Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jun. 14, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the Pub, Brady is hollering for service. Eric emerges. Brady is going to leave, but Eric stops him, serves him a Club Soda. They talk about Xander's departure and Jeannie's Bella coup. Eric wonders if Brady has residual feelings for Jeannie T.

In the Square while Claire serves her a caffeinated beverage, Eve is plotzing over Ciara's no-show. Claire confesses her part in Ciara's absconding, and Eve (who we'll remember had sex with her daughter's boyfriend, including once on the living room couch) gets judgey with Claire. They talk about never getting over someone else, "Uncle" Brady being an exception to the men-are-pigs rule. Claire bolts and Eve has a one-shot reaction. Later, Claire has returned, offers to be the new face if Ciara isn't available. Eve reminds her of the cheating, but since that is a secret, might consider it - unless Bella goes up in smoke under Jeannie T's direction.

In the Teen Loft, Tripp discovers Ciara didn't overnight at Hope's. Later, Hope is leaving messages for Ciara. Tripp reveals she left with her motorcycle.

At the alleged Mammoth Falls cabin, Ben is staring at the light from the flame as Ciara comes to. She recognizes him as the Necktie Killer, orders him to stay away from her. As she panics, he lights a lantern. Ciara's leg is broken. He claims he's trying to help her, she does not believe him, until she starts recalling the crash and (in flashbacks) finding Claire with Tripp. Ben explains how they ended up here, dead cellphone, no car, etc. They also talk about his recovery, which was triggered by Sami's insane stunt. He has some triage knowledge thanks to the years of abuse suffered at Clyde's hands.

At Doug's Place, Doug is wondering if they are getting a wine shipment; Julie gases on about Gabi's new murder. Rafe talks her down, mostly, and reveals that he and Hope are working things out, or trying. Hope comes in searching for Ciara. Later, Hope has updated them on the Claire/Tripp/Ciara shenanigans.

JJ is working out when Jeannie T comes home, victorious in her acquisition of Bella. JJ questions the sanity of her plan, Jeannie T is sure that being close to Brady will make him love her (which actually probably isn't that far from the truth). She goes on quite a bit about this, and they have flash backs to their stuff-smoking days. They are happily reminiscing when Brady arrives. He wants her to cut the crap and return Bella.

Claire returns home, nobody has heard from Ciara.

Back at Doug's place, Hope and Julie worry and Hope curses Bo's bike. Doug has been calling hospitals as Rafe has been getting a photo out via the station.

Back at the Pub, Eric is concerned for what JJ is getting himself into with Eric's cousin Jeannie T. Meanwhile Jeannie T tells Brady she'll give him Bella if he makes love to her in JJ's apartment.

At the Teen Loft, Claire and Tripp worry about Ciara while Doug, Rafe, and Julie worry about Ciara and Doug theorizes that she's just trying to be alone somewhere and is OK.

Ciara is alert enough now, and wants Ben to go into town to fetch a doctor. Ben sternly tells her he can't do that.
Thank you, Jason.

It sounds like most of the show is wash, rinse, repeat with the Ben/Ciara stuff being "relatively" new.

Why can't Ben go back to town to get a doctor? What do you all think?
So far, I have:
1. He doesn't want to have to give the money back to Chad .
2. He thinks he'll be accused of abducting/harming Ciara.
3. He lost his way because he didn't leave a trail of bread crumbs.
4. He doesn't want Ciara to play with his lighter.
5. He wants Ciara to be his girlfriend, and he doesn't have handcuffs or long rope to confine her to the bed.
Thanks, Jason. Theresa really has worn out any welcome, it sure did not take long, did it. Glad she is soooooo concerned about that son of hers, and is spending as much time as she can with him. Is it 2 minutes or 3 so far?

So, Ben came forth with all his explanations as to how they ended up in this cabin, he carried her (loved that she was a "bit heavy", stumbled around, got lost, remembered this place, but with it getting dark, felt he had to get Ciara inside somewhere. And because of how Clyde beat up on his mom and Jordan, he learned a lot about tending to injuries.

