Days of Our Lives - Mon., Oct. 2, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, October 2, 2017

Cast pulled out all the stops today, excellent show. Replay of last Fridays vow recital, and Ben bursting in, shocking everyone. He comments he appears to be underdressed, should have worn a tie! (Terrific acting by Robert Scott Wilson as Ben) . Jaws have dropped, people are stunned, practically cannot move. Chad asks what he is doing there, why did he come. Abby, starts having a sort of daydream, the church is empty, except for her and Ben. She begins to doubt herself, wonders if she is going crazy. We go back & forth between her daydream & reality. She leans against Chad, but then is back in her daydream, wherein he is silent, just looking at her, as she talks, finally deciding that today is her wedding day, he is not going to ruin that, she is going on with her life with Chad. She walks down the aisle, and punches Ben in the jaw. Rafe & JJ get hold of Ben, who is claiming he did not come there for her at all, he came to talk to Sonny. Oh, he gets quite a few jabs in, talks of Andre being at Bayview, John & Marlena, as well, all the murderers in the room, quite a bunch Salem has. Hope is calling for backup, saying to call Bayview as well.

When asked how he was able to leave Bayview., Ben talks of all the fuss with the other Salemites around, people just left their keys handy. But he wants to talk to Sonny.

However, Sonny doesn't want to talk to him, he rages at Ben, really rages about him killing Will, before he could talk to Will, how maybe if he had been here, it might not have happened, he could have prevented it. Ben killed Arianna's father.

The place really is in an uproar, everyone is making comments. Reactions from Paul as Sonny rages are so sad. Now it is JJ's turn to rant about Ben killing Paige, how Rafe never got a chance to really know his sister. Ben is cuffed by now, and is still insisting on talking to Sonny, who gives him 30 seconds, Ben wants privacy, sorry, no. The Bayview people are there, but Hope won't let them take Ben, he got away once already, down to the cop shop. As they drag Ben out, he is shouting "he is alive, he is not dead, Will is alive as you and me".

This shakes everyone a little, Kate is yelling at him, John figures he is playing mind games. With Ben gone, everyone settles back in their seats, the two couples decide to resume the proceedings. Abby does her very heartfelt vow speech, which causes Sonny to have multiple flashbacks of him with Will (black & white) including the first time they make love. He is getting sadder and sadder as Abby professes her love to Chad, tearing up, shaking, finally declaring he is sorry, he is sorry, he cannot do this. He runs out of the church, Paul following him, trying to talk to him, give him strength. But Sonny, can't. Not now, not until he finds out what Ben meant by what he said.

Chad & Abby come into the room, what is going on. Sonny apologizes to them, but he just cannot do this now. He leaves, Paul goes after him.

At the cop shop, Rafe, Lani, JJ, & Hope are trying to deal with Ben, and all that went down. Hope wants to find out exactly how Ben got away, what is going on. Rafe & JJ are in the interrogation room with Ben, who is making his nasty remarks, about Abby, JJ is getting madder and madder, goes after Ben, Rafe pulls him away, JJ is yelling, Rafe makes him leave, then leaves the room himself.

Chad announces to the assembled guests that they have decided to postpone the weddings in support of Sonny & Paul, thanks them all for coming.

Sonny & Paul show up at the cop shop, Sonny pleading to speak with Ben. Needs answers. Rafe doesn't think it is a good idea, but Paul notes Sonny will not be talked out of this.

Next we see Sonny, looking at Ben, just staring at him.
Replay of Paul/Sonny and Abby/Chad doing their vows. (kind of annoying to see the whole vow thing again when Friday's episode ended with the doors thrown open and someone walking in)

Ben walks in, while the Salemites all sit in stunned silence (Seriously? NO ONE jumps up to tackle him??)

