Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jan. 31, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Folks, my 14-year-old TV is on the fritz, so I am watching on the computer while I write. Sorry if I miss any acting moments.

Bistro - Paulina is worried that the wedding is in two weeks. She asks Chanel where Johnny is. He had something to do. Paulina is worried, was at the hospital this morning, but wants to focus on the wedding. (Yes, she took her anxiety pills this morning.) Eli is swamped and Lani's still locked up, so it will be a small affair.

Paulina has choices for the veil and dress, and a cake (she doesn't want Chanel to make her own). Chanel purports to love them, but her voice betrays her. Paulina pitches a bad idea and a bad color scheme to get Chanel to admit she hates them and is taking it easy on her because of Paulina's cancer.

Horton House - Chad is yelling up the stairs at the kids to get ready. Johnny arrives. Chad has to go upstairs to stop the kids' fighting. Later, Chad has ended the melée and Johnny gives him a tip to keep the kids from fighting over household items. Johnny tells him about the wedding, asks him to be the best man (too bad Johnny has no friends). Chad emotes and has reservations about bringing an innocent woman into the DiMera family. He cites the sad cases of Nicole/Holly, Gabi, and Abby as evidence. Remember how much Chad loved Abby and definitely they'd still be married if she weren't murdered 20 months ago?

Chad also points out Johnny's failed first marriage to Chanel. Johnny plans to move forward with the wedding without Chad's blessing. Before Johnny can leave, Chad apologizes because sometimes it's harder and he's reminded Abby is really & truly gone forever (this time!!). Johnny says Aunt Abigail was a great person and he's sorry about Chad's loss. He thought Chad had moved to a solid place with Stephanie, but no such luck. Chad advises Johnny to marry Chanel and flee the city. Johnny can't run from problems, especially with Chanel's mother's cancer.

Square - Alex and Brady, who are panting, chest thump over Jeannie T's kissing Brady. Brady doesn't want Jeannie T but Alex doesn't want to accept his cousin's numerous pronouncements. Thump, thump. Brady is worried about the slip; Alex feels she's recovering nicely. Alex asks what it was like being married to Jeannie T? Brady doesn't remember getting married; he slowly processes that Alex is considering wedding Ms. Donovan. Brady has no objections to the potential union, offers his help if Alex needs it with Jeannie T. Alex leaves. Brady then flashes back to telling Alex what he told him at the beginning of the show.

Police Station - Hunter, Michaels, Phillips, and Goldman come in after a successful drug bust. While the extras go to process two dirtbags, Jada Hunter admonishes Harris Michaels for kissing a suspect. After a bit of scolding, the extras re-enter and Harris wants to take everyone to breakfast.

Pub - Roman gets an update from the cops as he serves them breakfast, on him. Later, they've eaten and Roman has finished a funny anecdote as he waxes poetic about his time on the force. The cops toast to him. Later, Harris tries to pay at the bar. Roman refuses; they talk about Lucas's hiding location upstairs. He'll remain in hiding until it's safe.

Bistro (I think that's what this location is) - Johnny arrives as Paulina and Chanel are looking at wedding things. Paulina leaves to do mayor things. Johnny doesn't seem interested in the choices and suggests postponing the wedding. Later, he's explained his uncle's reservations and she's talked him off the plot-mandated stalling ledge.

DiMansion - Stefan answers the door. Xander (wearing a hoodie) wants to talk to EJ about a mysterious phone call. EJ isn't there but Stefan will listen. Xander relates the call he received last night. He didn't get the opportunity to say "no". Stefan (who has a weird mustache) recounts Xander's attempt to kill Nicole and Eric. Xander has never successfully killed anyone. The caller knew who he was. Stefan wonders why he thinks EJ is the contract hunter, points out the Kiriakis family has lots of grudges and bloody hands, too, and gets offended at Xander's swipe at his family honor!!

LOTS of plot rehashing (Xander working for Kristen and caring for EJ, blah blah). Xander tells Stefan to tell EJ that he's not interested. Stefan has doubts, tells Xander to leave. Xander will leave, but reminds Stefan that he's not for hire because he has a daughter. Later, Xander again tells Stefan he's changed and has a daughter. Xander tells Stefan to tell EJ to go to hell, and Stefan and the other DiMeras should/will join him. Xander leaves. Stefan smirks. END
Absolutely they are. It is annoying as with Sheri Anderson in charge we could have had decent plotlines. This is very unlike 1988 where the substitute writers were allowed to write major plots like Jack finding out he was Billy Johnson, and Steve and Kayla's wedding.

