Days of Our Lives - Thu., May 25, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the Nurse's station, Joey meets Kayla, where she asks him about his date with Alyssa which was bombed by Jade. Later, Steve comes out after visiting John (who's with Brady), asks Kayla to take a break with him. They talk about Tripp, who reminds Kayla of Steve.

In the Square, Jade and Tripp talk about the stakeout and how cool it was, and covering up Ava's murder. Tripp is planning to frame Kayla for something when he shadows her. Joey comes up and yells at her. Jade claims to have only been looking out for him. Later Joey and Tripp talk but I couldn't hear/read what they were saying, although Joey does feel bad about how he treated Jade, who Tripp can see is crazy for Joey. Too crazy, per Joey. Meanwhile Jade has a delusion we are forced to watch. Tripp brings "little brother" Joey to Jade for an apology. Joey apologizes, Jade forgives him. Joey leaves. Tripp is drooling over his plan to destroy Kayla.

In the hospital chapel, Marlena talks with Victor, who feels guilty about his decades of terrorizing people. Marlena doesn't think that's why "our Brady" is in peril now. (They also talk about John, who is not seen.) They reminisce about Brady at 10/11, when he tried to get through sickness to play a baseball game. Victor thanks Marlena for raising Isabella's son.

"Greece": Lani and JJ discuss Eric and Nicole's escape with Sonny and Gabi and Chad. They talk about the extradition of Guy, JJ feels they need more evidence as they ALL --literally all of them-- search the compound for more evidence. Chad and Gabi look through cabinets while JJ catalogues a duffel bag. Eli comes in, INTERPOL is on the search for Nicole/Eric. They steal a bottle of wine, break some plates, and dance to music. Sonny jabbers, too. They quickly part as Eli goes to do his job. Gabi and Chad will fly back together (JJ reacts and Lani reacts to that). Sonny calls Victor, tells him Xander and Deimos are in custody, wants to run Titan. Victor agrees to back the bid.

At the Athena Cafe, Sonny brings Paul food and they recap the capture of Deimos while Paul was hospitalized. Paul is glad that Uncle Vic will back Sonny for Titan. Sonny says it's time for true leadership at Titan. Sonny acts mentally unhinged and Paul calls him out on it. Sonny feels he has to show strength and fire everyone whom Deimos hired. Paul questions this.

Still at the compound, JJ tells Lani he will still worry about Gabi, is afraid if Abby returns to Chad, Gabi will be hurt. He is not jealous. They like each other and should enjoy what they have. Lani looks forlorn as they hug.

At the hotel room, Gabi and Chad review their trip as she tries to dissuade him from keeping the amulet.

On the Kiriakis Jet, Sonny tells Eli, Paul (who's OK to fly), Lani, and JJ that they'll leave in 20 minutes. Gabi appears, it was awkward solo with Chad so she was hoping they had room. She stays; JJ smiles, Lani glares. Later, Chad joins them as his jet now has landing gear problems. Gabi worries about the curse.

Steve has taken Kayla to a hotel, says they can eat after a soak in the tub. Later, she texts Tripp after their bath, then silences her phone. They promise to never take each other for granted. They talk about the kids (Stephanie's doing well, Joe is growing up, Tripp is coming 'round).

Marlena returns to the chapel, learns that Deimos is captured. He says Eric and Nicole are at large, good riddance to the two of them. Marlena reminds Victor that Eric and Brady are "half brothers" (her words) and that Eric acted on Brady's orders. Victor will not feel guilty about Eric. He recounts his losses: Isabella, Bo, and last year Daniel. They pray.

In the private area, Tripp gleefully reacts to Kayla's affirmative text about the shadowing. He can't wait to avenge his mom.

Gabi and Chad make jokes on the plane. Paul emerges, says that the plane is leaking fuel and they need a spot to land. The participants brace for impact. (Sonny appears to be flying the plane or something?)
Marlena reminds Victor that Eric and Brady are "half brothers" (her words)
Guess the script writer needs to brush up on steps and halves, as Brady and Eric were/are stepbrothers, unless it was a flub by Deidre Hall (Marlena).

Was nice to hear Victor acknowledge that Marlena basically raised Brady.
It's a good thing that the plans of Salemites so often end in dismal failure because they can be unbearable in victory.

Exhibit 1 -- Xander's villa: Bo Brady would have been beaming with pride as JJ and friends staged an illegal warrantless search (Greece does employ such warrants), stole two bottles of valuable champagne, and destroyed property (dinner plates). Unlike Bo, it's doubtful that Commissioner Raines would approve of such totally unprofessional conduct.