Wonder what they will do for food? And I still want to know how the bed is so intact. So far, am interested in that storyline.

However, tis past time for Julie to give up on her vendetta against Gabi and the Hernandez family. I truly want SOMEONE, preferably Gabi herself, but no longer matters, to shut her up with Nick's long list of sins. Julie acts constantly as though Gabi is worse than Stefano, Andre, EJ, Victor, Clyde, Xander, Orpheus, & even Kate. She needs a wake up call, badly.
Wonder how Ciara will relieve herself? Then again, Salemites don't ever have to do that, do they? :rolleyes:

Otherwise, I like this storyline. I'm just eager to know why Ben can't take Ciara to the hospital. Because she can't walk? Other?

As far as the rest: I'm sooooooo over Theresa. Why oh why did she have to come back? And I can see JJ falling for her, yet again. :rolleyes: And here I was, hoping for a reconciliation between him and Gabi.

Julie : Oh, give it a rest, you witch!

Brady : I'm soooooo over him too. So, he's in loooooooove with Eve, but he still can't admit to Eric that he was the one to make Nicole leave. Nope, he can go. Really. Keep others around and get rid of useless, brainless, cruel, horny Brady.
However, tis past time for Julie to give up on her vendetta against Gabi and the Hernandez family.

:clap::clap::clap: So true.

Brady : I'm soooooo over him too. So, he's in loooooooove with Eve, but he still can't admit to Eric that he was the one to make Nicole leave. Nope, he can go. Really. Keep others around and get rid of useless, brainless, cruel, horny Brady.

Brainless Brady. I wonder if he even remembers cruelly forcing Nicole to leave? But should Brady and Eve and the Tater Tot head back to the hardware store, this viewer wouldn't be upset.
And I still want to know how the bed is so intact. So far, am interested in that storyline.
And how did that lantern, filled with flammable kerosene survive the fire?
I'm sure there's a pantry full of non-perishable food in the corner that didn't burn either. :sarcasm:
There sure is: cans of genuine Pub clam chowder and garbage-can-nacho mix, and dried Wanchai Ferry meals (just add water and heat). Umm, umm, good!

Wonder how Ciara will relieve herself? Then again, Salemites don't ever have to do that, do they? :rolleyes: ...As far as the rest: I'm sooooooo over Theresa. Why oh why did she have to come back? And I can see JJ falling for her, yet again. :rolleyes: And here I was, hoping for a reconciliation between him and Gabi.
If memory serves, the only Salemite to ever mention the call of nature was Vivian while locked in the magic sarcophagus when she exclaimed: "I've made a mess!" As for Jeannie T., she has become unbearable, swinging wildly from one Brady/Eve plan to another. Victor should tell her that the best way to Brady's heart is to go to Manitoba and make a success of his hardware store. This would take her off screen, allowing viewers to imagine Eve's little sister selling happy Canadians screwdrivers, caulk guns, nuts and bolts, and mousetraps.

Finally, Ciara's claim to know something about Ben's mental illness based on being a mental health hospital intern for about five minutes might seem laughable, but this actually made her more qualified in this area than most Salemites are to do their jobs.
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Doug's Place: I love Julie's view of the world: Gabi broke up with Eli because he looked her in the eye and lied to her about not being the father of Lani's baby immediately after promising not to lie to her. Yet she sees that as "Eli seeing the light". Okay, whatever. I did enjoy Rafe taking some of the wind out of her sails by mentioning Abigail.

From this point on, when Julie starts ranging about Gabi, I'm just going to imagine the teacher in the Charlie Brown specials going "Wah, wah" because that's what she becomes when she goes off like that.

The Cabin scenes: I have to say that I was skeptical when if first heard that Ben and Ciara were going to have scenes together. I'm not sure what to make of it but I have to say, I am interested. If nothing else, it seems to indicate they intend to do other things then just keep him in Chad and Abigail's orbit, which I think is the best for all three characters.

Now if they could just do that with a certain petite brunette.
Thanks, Jason.

Julie put her foot in her mouth this time when Rafe was right there listening.

I wonder if anyone called Theo to see if Ciara called him?

