Days of Our Lives - Wed., Oct. 9, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Missed 1st half, don't think I missed too much. But Eli has asked Gabi for Stefan's heart, she blows up, rants and raves and this continues throughout the 2nd half. She reminds him of how, when she learned Julie wasn't faking, she called hospital, they would tell her nothing. She then came to hospital where Lani lit into her big time. She yells, hollers, Eli keeps trying to explain how all were on edge then, but Gabi will have none of it, tells him to get out, then goes over to Stefan, repeatedly saying she is sorry, she is sorry he had to hear all that, no one is taking your heart, no one, not ever.

Jordan & Ciara in the elevator, Jordan stops it, then proceeds to warn and caution Ciara against Ben. Ciara reminds her how Ben took care of her........and he wasn't the one who held her, injected her, set the place on fire, etc. He would never hurt her. Jordan is not too sure of that, he murdered 3 women. Ciara said he was sick, but Jordan goes on and on about him strangling 2 of the women with those same hands he puts all over her. She goes on, wondering if Ciara trusts the doctors at Bayview really helped Ben. The elevator finally starts up again, opens up, Ciara leaves it, Jordan stands, grinning from ear to ear.

Lani & Rafe are together, talking about Ciara nearly getting run over, Rafe commenting that Jordan says she did not do that. They talk of Julie, Eli going to talk to Gabi, Rafe did not think that a good idea, but says he will talk to Gabi if Eli has no luck.

Jordan returns home, tells Rafe she was at hospital, trying to get her old job back. He asks if any luck. Well, there was a problem with the elevator.

Ben is with Victor, wants him to get rid of Jordan, Vic owes him a favor, tried to kill him in this very room. Victor is surprised, No, he does not want her killed, she is his sister, took care of him when little. But Ciara is not safe with Jordan around, wonders if Vic can get her into some locked institution. He might, but what about baby. Nope, says Ben, Jordan not fit to take care of a baby, Rafe is guardian. Vic warns situations like this could get messy, does Ben think he could live with himself if sister dies?

Kristen is talking of having Rolf move in with her, Brady opposed. Rolf ends up leaving, has to go to work. Kristen faints, Brady catches her, she is glad he was there, she felt a bit dizzy. He asks if she is faking, she resents it, remarks how much she has wanted a child, Brady knows that, does he think she would fake this for him? See you around in about 8 mos. She takes off, he looks frustrated.

Victor is on the phone, telling someone the name is Jordan Ridgeway, have the plan in place, but do nothing til I tell you. He hangs up as Brady enters. He has some bad news. Vic comments how he told him about knocking up Kristen, what now? In walks a smiling Kristen, hands all over Brady. Hello Vic, I am moving in!

Hope is in the chapel praying, Rolf comes in, they talk of saving Julie. Rolf says he can prolong Julie's life until a heart becomes available. He has been working on a drug. He rants, getting all worked up, definitely in mad scientist mode, as he says Hope can pray with her beads forever but that will not help. Not faith to help, science is the answer. Come to my lab. Hope folds up her beads, seems a bit uncertain, but follows him out. In his lab, he picks up a jar of liquid, been working on this, fills a hypo. Hope wants to talk to Kayla first, before injecting Julie with whatever is in the hypo. But Rolf says ...this is not for Julie, it is for you, as he injects it into her arm, she struggles. Have to say, right thru her blazer jacket and all. Amazing.
I was laughing when Kristen kept referring to the baby as "little Andy or Jenny" (she said there were just some names she thought of) then said wouldn't it be great if they had twins. The look on Brady's face was funny.
Oh, my gosh, I read this .......did not believe looked it up. When Kristen is arguing with Brady, she calls her baby "Andy or Jenny"........and where did those names come from? The names used by Rosemary for her unborn child in "Rosemary's Baby"

What two names does Rosemary keep calling the baby?
From Quiz: Rosemary's Baby (click to play it). Question by author Firedancer002.
Answer: Baby Andy or Jenny

It was Andy for a boy and Jenny for a girl.
That is too funny about Rosemary's baby!! I was wondering what those names meant. I was surprised that Brady didn't even question when Kristen said that Rolf helped with the conception!

I had thought Ciara stopped the elevator. She stepped forward but maybe was going to be getting off? Wow Jordan sure is the pot calling the kettle black!

And yay Rolf is going to make Hope interesting!! Unless he's bringing back Princess Gina. Oh please don't do that!!
Days has done that "injection thru clothes" a LOT....every time I wonder why they do not seem to concern themselves with germs/dirt/etc. For cryin' out loud, everything is supposed to be sanitized, germ free, especially the needle. And when I get a shot, they always clean the area first with alcohol or something. But on Days, right thru clothing....jeans, sweaters, Tshirts, etc. Could have dirt, sweat, even disease germs........but heck, just inject them. Rolf went thru Hope's sweater and blouse (it did look like a jacket of some kind to me). So, in addition to all it's super powers, Salem water repels all germs...truly amazing (talking of laundry results, lol)
Theme songs: From time to time, people have posted theme songs for Salemites. Based on today's events, Victor's should be "Magic Man." Why? Because he can make people disappear just like that. Perhaps, he can make Jordan vanish to Demon Goat Island where Lani was once terrorized by the bleating creatures, or the Greek island where Xander once had his villa.

By their deeds you shall know them: Jordan wonders why people accept Ben's sanity, but not her own? If she'd start saving people's lives, she might just get a better rep.

Have a heart: There's been a lot of talk about "matches" recently as it applies to hearts. Maybe, Kayla should have University Hospital start its own version of the "Match Game" where contestants can win new hearts for their loved ones.

Nanny wanted: If Brady needs a nanny to keep crazy Kristen under control and to care for her "love" child, he ought to think about hiring blunt-spoken Nanny Megan who once interviewed for the job of caring for Tater Tot. Based on what was shown on-screen, this woman is so tough she must chew nails instead of gum.

Crazy is as crazy does: For awhile it seemed as Rolf had become almost sane, but now he's gone and injected Hope with some magic serum. Why? It makes no sense other than that the writers want to recycle some remarkably dumb old plot theme.
I love that trivia about the Rosemary's Baby names. Thanks for looking that up, @Poirot. I guess that shows at least one writer does have a sense of humor. Or they are trying to make us think that there is evil in the DiMera line and will think that we forgot that Kristen has 0% of DiMera blood in her. Now, if Gabi were to have a miracle pregnancy. . .
Thanks, Poirot.

I couldn't believe Gabi said those things about Julie to Eli. I'm sure over
her lifetime Julie has acted that from time to time.

Did Kristen do a fake faint?

The first thing I thought of when Ben told Victor to ship off Jordan was
a DiMera Island.

Jordan said some harsh words to Ciara. She said everyone is giving
a Ben a second chance, but not her. (boo, hoo)
@Lisa....I don't trust Rolf at all....He was giving Kristen fertility treatments....what if he also did sperm.....his own, or Andre''s is a macabre' thought....he had some frozen..from about EVIL!!!!
Hope wants to talk to Kayla first, before injecting Julie with whatever is in the hypo. But Rolf says ...this is not for Julie, it is for you, as he injects it into her arm, she struggles. Have to say, right thru her blazer jacket and all. Amazing.

and yet this magical medical magician can't save Stefan.....

Sorry guys this episode isn't worth watching......
Rolf says he can bring folks back from brink of death...(he is just giving Julie more time)...but Stefan is past that (he is dead)& Rolf insists he cannot bring anyone back from dead - only brink..
however...this seemed to be a "filler" episode...except for injecting Hope (which is last scene)