Days of our Lives - Wednesday, February 28, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
37 minutes of not really much new happening. It’s morning.

Alex runs into Kristen, literally calls her Ma'am. Kristen is upset at being called Ma'am, she’s a Miss. Alex tells Kristen he was deep in thought as an apology, Kristen asks about Jeanne Theresa Donovan? Alex is surprised to hear Theresa’s full name. Kristen comments they are really close. Alex drops the bombshell that Jeannie T has moved back in with Brady.

Neat outside establishing shot of an apartment building of John and Marlena's townhouse. Brady and Theresa share a cup of coffee discussing their visit with Tate. They discuss teenage boys. Tate calls.

EJ and Nicole are sleeping. They hear coughing then "MOM!" It’s Holly, she’s awake!! EJ and Nicole are in complementing shades of lavender/purple silk pajamas.

Tate calls and Theresa puts him on speaker, against his wishes. Justin called Tate and told him a spot has opened up at a halfway house in Salem but Tate doesn’t want to go. This devastates his parents, who beg him to reconsider.

Nicole runs into Holly’s room. Holly is confused. She asks if the party ended?

Kristen and Alex continue talking. Alex talks about the diamond ring, the lack of a Valentine’s Day proposal. Kristen teases Alex about being concerned over Theresa’s slip. This is a silly conversation. Kristen says now she’s with my Brady. Alex callously tells Kristen that Brady is not hers and never was to his understanding. To which Kristen reacts badly. (Shocking, I know)

Chad runs into Sarah at Sweet Bits, a place that gets busier and busier. (Yet, Chanel hasn’t left the hospital since Paulina’s surgery and follow up heart attack; that one helper must be a terrific person) Chad tells Sarah that Thomas and Charlotte had fun playing with Victoria. Sarah doesn’t think Victoria can actually play much but Chad tells of Victoria's giggle fits and how cute they are.

Chad discusses the loss of the house and how the kids are recovering. He asks how is she doing after the Xander arrest? Sarah tells Chad that Xander is being framed. EJ calls Sarah with the news of Holly waking, Sarah says that’s great news and rushes off. Chad asks what’s great news? Sarah says she can’t tell him due to doctor/patient confidentiality. But she’s sure EJ will call him with the news.

Nicole tells Holly that the party ended a long time ago. Holly wants to know why her mom is crying? She spies the Japanese healing bowl. Nicole tells Holly that she had been hurt, a long time ago. EJ comes into the room tells Nicole that Sarah is on her way. (Nothing really against Sarah but didn’t they have the best doctors in Italy and didn’t they fly home with a team of specialists? Or hey she’s breathing on her own, so go home and back to your regular doctors you didn’t trust in the first place?)

Tate asks are you sure heard me? He thinks his parents don’t believe in him. They aren’t fighting to prove his innocence. Tate hangs up, his parents then argue.

Chad chats with Leo, Chad doesn’t think Everett will be coming in today. Then he spies Stephanie talking to the Horton Town Square plaque (honoring Tom and Alice). Chad goes over to her. They flirt chat. Stephanie tells Chad it’s been a confusing time. They call Everett, Bobby and then hug.

Alex and Kristen argue over whether or not Kristen can get Brady back. Kristen decides to run over to see Brady now. Why, Alex asks? "Exactly" responds Kristen.

Chad tells of Jada asking questions of the two of them. He now claims he knew there was something off about Everett/Bobby. Chad invites Stephanie to walk with him to the Horton house, he has to take pictures for insurance purposes.

Brady and Theresa continue to argue over why Tate is angry at them, Brady assumes it’s because Jeannie told him about the letter Brady got. The conversation in itself proves why Tate doesn’t want to come home. There is a heavy banging/knocking at the door. Brady goes to answer, it’s Kristen, who apologizes for barging in. Theresa snarks, Kristen tells Theresa that she and Brady share a child. Theresa says hmmm, so do we.

Kristen’s comeback is "well, I believe your child is in rehab." Theresa leaves saying she’s going back to Tate's room, where she is staying. Brady’s brain is exploding, he asks Kristen why is she there. Kristen has brought Brady his Valentine, she taped it back together. She tries to worm her way into Brady’s day but he shows her the door, as he opens it, and TADA, the old only-in-soaps-does-this-happen-so-frequently, Alex is knocking on the door. Alex names everyone in the room, then Theresa comes into the room after swearing she’d stay in Tate’s room, and it’s according to Brady, now a party. But he’s less than thrilled.

Sarah comes into Holly's room with the beeping machines but no wires. Sarah does some simple tests, follow my finger, shines a light into Holly’s eyes, pupils are responsive. For now, Holly can have ice chips, water, and in a bit, some broth. Eventually Sarah would like to have Holly come to the hospital for tests. EJ and Sarah talk Xander and the facts are not on Xander’s side.

Alex and Theresa are arguing. Kristen wants to go get coffee with Brady. Brady asks both Kristen and Alex to leave.

Stephanie and Chad walk among the ruins of the Horton house. The last time Stephanie was at the house was Christmas Eve. Chad tells Stephanie that the ornaments were saved. Charlotte keeps having nightmares of the fire, Chad taught her how to call 911 in case she sees another fire. Chad starts taking pictures.

