10/20/21 - Donuts and City Sounds

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
A very early good morning from the metroplex, DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth). My niece took me halfway yesterday and my son-in-law met us and brought me on to their house. My daughter got off work soon afterwards and took me for a haircut. Yea! The first real haircut I'd had since I started cutting it myself about a year ago, and boy, did it ever need some shaping up!

I went to bed at 11:00, went to sleep right away and woke up around 2:30 and here I sit two hours later. Boo hoo. If I were at home it wouldn't be as bad because I could finally go to sleep and get up late. But things move fast around here. My daughter is going to drop me off at my son's campsite on her way to work this morning, which is not very far from here and is on her way. So things will start popping here in less than two hours. I don't know if I can go to sleep at all but if I do, it won't be for long. I doubt I can find a spot to doze in my son's home on wheels, with six people and a cat living there. Can't wait to see them though, and am expecting to see my other son's family this evening.

My daughter lives less than a mile (as the crow flies) from a major interstate. Although there is a creek and big trees between here and there, when things are quiet in the house you can hear the drone of traffic, which of course never stops. So that's what woke me up. I heard it and thought I was at home and thought someone was driving past my house on my driveway/pasture road.

I hope everyone is okay. Wishing you a good day.
I woke up early this morning too. It's close to 60 this morning. I I'm going to walk early this morning since
I'm going to the church library today.

I've been trying to figure out to get a booster shot since I'm not old enough yet. The pharmacy close to me
won't do one on Fri or Sat. I decided to do my Sat errands on Friday and go home. Then after Sunday
school lunch go the pharmacy that's next close by. It's the same pharmacy company close to me. I want to
get shot when I don't have to go anywhere the next day in case I get side effects.

OC, I'm glad you're going to see all of your family on this visit. Maybe your daughter has something to help
with the noise tonight. In the summer, I have a fan for heat and if covers some of the noise.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Also up very early - 5:30. Amazing how much time gets used up trying to diddle with small things. O.C....when I moved into town here, after living rural for so many years, quite the change. Tis a quiet neighborhood, and this place is extremely soundproof (I cannot hear the wind, or rain drops on the windows/roof). Am close to the 4 lane hwy. lots of truck traffic, car traffic, buses, etc. Don't hear......until I open a window or the door to the small patio. Born & raised in Chicago, so very used to street sounds, sirens, etc. When I moved up here, rural, only sounds were owls hooting, or waves lapping at edge of the land. Got so used to that. Anyway, I do not open windows at all, very rarely do the door. Ha. Keepin' busy while awake may just help you get a good night's sleep. Ha.
Kat.....I was just at Dr. office yesterday, nary a word to me about the booster, tho I am eligible. However, tomorrow, I go for the 5 minute blood test (finger - cuz of taking blood thinner) so will ask. Up here they give the shots all over, Walgreens, Walmart, the pharmacies, etc. but I think they concentrate mostly on the unvaccinated.

I just hope all the stress i have been under will alleviate enough I can return to normal life.

P.S. Tis 50, dark, overcast, windy, and rain forecasted. Gloomy day.
Good morning everyone. Just had a long country drive back from my southern county. The leaves are finally changing here though we should've been at full peak color last week.

I was so busy yesterday. Then the state server went down in the middle of entering my data. Finally gave home, and went home only to fall asleep at the dinner table.

Today was a shorter day since I got so many of the kids done yesterday. I'm back to the office several hours earlier than I should've been. Scared to even try the state server now, but I have hours of entries to do.

I always have a hard time sleeping at other places with the different night sounds. My oldest sister's house is the worst for me. It sounds like airplanes are coming down on the house since she lives under one of the flight paths in and out of the airport in Pittsburgh.

I live 1 1/2 miles from 2 major interstates, but the road noise doesn't bother me unless my windows are open.
Sound echoes throughout where I live. Even with my windows closed, I hear the train horns as the trains move through 2 other towns in our valley. I also hear the bands and football announcers from 2 different high schools.
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I don’t like getting up at 6 to get kids up and ready for the day, not sure I could handle getting up earlier. Especially as chilly as it’s been recently here. Started at 43 this morning, up to 66 now and supposed to hit 80 later, we shall see.

Im doing the summary today so that should be interesting

Today is the girls Friday since they have no school tomorrow and Friday
Good late afternoon,
Today we officially started training our new hires on how to do our job. Since it's mostly watch, listen, and learn, with very easy practice stuff, there's not much for me to do, especially since they are all doing the exact same thing together as a group. So for now it's rather boring. I'd pop in here more, but the keyboard at my computer in the training room is so loud, it would be disruptive to everyone in the room.
Tonight we have confirmation class & choir practice. Tomorrow should be Girl Scouts, but I cancelled the meeting due to a lack of meeting location. It gets too dark too early to meet at the park, and since it's a no school day for the kids, the school wasn't available for us. It won't hurt us to skip a week I suppose.

Sorry I'm not replying to each of you, but I have a few tasks I need to try to get through before leaving work.
Have a wonderful evening.
Finally got my computer back. It was eating documents. I had added about 20 pages to "Our Lifestories" and was up-to-date when it ate it. I finally rewrote that part but didn't have the feeling at the time to write it the way it was (funeral, etc). Hopefully the kids will appreciate it anyway. The guy cleaned up my computer and tried to find the missing pages I saved, but no luck.

Poirot, the paperwork is terrible. It's been almost 4 months and I'm just getting a little closer to the end. Unfortunately, that means a lot of the other stuff (clothes, cleaning, etc) have gone downhill. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm so glad we had things as organized the way we did, but I learned a few more things I needed to add to that list for mine. Whew!

I hope everyone is having a blessed day and will continue to have a good one.
Hope you can get your booster, Kat. My daughter and her husband get up early every morning, while it is still dark, and walk--with their dog, a black lab.

Poirot, I think you will return to normal life as the stress eases out of you but it may not happen overnight. It took awhile for me. At first I would jump up in the night, thinking I was hearing my husband calling out for me, and other things. Nerves get completely frazzled with ongoing stress like that. Takes time to heal. Hope it comes soon for you.

Robin, you have a funny way of telling things. Makes me laugh. I hope you find out you are alive!
I was at my son's when I wrote the above, now back at my daughter's. Both sons and families are coming over this evening. Sorry to cut short on the replies.
Well, you can all rest soundly.... Yes, I am alive..... however as I had to see a different doctor to prove this, this doctor thinks I'm taking the wrong thyroid medication..... I'm taking Hyper when I'm actually Hypo..... she asked me why I was taking the wrong medication..... Ah.... cause I'm not a doctor and I'm taking the medication my doctor calls in for me.....Well, it's wrong....... Okay I just picked up a 90 day supply so can you wait to change it and maybe talk with my doctor first??
Waiting to hear back from the brain trusts that form my medical team......
Spent the entire day in the car it seems, after my appointment we came home and picked up a letter that HB had to take to his doctor, then to another doctor for HB to drop off lab results then to the grocery..... for some reason I thought it would be fun to ride along instead of staying home..... IT's also helpful that the BEAST dances on my lap as we drive..... and tries to put the window down so he can stick his fool head out and bark at everyone..... I need a nap but it's too late so I'll must pack up early.....

Good evening all....
robin, I'm glad you're still alive. I hope the new medicine works better for you.

OC, enjoy your evening with all of your family. I hope you sleep better tonight.

Nanahl, I'm glad they were able to fix your computer.

Poirot, I hope someone talked to you about your booster this morning.

Kris, I hope you have a good time with the girls home the rest of the week.

rs, I hope the server worked for you today.