. I wish the writers would just speed up her inevitable reunion with Brady.
Glad you are fine, Jason and thanks again Poirot for the write up.

I am disappointed that the Salem gang had the most BORING masks there!

Even if Stefano is found alive, how would that help Hope, breaking out of prison, running away from a cop, etc.? I know Sami isn't on the show anymore, but no one is worried that Stefano might have a hit out on her for stealing the money? I guess not, it's only about Hope, she's in danger, in case no one knew! :sarcasm:
Thanks, Poirot. Jason, I'm glad you're ok from your icy adventure.

I enjoyed Marlena's line to Rafe to stop acting like a little girl.

I liked the waltz music at the ball.

Sonny needs to be trained better to be a spy. He kept making jokes
and wanted the official spy drink.

Did Nicole move completely out of the mansion? And where was
she going wearing the red dress?

Hopefully, the judge Deimos wants to pay off is a good judge and won't
take his money.

Will we find out tomorrow if Raines shot Hope or was his aim so bad he can't
hit the broad side of a barn :)
I have a feeling if Hope wasn't shot (which I'm betting she wasn't) they'll try to pass it off as a warning shot. Otherwise I'll just have to assume that the Salem PD is trained by the same expert marksmen who train Imperial Stormtroopers. (That gratuitous Star Wars reference was brought to you by the number 7 and the letters A and Q,)

I have to ask, does Lt. Raines have to be such a stick in the mud? I mean I realize he's gotta a job to do, but would it have killed him to have sat down and had a bowl of tapioca with Hattie? I mean, sure, he could have butterscotch, if that was his preference. Lighten up, man.

The Prague posse: The best thing about those scenes was this line of dialogue from Sonny: "So are we going to use code names? I've always wanted to be Iron Eagle." Other than that, I've got nothing. LOL

I want to sympathize with Nicole, I really do, but if she really bought that load of horsefeathers the Dismal Duke of Darkness spewed at her, I'm going to have no choice other then go to Team Chloe.

And finally, if that hat dirty such-and-such physically harms ONE hair on Gabi;s head... Oh, the things I will shout at my TV!!! My entire apartment complex will be deemed a quarantine zone. I'm talking military guys in hazmat suits and the whole nine yards!
I'm a bit confused. First we had spoilers about Steve and Kayla painting the town red with romance. I must have blinked and missed that. Then, I thought Marlena was going to lure Stefano in by using herself. How is them being masked at the ball and watching for Stefano a big lure?

I want Hattie put up in a safe house, with Lt. Raines as her bodyguard!
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So... I watched the show today, live. Or pretty much. (It's so cold out here in Quebec these days, I don't even want to go out... so yeah, Jason, glad you're O.K. man ! Here, we are having bad weather too ). Anyway, to get back on the show, here's my take on it :

- The Prague storyline : O.K. I'm not a tech savvy person, far from it. But was I the only one who found it totally ridiculous to see all the gang pressing on their ear every time they talked ? Really ? And to talk like that, while looking around. Oh, no, it wasn't obvious at all. :sarcasm: I mean, Steve (don't get me wrong, I love the actor and the character) could have at least faked it, made it as though he was talking to Kayla. Again, too simple, I guess. Bottom line : what a waste of time, what a waste of great characters and actors ! Oh, and I didn't notice that the ball was taking place at St-Lukes. :sarcasm: But hey, I could live with that, if the storyline was any good.

- Hope : Nope, not worth my time. Too stupid for words. What a great cop she is. And a great hider. Don't even count to ten until you get out from behind the boxes. :sarcasm:

- Nicole : I must say I am kind of interested to see how far this could go. I'm betting this could get better, if written well (yeah, who am I kidding ?). Her, trying eventually to get away from Deimos (not liking that she's still willing to give him a chance, though), and being trapped. It could be good... but again, I won't hold my breath. Oh, and that dress, that hair, those shoes : where the heck was she going ? I don't even dress like that for weddings. Who wears that on a week day ? Seriously ? The actress is gorgeous, but the puffed up hair (what's it called, a bumpit ?), the make up, the dress... that's just too much. In my opinion, she looked much better with her short (the cute pixie cut), simpler hairstyle. Then again, I just might be by bias, as I myself have a pixie cut since I don't have an hour to waste on my hair every morning. And I wear, oh, I don't know... normal clothing ? :eek:

- Eric : Can't this guy ever smile ? Guess not... Although, given the circumstances, it's normal right now to not see him smile. But since he's been like that for a few years... I'm guessing my grandmother was right : keep making that face, it'll get stuck that way.
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TheWriter, I remember getting told that too, about making an ugly face and having it "freeze" that way. I'm hoping one day to get to see Eric smiling and happy.

I just want Raines to go away. I haven't found anything to like about him so far.

I haven't watched yet but it sounds as though Nicole is doing what I suspected. Her continuing attachment to Deimos is making it hard for me to be sympathetic toward her.

Jason, I'm glad you are okay.

Poirot, thank you, as always, for writing up a nice summary!