Nicole comes in with a bowl, a HUGE bowl, of ice chips, for sleeping Holly to consume. Nicole is surprised to see EJ is gone. Holly is starting to wake again. Nicole asks if this is normal, waking and sleeping? Holly should make a full recovery. Nicole is very happy. Holly should need some physical therapy since she’s been in a coma for so long.

But no matter what Holly will be surrounded by love. Nicole says yes, this is a very full house, we call it a mixed bag of nuts. It is going to be even more crowded when Anna and Tony return home. Sarah loves Anna, Nicole agrees Anna has a heart of gold. Sarah and Nicole know about DiMera and Kiriakis men, they live in the grey area.

After a tour, Stephanie thinks the house will return to its rightful glory, if Julie has anything to say about it. EJ calls Chad with the news that Holly has awakened. Chad tells Stephanie. Still nothing from Salem PD about the arsonist. Chad tells Stephanie about the phone call from creepy voice saying "maybe next time you will listen."

Brady asks Alex to leave, a round robin conversation on who can speak to whom, Tate calls to talk to his mom.

Chad shows Stephanie the chair that survived the fire perfectly. Chad has not sat in it; he doesn’t want to be the first person in history to stain it.

Tate wants to be put on speaker, Tate has called Justin, Tate will be moving to Salem. Brady and Theresa hug while Kristen and Alex watch.

Sarah and Nicole chat, Sarah asks if she can tell her mom (Maggie)? Nicole says of course, tell her. Sarah is going to set up appointments for further testing, then she leaves. EJ returns to Nicole’s side. Nicole has many people to call but she wants to savor this moment.
Thanks, Robin. Rather surprising to see a doctor on duty in a bare midriff outfit. Salem Hospital sure is different from the one here. Chad, Stephanie & the sacred chair scene was so stupid, in my opinion. No one will sit in it, Stephanie makes a big deal out of finally barely touching it with her finger. Silly stuff. (Amazing that chair has not a smell of smoke, let alone a smear at least of ash from something else. Yep, Salem is just a magical place)
Sorry if I sound so cynical about the fire, but, as a kid, our apartment caught on fire....curtains on window, woke Mom who was sleeping after working nights, she got neighbor to come help throw water. The little table & lamp near the window was scorched, and of course the curtains were gone, window frame scorched, walls were affected, but just needed to be washed down. It only lasted a few minutes.......but tis amazing the Horton home is in such good shape, with a fire that seemed to last longer.
Kristen is soooo delusional. She is going to turn into a raving, raging, homicidal, insane attacker. I have a feeling Theresa better not go anywhere alone or with Alex for that matter since he appears to be Kristen's informant now. I would love to see Kristen be declared mentally ill and placed in a locked psych unit. Imagine the secrets from childhood/teen years that could come out to explain her warped mental state.
Since I don't often get to physically watch, has Sarah ever mentioned that Holly is her niece? (since Daniel and Sarah were biological half-siblings)
I did hear Sarah say it today when she got to the mansion. She said to Holly, "Hi Holly, its Aunt Sarah." I believe she said niece somewhere else in the episode.
The outside scene was really nice to see. Not the square.

Kristen is the most delusional lunatic. You use to bounce Brady on your knee. Just stop being obsessed with him. What crazy homicidal scheme is she going to do next? Well, her and Alex.

Tate is being really mean to his parents who love him so much. But at least he is coming back to Salem.

Thank goodness Holly is finally awake and okay, well, except for the amnesia she surely has.
Do people really talk about really personal stuff with someone they barely know? Good grief. Sarah's outfit was a bit much. I hope Tate is exonerated SOON.
Sorry, I guess I didn't hear that as I was typing it up. Thank you for correcting me. I believe one of the sub writers has a much better grasp on the Salem history than the current head writer does.
No worries, Robin! It is hard to catch everything, especially when trying to type up the summary. :big hug:

Really appreciate those who pitch in on the summaries, as I rarely get the time to watch and today just happened to be a day I was able.
I was able to watch the episode today. Good show.

Re Sarah's clothes. She was not at work when she got the call. In this case she wanted to get there ASAP. It did not make sense to go home and change clothes

Kristen needs to be put in high security mental health lockup. As I stated earlier in the thread, delving into her mental health could be very dramatic. Add to that the necessary "age appropriate" discussions between Brady and Rachel about "mommy's illness" could be interesting. I am sure Marlena would help with that.

Holly's recovery should be slow and systematic. We know Ejerk is going to try to fill her head with all manner of lies like the scumbucket he is, so true memories may take time to come.

Tate is frustrated because he is innocent and feels no one believes him. Justin needs to patiently explain to him how the laws work in his case and have him verbalize the why's and wherefore back as he understands them

Yes, I realize the writers don't do many, if any, practical real life things, but one can always hope
The thing about Sarah & her outfit, it is still midwinter.......she is wearing a midriff!!! And usually, hospitals have white or green light weight coats for doctors to put over their clothes.........but then, as I have noted, Salem hospital is very different from the ones I been in.....either as patient or visitor.
Another gaping pothole.

At their ages, Thomas and Charlotte should both ALREADY know how to dial 911.
Thanks, robin.

It was funny when Alex called Kristen ma'am and he said it twice.

I loved Alex and Kristen's faces when Theresa and Brady hugged at the end.

Sarah told Chad she couldn't tell him why EJ called because of doctor/patient confidentiality. Wow.

Nicole said Tony and Anna's names. I hope they come home soon.