Abby's then totally alone in the church with Ben, she thinks she's going crazy. But she's only imagining that she's alone, while the guests start moving in slow-motion. She's losing it, then she pulls it together, picks up her bouquet and slowly walks down the aisle to him, saying she's not afraid of him. She charges forward, before any of the guests can move, and punches Ben in the face. (pretty neat scene)

Chad grabs Abby, while Rafe and JJ finally tackle Ben. Eli goes to Gabi to ask who Ben is; she explains how Ben killed Ari's father. Abby asks how Ben got out of Bayview. He says it's been pretty crazy there, with Marlena, John and Andre. Chad now goes after Ben while Andre holds him back.

Ben gets cheeky with Andre, John and Marlena. Hope calls for backup (while we see that Ben signed the guest book in the vestibule. LOL) They keep asking Ben why he's there and he says he's not there to ruin Abby and Chad's day, he's not even there to see them. He's there to see "them" (as he nods toward Sonny and Paul). He says he has something he knows Sonny will want to hear.

Sonny now goes to Ben to say how Ben killed his husband and took away his daughter's father. He murdered Paige, tortured Abby and killed Will, but they all found a way to move on with their lives. He goes on about how much he loved Will (cue Paul's dejected look). Sonny totally goes off on Ben, about what a monster he is. As Hope, Rafe and JJ drag Ben away, he spits out "He's alive! Will is alive!" as the Salemites all look shocked (Really? Half the people in the church have come back from the dead and this surprises them???)

Marlena asks why Ben would say something like that, John says it's just mind games. Kate tells Ben to shut the hell up, he's sick, sick. Gabi tells Eli there is no way Ben is right, Will is dead. Ben keeps spouting off to Sonny about Will being alive. He begs Sonny not to let Bayview take him back and drug him to be a zombie, or he'll always wonder if "that crazy SOB was right". Rafe tells Ben to shut up. Sonny says Ben has 30 seconds to explain how Will's alive. Ben's doctor is there now, but Hope says he's not going to Bayview, she's taking him to the station.

Ben wants to talk to Sonny alone, but Paul and Justin say "no way" and Sonny tells the cops to get Ben out of there. Hope goes along, too. Kate says she's glad Lucas wasn't there to hear all this. Bonnie says it's a shame they didn't get to hear what Ben had to say, while Victor and Maggie go off on her for being so insensitive.

Brady goes to check on Paul and hugs him, John joins them. The 3 guys talk. Marlena and Kayla sit together and talk, thinking about Will and when Marlena did Will and Sonny's wedding.

Sonny talks to Chad, Abby and Justin. Chad says Ben is right, Will is alive... in his heart, in Sonny's heart, in the heart of everybody there, and he's there with them today. Sonny agrees.

Chad then addresses the guests, says they're going to continue with the ceremony after they regroup for a minute. The guests all clap.

The cops drag Ben from the church as he screams that they're making a mistake, Will IS alive. Sonny looks grim as he watches.

Ben's now at the cop shop with JJ and Rafe. Ben keeps asking to talk to Sonny, but they assure him Sonny can't be bothered, while Ben will be locked up like an animal. JJ talks about how Ben killed the woman he loved and thanks to him, Rafe never got to know his little sister.

Hope and Lani are in the cop shop (the part with the desks); Lani is worried about JJ. She asks Hope what all that Will stuff is about.

Ben is needling JJ, who is about to snap as Rafe holds him back. Rafe has JJ leave, while Ben smirks.

Back at church, Justin says they're ready to start again. Paul asks Sonny if he's OK with all this and Sonny says he is.

Abby starts her vows to Chad again. As Abby does her vows, Sonny's mind wanders to when he first met Will, Sonny offering Will a ticket to a ballgame, their first kiss, their first time together. (using the actual flashbacks) Sonny stands there, crying silently, remembering holding a baby Ari with Will, at the apartment. He continues to cry, remembering the first time he and Will exchange "I love you". Paul asks if he's OK and Sonny says no, he apologizes, can't do this and rushes out to the vestibule, having what appears to be a panic attack.

Paul follows; Sonny says he can't marry him right now until he hears what Ben has to say. Chad and Abby come into the vestibule, too. Sonny keeps repeating he's so sorry and leaves, while Paul rushes out after him.

Kate and Justin come out to the vestibule to join Chad and Abby, asking where Sonny and Paul are. Chad explains what Sonny said and where he went. Justin asks if they want to continue with the ceremony.