Maybe Ben will go out later and gather berries and nuts for food.

Hopefully, someone will find the motorcycle along the road.

Claire looked upset because Tripp was hoping Ciara came home, not her.

Will Brady and Theresa do it in JJ's bed?
Well I'm "watching" this the old fashioned way as if it was on the radio. My Hulu Live froze on a show from earlier this morning yet the sound recorded. Go figure. Doesn't sound like I missed much on the video end of it. Thanks for the write up, Poirot.
Yet she sees that as "Eli seeing the light". Okay, whatever
There was so much insanity and inanity in today's episode I didn't have time to mention this. But this bugged me a lot too. Julie has become a one-note character and the note she's playing is shrill.

Finally, the dark corners of the internet already have people supporting Ben/Ciara as a couple. I just don't understand it.
I'm enjoying watching Ben struggle with his inner demons. I think Robert Scott Wilson (Ben) is doing an excellent job of portraying this character. Yesterday, when Ben would see or pick up things that he had used in the cabin before (the shovel, blanket, lighter) and recall how they were used, I caught a glimpse of the insane Ben before he would shove those feelings down. Granted, how any of those things stayed intact after the fire is a mystery, but hey, aren't most things so in the soap world?
I kind of thought Hope should have freaked out more as a mom who has already lost one child. I know she's upset but I feel like she should play up the hysterical card a notch. Maybe that will come if they find the motorcycle.

Enjoyed Rafe putting Julie in her place about Gabi. At the same time, I like that Doug and Julie still haven't forgiven him. Not everyone needs to prop Rafe and Hope as a couple. Though I'm guessing in time they will too.

WHEN IS HOPE GOING TO INTERACT WITH CLAIRE? Seriously she interacts with everyone but Claire. She and Tripp were the last 2 to see Ciara.

Today it was Eve's turn to parent Claire. :rolleyes:

I like what I see so far of Ciara and Ben. I hope he doesn't snap again. I also think a Jordan cameo might make sense. It was nice to learn some more background about the Westons.

Hey Brady, if you don't want to see Eric, then don't go to his family's pub. Simple.

No words for Miss Jeannie T.

Did her hot pink dress while sitting on a bright red couch with bright orange curtains behind her bother anyone else? :eek:

Lots of family name dropping today. Claire said Uncle Brady. Eric said my cousin Theresa. Claire also mentioned Theresa. Rafe mentioned Abigail to Julie.
No words for Miss Jeannie T.
As dumb as this plot is, I have to think the point was to kill Jeannie T/Brady as a couple forever. But you have to give Jeannie T credit - Brady usually does fall in love with any non-Maggie woman he spends more than an hour with.
Did her hot pink dress while sitting on a bright red couch with bright orange curtains behind her bother anyone else?
Whoever did today's storyboards must have run out of crayola and had to use high-lighters. (Just kidding, soaps don't storyboard their scenes.)

I like that Rafe pointed out Abigail is getting sympathy while Gabi is getting little. And I also am OK with Julie not being OK with Rafe just yet.
I can just see it.
Oh yeah, the storyline is obvious. But to already have a hashtag and people supporting ("shipping" in internet slang) them after exactly 1 day? Crazy.
Not only stupid, but really jumping the gun. I honestly have a real problem with those "couple" names, some of which are really idiotic, sound awful......and frequently are mistaken for real words. It is no wonder so many of today's young people cannot spell, don't know how to punctuate, or even use grammar correctly. LOL.

As to Brady going to the Pub.....perhaps deep down he was hoping he would run into Eric, he wanted to talk to him, maybe subconsciously. Not many places in Salem to go anymore, except the very overused town square. Whatever was intended when that set was built, has fallen by the wayside. No one goes inside, the stores do not turn around (ala live stage performance props), the entire square has shrunk considerably. The entire set is chintzy. A shame Salem Mall was lost.

Ciara and Ben are two people currently needing a friend, both hurting for different reasons, both with scars inside, and now fate has put them into a situation where they are more or less stranded together. Ciara needs his help, & Ben has someone who actually needs his help. They are working well so far. Period.