Days of Our Lives -Tues., Sept. 4, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Kayla is talking to Jen, can’t find Steve anywhere, he is not answering phone, she is upset, has not yet told Steve what she had been keeping from him, (about Stefan & the bionic eye). Marlena is out of crisis, she wonders where Steve can be. She hangs up, in comes Roman with bad news, about Steve. He was arrested for espionage, feds already put him on a plane for D.C. He says that every document Steve looked at after getting his eyesight back was passed on. Kayla knows Steve would never betray, finally puts it altogether, realizes Stefan is at the bottom of this. She tells Roman how Stefan can zap Steve’s eyesight away, admits she lied about Stefan selling the company, how she could not afford his price, so gave him dirt on Kate. She also admits that after, Stefan made her give all Abby’s medical records on her pregnancy. Roman can only help if she tells him all, and now must tell absolutely no one, so Stefan won’t tumble . She has to tell the feds, to clear Steve, but then they will be investigating Stefan, he cannot know. She agrees, gets a call about a trauma case, he tells her to focus on that, he will take care of this, call Shane, make some phone calls.

Replay of Kristen threatening to kill Sami, Brady & Eve cowering, Paul coming to the rescue, and the two going out the window. Sami, Eve & Brady look down, comment about 3 floors, run down. An awning broke the fall, Paul is on the ground, gravely hurt, Kristen no where in sight. Sami takes off to look for her, as she absolutely HAS to know what Kristen can tell her about EJ, Eve calls 911…….several times, as they don’t show up for a while……Brady says Paul has pulse, is breathing, barely, talks to him to hang on, help on way, fight, he doesn’t want to lose his brother, he likes having little brother.

Will & Sonny sit in the Kmansion, going over Will’s memories, their life, telling Paul, where their marriage went wrong… is a long and boring conversation. They get to one point, Sonny says…….and then………Will says I went to Ben Weston’s apartment to talk to Abby, and instead found the necktie killer. Sonny replies, and I ran away, like Sami does, everything in Salem reminded me of you. (And I am saying out loud, Sonny, you left BEFORE Will met the necktie killer). Will talks of his gramma being shot, surgery, and in ICU. Yes, the two are planning to be together, and talk of how to tell Paul.

Hope & Rafe at the cop shop, Hope answers her phone, starting with “Commissioner Brad…changing to Commissioner Hernandez. Desk Clerk at Salem Inn, something happened. They take off. Arriving at the scene, they run into Sami who is looking around for Kristen. Rafe slaps the cuffs onto a disbelieving Sami, who has told them the tale of Kristen and the trip out the window. But she did assault Rafe, he takes her down to the station.

Brady & Eve are panicked because ambulance has not yet arrived, tho Brady comments, oh, is that them, as Hope appears. we never see them.

At the hospital, Paul is on the stretcher, Kayla doesn’t like the way his chest sounds, may have internal bleeding, will need surgery. He is taken for tests. Eve has told the whole story to Hope, Brady is very upset. Will is calling Paul, Brady answers, lets him know Paul has been injured.

Kate walks into DiMansion, waving a gun at Stefan, we learn his goons helped take care of Ted, he is “relocated”, as Stefan puts it. He is not afraid of Kate’s gun, he knows it is not loaded. They spar back & forth a bit, he is gloating over Chad leaving Abby, figures once his baby is born, Chad won’t want anything to do with it, but Abby loves it, so the Gabby part of her still loves Stefan, and eventually he will be with Abby & his baby. Kate comments not to get too attached, figuring Chad loves Abby, will come to his senses. More verbal sparring, but she brings the info of every deal Chad is currently working on at Titan. He is very pleased with this, Chad will be defeated. Now she lets him know that Kristen is back, evidently not dead after all. She pulls the magazine out of the gun…….see, it was loaded. Don’t think you know me, you don’t. Leaves.

At the cop shop, Sami is whining, she should be after Kristen, Rafe chides her about her obsession with the supposedly now undead EJ. He points out her mother nearly died, Sami is defending, making excuses, Kristen wanted her to shoot John, she never would, and would not ever hurt her mother. Rafe does call the hospital, tells her Paul in bad shape, her mother still in ICU. Sami is starting to cry, leans on his shoulder, he puts one arm around her. And, through the window, Hope sees the tableau……stops, stares.

