Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, December 28, 2022


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Dec 2, 2020
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It’s New Years Eve, wedding day as Gabi informs us all when she wakes in bed with Shin. Then all of a sudden Stefan bursts into the room telling her she can’t marry Li, and Johnny and Wendy told him the truth. And then unfortunately Li wakes up from his nightmare.

Meanwhile Gabi walks into the kitchen upset with Rafe for basically being a good brother. He’s fixed her breakfast.

Jake and Chloe are discussing how much fun they’ve been having. Chloe’s feeling guilty about depriving Stefan of being at Gabi’s wedding.

Wendy is visiting Johnny showing off her gift from him, she’s wearing it to the wedding.

Brady is talking to Rachel on the phone promising her they’ll play all her new video games. He’s just hanging up when Eric walks in and they discuss the kidnapping plan again. Eric says it has to be tonight. Eric says they have to make Rachel believe she’s going out of town with Uncle Eric.

Kristen knocks in Li’s door. He tries to tell her it’s a bad time, but she’s not leaving. She wanted to wish him good luck. He says he’s going to need it.

Gabi is talking about how she’s soon to be marrying the man she loves. Rafe hopes that Li is that man.

Stefan is glad they got out of Salem for the holidays. Chloe couldn't care less about the wedding and who is or isn’t attending. She thanks Stefan for everything he’s done for her and her mother. Stefan is looking forward to Miami. He promised Nancy he’d pick up breakfast and heads out. Nancy comes into the room asking where Stefan is. Nancy says Mike and her can visit Salem to see Chloe.

Nancy and Mike are very happy together, but Nancy is worried about Stefan and his feelings for Chloe and also worried Chloe isn’t over Brady. Yes she’s over Brady, he’s moved on and so has she. Nancy thinks she may have moved on too fast. Chloe says they are taking things slowly. Chloe says when it comes to Brady and Stefan - the choice is clear.

Brady says the wedding may be a good diversion, but Rachel planned to stay with John and Marlena. Eric wants Brady to take Kristen to the wedding as his date. As they are arguing, Jada walks up to the table.

Li tells Kristen he had a bad dream, she wants to know if Stefan was in it. She saw guilt all over his face. He says it’s not guilt. Kristen won’t be telling Stefan.

Wendy and Johnny make a deal to gag each other if they need too. Johnny says they’ve kept what they found out to themselves for this long, that has to count for something. Wendy says yes but unlike him she’s actually in the wedding. She thinks she might have to skip the wedding to keep quiet.

Gabi argues with Rafe about questioning her feelings for Li. They discuss Stefan’s rejection. Gabi has decided he never really loved her. They continue eating and Gabi hopes they are past the who do you love portion of her wedding day. Rafe is enjoying his single status. He has no interest in dating Jada. Gabi says she knows he wants to invite her to the wedding.

Eric didn’t hear Jada come in, she thinks he’s been avoiding her.

Chloe tells Nancy about her Christmas run-in with Rachel and Kristen. Chloe tells Nancy that her and Stefan are taking time to make things right.

Li doesn’t think Stefan will find out but dreams don’t follow logic. Kristen wants to express her profound gratitude to him because Chloe is now an afterthought. She thought things would implode after she found out about his sister and Johnny going to Jakarta. Li admits that they know everything after telling Kristen to brace herself.

Gabi and Rafe argue about her inviting Jada as his date. She says fine. Rafe has to go to work so they can’t continue the conversation. He wants her to be happy. She says that’s why she’s marrying Li.

Kristen wants to know why Li isn’t worried like she is. Li says they won’t tell anyone. She hopes he’s right. Kristen says it seems there’s a lot riding on those two kids. She can handle it if it becomes public, but she’s not sure about him. She’ll see him at the wedding.

Johnny tells Wendy she can’t skip the wedding, it would raise questions. She’s going to try. She has to get over to Gabi’s to start her maid of honor duties. Johnny says maybe the only way to justify keeping the secret is to realize coming clean is swapping out one thing to feel guilty about for another.

Jada leaves their table. Brady asks if Eric is okay. Eric says they need to focus. Brady knows what he needs to do. They wish each other luck. Eric doesn’t want Marlena and John to realize what’s going on. Eric goes to Jada’s table and wants to talk. He isn’t avoiding her and he hasn’t been staying there since he got out of jail. Jada has heard everything. Eric would like for them to find a way to be friends again. They discuss things that went bad with their relationship and Eric apologizes for not being honest to her or himself. She’s glad they talked, she needs time before they can try being friends again. She’s headed to work but they’ll see each other soon.

Nancy is sorry, she’s not trying to put Chloe on the spot. Somehow we spin off to Nancy’s favorite movie, When Harry met Sally. Chloe says her life is not a movie. Stefan interrupts this conversation.

Gabi gets a text with a mini movie of pics of her and Li, and then a last one of her and Stefan. Wendy arrives and Gabi squeezes her in a hug to where she jokes she can’t breathe.

Rafe and Jada discuss the kidnapping case. Jada likes Gabi. Rafe invites her to Gabi’s wedding.

Chloe tells Stefan he missed nothing. They need to start packing to make their trip. Nancy looks upset.

Johnny's looking at a media announcement of the wedding when the doorbell rings and it’s Li. He came to see Johnny. It couldn’t wait. He came to double check they would be at the wedding tonight.

Brady sets up a run-in with Kristen. He then says they should attend the wedding together. Kristen seems confused that he’s asking to attend with her. He says he wanted to beat her to the punch. Yes she wants to go with him. She wants to bring Rachel.

