Headwriter interviews-time jump


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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I had read a small interview, and just read a longer one...about the decision to kill Adrienne. Ron C. said that when they decided to do the jump, they had to figure out where everyone was, and what had happened to them. They knew right off Ben would be in jail.......someone else.....what about Will? But why, what would have him be in jail. O.K. he killed someone.........who. The writers figured in a year's time, there would have had to be a death, someone would have died.

And then he talked about Judi Evans' (Adrienne) full time job she has had for over 10 years. (a funeral home) & how they, at times, had to work around that. How she is not always available, blah, blah. They really did not want to lose the actress, but.......they always have Bonnie. So, Adrienne it was. And they are going to take their sweet time telling us the how, where, why, etc. But we will see her in flashbacks.

Am sure there will be other interviews, as to why they wanted Will in prison, why they once again divorced Steve & Kayla, especially with him returning, maybe even why they won't write happy for any characters, & why so much misery. When/if he does them.......we can post them here.
I've wondered how odd it would be to go to a funeral home to plan a loved-one's funeral and have Judi Evans (Adrienne) handling the arrangements. Especially if you were a Guiding Light, Another World or Days fan.

Or imagine hiring a handyman and Bryan Dattilo (Lucas) or Tom Eplin (Jake from Another World) showing up at your house. :eek: (I don't know if either of them still do construction type work on the side anymore)

But back to killing off Adrienne, it's a shame they had to take that route. It's not like she was on that often anyway. They could've had her "busy at the newspaper" or off visiting Alexander, Victor or Joseph to explain her absences. Or spending time with Jo and Vern "on the other side of town".
I'd rather they have killed off Bonnie rather than Adrienne. It still makes no sense that Adrienne was killed off. We rarely see the actress as it is and they still could have used her as recurring showing up in scenes where Sonny needs his mom or with the newspaper.
They wanted a "major" death........& because she is not always available...they chose Adrienne. Bonnie would not have been major, outside of Mimi, who is not on the show currently, there would be no family, no repercussions, etc. Not many "major" characters die......but in the past Shawn, Caroline, Stefano, Bo & Lexie have all died.........but all except one was because the actor asked for the "out".

I do agree, tho, that it was unnecessary. They knew about the time jump coming up, so did not have to get Justin & Adrienne married so fast, since they planned on the death. It would have hit everyone just as hard. So they did not have to have Adrienne die.......she could have left town to be with some guy she met at one of her other son's town. Thus Justin would have been heartbroken, but Adrienne would not be dead.

But, we all have our own ideas, favs, thoughts, and the writers have theirs. To me, they had Jordan already dead, and Haley die. Did not need another. Heck, Caroline's funeral was just.....well, now it has been two years since there is a whole year passed.
That's the whole point of my irritation. They've had plenty of deaths--even Stefan's got a lot of attention, and there was an abundance of emotion in and around Julie's near-death, even though she finally didn't die. I don't understand the need for a major death. :angry: True, we all have our preferences. I guess some of the writers find death scenes and followup grieving entertaining.
I know mags tend to make whole articles out of some comment an actor makes, or one sentence press release. But this one was an interview....in a mag, I cannot remember which one, and I just read it.....Grrrr. Should have brought it over here.