SPOILER !! Week Feb 11

It sounds like, hopefully, this crazy Jordan storyline is going to be a relatively quick one. I wonder if they are going to somehow try to claim that it was Jordan who did the necktie murders in the first place and Ben just thought he did or was made to think he did, so they can say he never was the murdering nut job that Hope wants to keep away from her baby? So, maybe it will be Ben who saves Ciara and Charlotte when he finds Jordan? And if there is a vigil for Kate, of all people, Rafe can just hop from one former love to the next, while Hope spends time with Ted? That's all they can find for Rafe to do?
I would love it if Jordan was the real killer. Alas, I don't see how this could be possible, since we saw Ben commit the murders, then we saw him kidnap Abigail, and set the bed on fire at the cabin. I know Days stretches facts, but this... I doubt it could work.
Actually, we did NOT see Ben killing anyone.......except attempting to kill Will. Even Wendy...Ben went outside with her, and we heard a shot. We did not SEE anything. Paige was a dark figure from the back, and Serena....just the dead body with the necktie.
Ted kisses Hope. [In addition to his many unsavory talents, Ted is also a lothario? Does he go to bars and clubs, sidle up to some hottie, and say, "Hi, I'm a shyster lawyer."]

Rafe returns to Salem. [Rafe returns as the Hope-Ted relationship is developing? Jealous Salemites have such good timing.]

Eve urges Jack to protect JJ. [Eve, as usual, has it all backwards. JJ should be protecting his hapless father from conniving Eve.]

Gabi and Stefan clash over business. [Why these two schemers are still in business with each other is a mystery to me.]

Ciara and Ben are reunited. [Hopefully, something happens that makes Ben Ciara's hero again.]
I don't remember seeing Ben set the fire. I thought he had been cooking and something fell off the stove while he was out and THAT started the fire. However, this 75 year old brain may not be thinking clearly.
I meant that Ben set the fire the first time around, when he held Abigail captive. Or is my memory not good?
And I realize that you are right, Poirot, we didn't see the murders. Except for Will. So maybe, just maybe, I was wrong and history could be changed by making Jordan the real necktie killer. Indeed, I would totally love that scenario.
If Jordan is the necktie killer, fine with me. She then is off the show or seeking treatment at Bayview or some other ridiculous establishment that doesn't really help people. But the character is here and then gone.
We did see Ben kill Will the first time. It was heartbreaking to watch that and something that sticks in your mind. Now since we know that Jordan is the kidnapper, I will bet anything she set the fire to the cabin when Ben went for his meds. This is probably the scenario where Ben rescues Ciara and Charlotte and gets cleared of all suspicions of setting the fire etc. Jordan has gone crazy now, must be in the genes. Hopefully Ben and Ciara become a real couple and Salem is open to Ben getting work.

Boy, Marlena is going to have her hands full with Jordan now in the picture and other crazies.

As far as Leo could be John's son, is absolutely nutty. But, this is Days. Anything is possible for the impossible.

What I really wonder about, is Kate and what happened to her for Rafe to run to her bedside?
As far as Leo could be John's son, is absolutely nutty. But, this is Days. Anything is possible for the impossible.
This could actually be plausible. John and Diana were in love, engaged and living together back in the day. She could've easily been pregnant with his child when she left Salem in 1989. I think she may say Leo is his son but it will be a lie. I think Ted will be his biological father.
Yep, and she could have told Ted the baby was stillborn, or something.
Kate may just somehow learn what Jordan has done...and thus is poisoned. Maybe Rafe finds her collapsed, thus gets her to hospital, et c.
Yep, and she could have told Ted the baby was stillborn, or something.
I could see that being the case, especially since Ted told Hope that he also lost a child.

And the father that Leo killed (Judith Chapman/Diana talks about it in an interview in the twitter thread) was probably an abusive stepfather. Maybe Leo didn't even know the man wasn't his biological father? All speculation on my part, though.