Rafe says they could show up together but he only meant that she could be there to congratulate Gabi in person since they hit it off. Jada doesn’t want to be a crasher. He says she won’t.

Johnny already gave Li his word. They go back and forth. Li is covering his bases. Johnny calls him a crappy brother. Li isn’t appreciative of Johnny saying that. Johnny tries to get Li to tell the truth now but he won’t. Johnny says see you tonight.

Wendy and Gabi toast to getting the wedding started. Gabi is so happy that she and Li will be officially together. Wendy is happy for her.

Stefan and Chloe say goodbye to Nancy and head out for Miami.

Brady tells Kristen that it’s not a good idea. It’ll be too late for Rachel. Brady says they should stick to the original plan. Kristen says so it’s just going to be you and me?

Eric calls Marlena and he doesn’t have any plans - there’s no reason they should stay in when he can spend time with his niece. He’ll let Kristen and Brady know.
Thank you, Kris!

I wonder if Wendy wears that scarf in the shower? Geez, looks like she is in love with it. But what about the gift bearer? Have to admit, it really is beautiful. I like her friendship with Gabi, despite Wendy knowing all and chomping at the bit to tell the truth. I feel bad for Wendy, it is not easy for her.

Rafe's eggs looked delicious.

Is no one really thinking about the long-term effects of this kidnapping on Rachel? Even if it does not appear to be a kidnapping, she is being kept away from her mother, and while she is bratty, she does not deserve the trauma. Then, again, Marlena is right there to treat her for PTSD. Maybe Eric can find a mean clown mask to wear and really mess her up!

Chloe is a good liar. She is not over Brady. Duh.

Li was foolish to tell Kristen that Wendy and Johnny know all. She is evil enough to go after them.

I don't see Miami in Chloe and Stefan's future.

The wedding will, of course, be Friday's cliffhanger. We will likely just see more preparations tomorrow.
Is no one really thinking about the long-term effects of this kidnapping on Rachel? Even if it does not appear to be a kidnapping, she is being kept away from her mother, and while she is bratty, she does not deserve the trauma. Then, again, Marlena is right there to treat her for PTSD. Maybe Eric can find a mean clown mask to wear and really mess her up!
Ehhhhh, unless a Salem kiddie is kidnapped at least once, they're not a real kid. They tend to breeze through the whole kidnapping ordeal with very little emotional scarring.
At least Nancy had some sense today. I liked the Gabi and Rafe scenes. I wish we saw more of them together like they do with other families. And we should hear about Rafe babysitting his niece once in a while.
If, as I recall, Brady won full custody of his bratty daughter, it means that he cannot ”kidnap” her. He’s entiled to take the little monster anywhere from Salem to Singapore without legal implications. However, if he or Eric falsely report a kidnapping to the cops, then they’ve crossed the line into illegality.

Nancy is really unduly nosy about Choe’s private life. It’s too bad her own mother or an aunt isn’t still alive to pry into her own very messy private life, (e;g;, “Are you sure that this Mike guy isn’t another Clyde,“; or “why don’t you get back with Craig. So what if he’s a little gay.”)

Li Shin is certainly a worrier. In fact, he frets so much that if he stays in Salem, he’ll be in danger of eventually having a nervous breakdown
Thanks, Kris.

It was interesting Rafe told Gabi that because of the HR rules he and Jada can't date since they work together.
Was this rule made before or after Eli and Lani dated?

Are we supposed to believe Nancy and Mike are a thing?

Jada told Eric she heard Sloan was a full service attorney. Oh my.

Stefan told Chloe they couldn't have bagels because they had to leave. Didn't they use the company jet? You can
basically go when you want.

Eric and Brady discussed the kidnapping. Eric called Kristen she devil. The wheels are in motion since Eric is going
to take care of Rachel instead of John and Marlena. Will something go wrong? Probably, it's Salem.

Rafe and Jada discussed a kidnapping case. Will this be a factor later with Rachel and the fake kidnapping?
Are we supposed to believe Nancy and Mike are a thing?
I will believe every dead character resurrection before I can believe Mike Horton would ever date Nancy Wesley, after all she and Craig did to try and ruin his life back in the day.
It was interesting Rafe told Gabi that because of the HR rules he and Jada can't date since they work together.
Was this rule made before or after Eli and Lani dated?
This has to be a joke, right???
Thanks for the summary. I wasn't able to watch, but it doesn't seem that I missed much. This wedding will definitely provide fireworks, but between Gabi's antics and Li's anxiety it's just a bit tiresome to watch.

Nancy and Mike being a couple seems a bit much...I did enjoy her scenes with Chloe. I'm liking Chloe with Stefan. I hope we get at least another few months of them together. I can't imagine Chloe would be pleased to hear the depths to which Brady (and his brother) have sunk...might that keep her away from him? I do want Brady with Chloe in the end, but I see no reason to rush them back now. Same with Gabi and Stefan.

I like the potential for Wendy & Johnny and Rafe & Jada. I doubt Jada will want to be friends with Eric after learning about his scheme with Rachel, though. Or that he is sleeping with Sloan (do Rafe and Jada know that? I can't remember).

Kristen needs to get on a plane and leave forever.
Rafe dated Hope when one was the other’s boss. Eli and Lani. Li and Gabi. Chad and Abby (she did communications at DiMera when convenient). Brady and Chloe. Now Stefan and Chloe. Everyone on this show has sex with coworkers. There are four houses in the whole town and four places to work.

Jada mentioned Eric is sleeping with his lawyer. She knows about Sloan.