Alex/Xander/Victor & the Will


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
I'm not as hopeful as others on the board about the new son "Alex" being a story beat leading up to the reveal that Victor's son is Xander.

Principally because we know that the head writer absolutely loves the actor (for unknown reasons) playing Alex (Robert Scott Wilson), but also because he very rarely gives us a genuine moment that makes sense for the show and characters he's established. everyone really hopeful (as in, you think it will really happen on-screen the way you've predicted), or just hoping against hope?
I have no hope that the actual and rightful heir to the Kiriakis fame and fortune would be Xander. It will be the bland Alex whose pity party Friday was really a head scratcher. He feels lost and unmoored, okay, whatever. Your emotions are only slightly more readable than Sloan's.

I don't understand how Victor could just dump his other two acknowledged sons. I'll provide for their medical needs Great, what about housing? It just doesn't ring true but then again very little about family rings true any more during this show.

So no hope that there will be a second twist for Xander being Victor's son, unless Ken reads X and sees the fans of the show, not the fans of Re-Ron's Alex had makes some changes and even then so very doubtful that that would happen.
Is Anjelica also Xander's mother? She wrote the letter talking about her son with Victor, so I'm confused about how it might be a different "Alex".
Well it's not outside of the realm of possibility that Ms Cook was named Anjelica - but Angelica whatever-her-name-was Deveraux isn't Xander's mother. Folks are speculating that Jeannie T forged the Anjelica letter.

I'm not watching the show right now, so my query is based on possibly missing clues/misreading things that are posted. I can't tell how it's being played on-screen.
unless Ken reads X and see's the fans of the show, not the fans of Re-Ron's Alex had makes some changes and even then so very doubtful that that would happen.
Ken, care about the show the slightest? HA!

Victor could just dump his other two acknowledged sons.
Not to mention his only daughter's only son, Brady!! His right-hand man for nearly a decade, forgotten!!

All to give Robert Scott Wilson (Alex) more time to doff his glasses and fail to emote!!
The only thing that gives the slightest hope this might happen was that scene when Theresa was clearly doing something with one of the letters and trying to hide it away before Brady and Alex came back to the hotel in Greece. If the writers actually paid any attention to the things they’ve written it makes far more sense for Xander to be the son.

Making Alex Victor’s undoes an entire storyline that was a kind of big deal back in the early 90s. Since we never saw Xander until he was an adult and we only know the little backstory they gave when he first arrived, there’s much more room to create a story around an affair and protecting Victor’s brother by not telling him that Xander wasn’t his.
I agree with ShaunP. There had to be a reason for Theresa to receive the briefcase from Shane, and then open it and read the letters and be secretive about it once Alex and Brady returned to the hotel room. Otherwise, what was the reason for that scene? That’s the only thing that Theresa did while in Athens. Well, she did Alex too, but that was after she read the letters.

I suppose the writers could be keeping their options open, and for now they are wanting the viewers to believe what the will says and what the letter says. I’m curious how Theresa could have signed Anjelica’s name over Xander’s mother’s name. Unless they are similar, Angela or Angie or Angelle. But I don’t know Xander’s mother’s name.

I would like to see Xander be Victor’s son, for a few reasons:

1. Alex’s self pity and attitude toward Sonny and Justin right now stinks really bad. It’s so selfish.

2. The actor playing Xander is far more capable at portraying a complex character, sometimes villain, sometimes charming, sometimes sympathetic. Alex’s character is just annoying all the time and to have this character be given so much power and legacy, this will be truly disappointing.

3. I watched Days in late 80’s and early 90’s. There was nothing going on between Victor and Anjelica and this would rewrite history. Not that Days writers haven’t nullified or ignored history before. It’s just so frustrating to see them change what we can clearly remember.
@Poirot that would make sense considering on all of the family trees I've seen online Xander's mother is just listed as "Ms. Cook." And it would be an easy mistake for Justin and Maggie to make considering Alex's mother is Anjelica. Victor did always keep an eye on Xander, he paid someone off to reduce charges when he was a teen, brought him into the family company (even as a henchman at first), and seemed to have a soft spot for him despite his repeated failures. The timeline makes more sense and it would pull Victor's family story together nicely and be far more in character than him keeping Justin (who he was very close with) in the dark.
Sometimes I feel like the people on this board have a better feel for story than the actual writers, but I do believe the writers have this twist in mind. That’s why the scene with Theresa, but as long as it’s not on screen, there’s room for them to screw it up and go another direction. Or be forced to by an actor leaving.

However, Paul Telfer (Xander) seems pretty solid in doing this show and not other things, right? And I think the powers that be are as interested in him shirtless as Robert Scott Wilson (Ben/Alex).
The actor playing Xander is far more capable at portraying a complex character
Great points!
Paul Telfer (Xander) seems pretty solid in doing this show
Xander's a great example of a character who is around because the fans demand it. He also complets a tetrafecta [yes I am making that word up] by being a talented actor, unreasonably physically appealing, and a fresh character. There's really nobody else on the show who can compete. There are a few who have a trifecta.

If you need evidence, just look at his initial storylines. There's no way this character as initially drawn should have lasted through 3 head writers and 8 years of show. That's credited to fan demand, Paul Telfer's acting chops, and his...other chops.

Thank you all for the perspectives, I too think this is the most logical and plausible direction for the story to head, but I do not trust the head writer as far as I could throw the Eiffel Tower.
If they do go with Xander I would have preferred it just came out in the will and that's all they did. Giving half to "Alex" and nothing to Philip is just yuck. And the Vivian stuff just so they could have her pop in for a short time wasn't needed. Vivian just showing up to be seen at the funeral would have been fine with me.

This is why I think now that it's streaming that they could go to two or three episodes a week. No need for extra filler. If Vivian isn't sticking around then maybe two good episodes with Vivian being Vivian would have been fine. I liked people showing up in honor of John Aniston (Victor) and I wouldn't care if there was some story around the returns or not. Theresa just popping in was fine for me too.
Victor had set up a special trust fund for Philip. It was mentioned in the will.

But no matter what he left to others.......using his will to give half to a son he never acknowledged or did anything for all those years........Bah, humbug.

This better be a mistake, and he meant Xander, and for heaven's sake, why not name the person in full? Like he did for "Maggie Simmons Horton".
I, too, am of the belief that the "Alexander" in the Will is Xander.

I don't believe Theresa did anything to the Will, as it is a legal document, and how could she alter it without anyone noticing? (Yes, Sloan did the same with the paternity results for Nicole, but even if we bend reality, she had a better chance of doing this than Theresa has in a hotel room, just HOW could she successfully do this with no resources?) There has to be SOME logic, right? Even on this show?