Back in the church, Doug and Julie talk about what happened; Nicole and Brady talk; Maggie asks Bonnie why she's not checking on her son. Bonnie says she just wanted to give him some space, then gets up and goes to the vestibule. Justin returns and says Paul and Sonny have left the church. Chad and Abby come back into the church and explain that they are going to postpone right now and go support Sonny and Paul.

Sonny goes into the cop shop with Paul. Sonny is determined to talk to Ben, he begs Rafe and Hope, who reluctantly agree. Sonny walks into the interrogation room and gives Ben a death stare.
Brief synopsis:

Repeat of vows from Friday with Abby's being interrupted by the entrance of Ben.

She has a hallucination that it is just her and him in the church and she is basically thinking she is going crazy again, then she says NO, comes back to full church scene and runs up and punches Ben straight on the mouth.

So everyone finally starts reacting, saying get him out of here, calling his doc, asking how he got out.

Ben says stuff to various characters; to Andre, sorry he missed him in the mental facility, would have got revenge, some other stuff to other people.

Hope or someone says get him out of here. Ben says not before you get to hear what I came to say and you will want to know. Everyone basically says no. As he is being pulled out of the church, Ben says three words: Will is alive!

Nobody believes him, Sonny says you have thirty seconds to explain, he takes too long. Paul says do not listen to him, let's get back to our wedding, Sonny agrees. Ben is taken out, but to the police station since he already escaped from hospital.

Bonnie wonders what he was going to say, Victor admonishes her.

Abby goes back to her vows. Sonny is listening and with tears in his eyes having flashbacks of Will. Finally says can not do this, must find out what Ben meant.

Abby & Chad decide to postpone wedding.

Sonny goes to station and asks, what did you mean Will is alive?

And that was the end.
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THANK YOU to all of you. I felt kind of guilty for missing todays show. The awful Las Vegas news and the people affected, is so much important than DOOL.

That being said, it wasn't like the shooting just happened, and the "talking heads" were like a dog with a new bone! (As usual).
Thanks for the summaries, ladies. NBC has the episode up now on their website.

What a great show.

I enjoyed Abby hitting Ben. I wonder what Paul's mother thought of the wedding
because John was still videoing when Abby hit him?

I couldn't stop crying when Abby was saying her vows and Sonny was remembering Will.

Line of the day goes to Ben. When he came in, he said everyone was dressed up
and he should have worn a tie.
Really? Half the people in the church have come back from the dead and this surprises them???
Agreed. Why is Will coming back from the dead so surprising? Marlena, Hope, John, Patch, Kate, and André have all come back from the dead. And technically so have Rafe, Victor, and Maggie. Their reactions shouldn't be so incredulous. (That's a quick count, correct me if I overlooked anyone.)
IN fact, it would be far more dramatic if Marlena were instantly ready to look for him, given their close relationship and the fact that she's returned from the dead (three times by my count), as have two of her husbands (one twice), her ex-sister-in-law (also twice), André/Tony (five times combined?), and her ex-brother-in-law. It's actually far more common for someone to be dead "temporarily" than permanently in Salem. LOL
I'm a bit torn about today's episode. I liked Abby punching Ben, but then I didn't like or understand why she and Chad were able to just shrug Ben off so easily and go back to laughing and joking. A lot of the reactions seemed kind of off to me. I thought the actor playing Ben did great. I loved Lani's dress.
I agree as well NikkiFan, I was expecting a lot more terror and fear to be brought about by Ben. For someone who completely traumatized Abby for almost a year and attempting to murder her as well as her husband, you'd think she'd be more frightened. Towards the end it was like Chad and Abby were unaffected in the slightest from Ben's return. He was just treated as a cockroach who got near the cake. Though yes, I do give props to Abby for punching Ben!

I love how Maggie was quick to call out Bonnie on why wasn't she being supportive and going after her son, Sonny. Clearly its getting more and more obvious that wacky woman is not Adrienne.

The acting was great but overall Sonny did the best in today's episode.