Stefan hears impatient pounding on his front door. He opens to find this woman, who says, Hello Stefan, I am Kristen, your sister. I desperately need you help.
I will also add that I am extremely disappointed in the return storyline for Sami. In my opinion, if all they could come up with was another EJ obsession story, then don't bother. Sami's mother is in ICU, her son has finally regained his memory, Paul is badly injured saving her life, but all she wants is to know about EJ. That is too sad. Has anyone heard her mention her children back in Calif.? Does she care that her getting herself killed (due to her own reckless behavior) would leave them orphans?
And then there is the long, drawn out conversations between Sonny & Will.......overdone, way overdone.
And yes, the worst, the writing out of the character of Steve Johnson. Shame on them. Insulting to the character and to the viewers.
And yes, the worst, the writing out of the character of Steve Johnson. Shame on them. Insulting to the character and to the viewers.
They'd have been better off saying he was around, but always in another room, at the Black Patch office, hunting down a lead, visiting with Jo and Vern, or that he went to see Joey or Stephanie.

And Sami? Sure, let's go another round of "my rapist is the love of my life." :sick:
Today was filled with OMG -- only in Salem moments.

Paul was badly injured from the fall, but Kristen got away unscathed? She really must have a collapsible witch's broom handy at all times.

Why is Will wasting time going down memory lane with Big Boy Sonny? He ought to be over at the hospital with those keeping a vigil for Marlena.

The EMTs really took their sweet time coming to Paul's aid. Where's JJ Deveraux when you really need him?

Steve is charged with espionage? How a man whose bionic eye had a scanning device that he didn't know about can be charged with anything is unbelievable. Where's lawyer Ted when he's really needed.

The Salem Inn really has remarkably fragile window frames. If Ted were around he could file a negligence suit. At least poor Paul would get a big cash award to compensate for all the grief he's had to put up with since arriving in Salem.

Rafe endured listening to Sami's EJ obsession while Hope wasted time talking to Eve? Why weren't they leading the search for Kristen. (Staking out the DiMera mansion might have been a good move.)
She agrees, gets a call about a trauma case, he tells her to focus on that, he will take care of this, call Shane, make some phone calls.
I'm hoping Shane and his usually-inept-at-keeping-people-alive-and-safe ISA somehow end Stefan.
He says that every document Steve looked at after getting his eyesight back was passed on.
A. How is this STEVE'S fault? And not the company's?

I'm done.
Paul has pulse, is breathing, barely, talks to him to hang on, help on way, fight, he doesn’t want to lose his brother, he likes having little brother.
I like this - but again, establishing this strong fraternal relationship a few months ago (like when Paul first came to town or when Jeannie T fled the scene) would have meant a lot.
it is a long and boring conversation
And a bit sugar-coated, but incredibly necessary. And technically, Sonny left town before the murder, but also quickly fled after the murder.
Why are we still seeing this pathetic loser on our screen? Why is he pining over a woman who doesn't exist? Has he never in his 40-ish years of life had another girlfriend? Pleeease.
Where's JJ Deveraux when you really need him?
I think he left the show! Seriously - where is this dude?

Meanwhile with Marlena in the hospital and Paul plunging out the window, where is John? He should have been headlining today, not that delusional screecher or the worrisome "Commissioner".
...with Marlena in the hospital and Paul plunging out the window...
The biggest problem, as I see it, is how is the hospital administrator going to manage two patients at the same time with only one hospital room in the building? Will Marlena die or go home? Will Paul die? Stay tuned for these and other heartbreaking questions on our next episode.
Thanks, Poirot.

Does Hope have her cell phone glued to her hand? She hardly puts it down.

Surprised to learn Kate called Stefan to help get rid of Ted. Stefan said he's not
dead. Did he put Ted on one of Stefano's islands?

It was interesting to see Roman shut the door when he was talking to Kayla.
Too bad he didn't close it sooner.

I can't believe Steve was charged with espionage. As Susan Banks would say
the writers were "mean, mean, mean".