Exhibit 2 -- "Passionate" Sonny: The Big Boy lookalike thinks that leadership is firing all inoffensive, productive Titan employees who happened to be hired by the ousted Deimos? Maggie should give this brat a lecture on common decency while Victor pulls some strings and get him into Harvard Business School so he'll learn a thing or two about real business leadership.

Finally, add crises in mid-air to the long list of things that the writers do badly. One of the gas tanks on amateur pilot Sonny's plane springs a leak and his first thought is a crash landing? (The writers should start watching the Smithsonian Channel's Air Disasters show to see how things are really done.) If Sonny had been piloting the U.S. Air plane that was struck by geese instead of Capt. Sully Sullenberger, the results would not have been pleasant.
So, the scooby do crew is bracing for a crash. Glad Eli was telling them all the right position to be in to prepare for landing. Too bad both Chad & Gabi do the hands behind the head, head down, but atop a table???
while Victor pulls some strings and get him into Harvard Business School so he'll learn a thing or two about real business leadership.
C'mon, he owned a café for nearly 4 years! He surely knows enough to run a multinational conglomerate!!!
Did sweeps end and I missed it?
On Days, did sweeps ever start?

I liked the acknowledgment of Marlena's role in Brady's life but I shiver that she said "half" brother. Brother would be OK. Step-brother OK. Half just sounds half-rumped.
Thank you Jason.

Sweeps ended on Wed.

Big mystery solved. Now I know where Sonny and Paul were on the plane when
they flew to Greece. I didn't know then Sonny was the pilot.

Nice conversation with Victor and Marlena. They talked about Brady and Isabella.

I wonder what Tripp's plan is to get Kayla in trouble. Is he going to do something
to one of her patients?

Paul isn't happy at all with Sonny's big plan when he gets to be CEO of Titan. I hope
Paul can throw away Sonny's
hair gel away because it's making him do bad things.

Why didn't Gabi tell everyone that Chad couldn't be on the plane since he has
the cursed amulet? Was that the reason the plane got a fuel leak?
Did the pilot of the Kiriakis jet die of a heart attack or something? I could see Sonny learning how to fly a small plane and even being licensed, but to go from a single engine to a jet? That would be like a transition from a tricycle to a semi truck or better, lol.
Paul, your half brother will be dead when you get back. Oh and Sonny, your cousin (or whatever Brady is), but by all means let's celebrate and only care about taking over the company. I totally understand how you are to busy to care about Brady dying, heck to busy to even mention it.

Correct me if I am wrong, as I honestly have not been paying close attention to this joke of a storyline but, no one knew Eric was with Nicole, but yet Hope nor anyone acknowledge "Eric what are you doing here????"

I love Chad, but I really am starting to dislike how they write him as always joking and acting goofy around Gabi. Enough with the voice impressions and the dorky lingo.

JJ, how dare you think that Chad should stay single in case Abby changes her mind again. I choked on my water when he said that to Lani.

Annddd for my final whine, Lani, Hope, and Gabi wearing thin, see-through shirts with black bras underneath, just, ugh.
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Guess the script writer needs to brush up on steps and halves, as Brady and Eric were/are stepbrothers, unless it was a flub by Deidre Hall (Marlena).

I liked the acknowledgment of Marlena's role in Brady's life but I shiver that she said "half" brother. Brother would be OK. Step-brother OK. Half just sounds half-rumped.

This didn't bother me that much. It could have been a flub but it also could have been that Marlena considers herself to be both Brady and Eric's mother. And she is. I know they are stepbrothers legally but I can let this one slide.

Loved the scenes with Marlena and Victor. I wonder if these were supposed to air on Wednesday since we saw Marlena call Eric on the plane already. And we know Victor visited Brady already too.

Tossing the plates? Are we getting ideas from Three's Company now?

I wasn't clear on whether Sonny was the pilot but I do know you don't glide a plane with the engines spooled up. Glide means the engines are at little to no power. Like how Sully landed the plane on the Hudson. He glided it in because he lost both engines.
Just an aside..........but....on radio here this a.m. was an attorney talking about divorce in this state (Wisconsin). Takes 120 days after filing to get to the point of a divorce being granted. With children involved, usually an agreement can be reached between the parents, but if not, guardian ad litem is appointed for the child in order to help a judge decide on custody, etc.

No idea about Illinois (where Salem is assumed to be located) but Abby sure cannot marry Dario any time soon.