Edited to write out names; we don't allow combo names on this board - Just Samantha/admin.
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Thanks for the write-up. I guess this is more entertaining, in some ways, than the past few episodes. Of course, that's not saying much. This is just an episode to hold things over, I suppose. While these scabs are doing terribly, I can't blame them. They've been given awful material, and the show has been declining in quality for over a decade now.
Great sympathy to you for having to do the write up. I basically just watched Xander today, and only to look at him. Everything was rinse repeat and pointless. And I noted the flashback to the same scene as I saw Brady's same shirt go by in flashback glowy mode

Most of the time I appreciate we get some insightful character development from the replacement writers, but this week we have not even had that.
Thank you, Jason! You didn't miss any major acting moments, believe me!

Chanel must have hurt her face grimacing at all of Paulina's ideas. At least she came clean and ultimately made her own selections. A pastry bouquet in a waffle cone? Really?

Could Chad be any more morose? The way he is, it's a wonder he even started up with Stephanie, which was a huge mistake. He will have to move on eventually and keep his intense ideas to himself. At least Johnny talked it out with Chanel. The wedding planning is keeping Paulina from miring in her misery. She needs the distraction.

Harris was more animated today. I liked his interaction with Jada, Roman and the two police offers.

Alex and Brady have awkward scenes together. Brady claimed the kiss meant nothing, but we know otherwise. He was into it.

Could the mysterious voice be Steve's, and the intended victim Konstantin? Or someone else who wants Clyde taken out? But not EJ. Stefan? Heck, maybe Ava?
Chad is so unlikable. Telling Johnny he should leave Chanel if he really loves her. I was never a Chad/Abigail fan. Didn't think they were soul mates. Guess he's still waiting for her to come back from the dead. Which is possible. Has he ever called the kids Buttons & Bows once since she died?

So are one of the cops at breakfast the dirty cop? And should Roman & Harris be talking about Lucas out in the open like that??

Xander better stay on the straight and narrow. What is up with Stefan's mustache? Wasn't it a full thick mustache a few days ago? He needs to shave.

Paulina really doesn't do anything to make me like her. Fake coughing? Yeah that was very mean.
These men conversations are boring a bit ridiculous. I imagine it's Konstantin who wants Xander to off someone. Probably Steve. I think I dislike Alex more everyday.
More likely his old cell mate Clyde wanting Harris removed

I also dislike Alex. I hate how long he is getting to prance about as Victor's "heir". I hope when it all comes out he owes Xander a ton of money and has to work it off as the Kiriakis gardener
Has he ever called the kids Buttons & Bows once since she died?
Nope. None of the silly Abby remembrances make a lick of sense.

I'm guessing the caller is Steve and he wants to make it look more threatening. If so, I think Xander might help "eliminate" Konstantin to help Maggie. But I doubt he'll murder him.
Best line of the day: Alex is stammering as he tries to ask Brady for tips on dealing with Theresa. He makes several starts. "You know... I'm just wondering how to..." Brady says "How to complete a sentence?" I laughed out loud. :rotfl:
This was a good line, but I thought Xander saying that all DiMeras go to hell topped it.

It was a big day for the usually anonymous uniformed cops. Not only did they have a few short lines, they got to go to the Pub and meet the legendary Roman. Did TPTB have a few extra dollars in the budget?

The annoying, overwrought Chad outdid himself today when he suggested DiMera wives are doomed. Actually their survival rate is pretty good as is that of women who had affairs or trysts with DiMeras. Isn’t that right Celeste?

Pity the fool who called Xander about a contract killing. This person obviously isn’t aware of the dangers of seriously messing with the mighty X-Man.

Finally, if loudmouth Paulina wants the perfect venue for Chanel’s wedding, she should consider Itchycoo Park. After all, the song that mentions it says “it’s all too beautiful.”
Brady and Alex's talk about the kiss was as annoying as all the discussion over Chanel and Allie's kiss a short time ago.

Chad's missing Abby is misplaced given his recent history, and Johnny's cavalier attitude to his Aunt Abby's death is a bit over the top.

Honestly I'm debating finishing this episode.