10/22/2021 - Donuts and hot cocoa


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
I was up early this morning and am not a coffee drinker.... and alas was out of apple cider packets so ended up with hot cocoa..... it was lovely.... yes, in a few hours it will be 90 degrees but it was what passes for chilly for Arizonians this morning..... The Beast and I get to help Hunny Bunny later today he is going to a junk yard looking for a pipe. He is trying to make an umbrella for our trees..... one that won't bend or break..... should be fun......

I hope everyone's Friday is going well.....
Had a crazy morning at work. Some IT guy decided to do an update on the computer right in the. middle of clinic and I couldn't access it so that I could see my patients. I was 20 mins late trying to get my patient seen. I dont like to be late.

I am looking forward to hot cocoa weather Robinsnest. It warmed up again here
Good Afternoon,
We have hot cocoa weather here, come on up if you want cold air, currently it's 45*. I started my day with a cup of hot Vanilla Chai Tea.
Nothing too exciting going on here, still in training with the class of new hires. I'm working on my old job tasks in between answering questions.

Robin - I'm glad you got a taste of cooler weather, brief as it may have been.
Dachsie - what a poor timing on the part of that computer guy

Have a terrific weekend everyone!
It's another sunny day. It's in the 70s now. I can't wait for hot cocoa time.

Instead of shopping this morning, I raked leaves. After Sunday school lunch, I went to get
my booster. I was able to get it.

robin, I hope HB was able to find what he wanted.

dachsie, I hope it didn't take too long to get back on schedule.

manda, I hope the new hires are doing well.

I hope everyone has a good evening and nice weekend.
Hi everyone. Cold and rainy here.

Storm damage at my house isn't bad. Especially since there have already been 7 tornadoes confirmed by the National Weather Service on both sides of the state line. They're still supposed to investigate 5 more sites including the one that ended a 1/2 mile from my house.
Yard clean up is finally done as much as I can get it. Branches are dragged off, and items that landed here returned to neighbors. There are also 3 downed trees, but they fell into the woods. They can just stay there unless a neighbor wants to cut them up for firewood. Heading for a hot shower then wrapping up in warm fleece.
rs, I'm glad you didn't get a lot of storm damage. Enjoy your evening and try to rest this weekend.
High today 45, was 26 at 6:30 a.m. Yes, wearing a turtle neck, with a v neck sweater over it. LOL. Sun came out, seemed nice enough, I stayed in, except to try for the mail. Got none yesterday, tho local paper should have come. Today, not in mailbox, tho other mail was! Called P.O. to kindly suggest perhaps my mail/paper was accidentally put in another slot (we have a 12 box thing, have a key, etc. anyway, lady at P.O. will mention to carrier.
I really hate the idea of having to change all the items/listings in hubby's name to just mine, but I know it has to be done. In some instances, takes forever.
RS...I am sooo glad you were able to survive the storms o.k. God was watching over you.
this morning I was watching out the window, the leaves from some trees were absolutely raining down, like huge snowflakes, grass is covered.
Got rid of a lot of clutter piled on my desk, waste baskets pretty full. Amazing how one says to one's self, will look at or deal with this later. And it just never ends.
Turned rather overcast late afternoon, no idea what that means.
Squirrel, I'm sorry you've had another round of storms. You had a rough year of it. But no severe damage is a good thing.

Poirot, it sounds like a rather dreary day at your place. I hope the name changing goes smoothly for you. I have a couple of things that I've never gotten changed because it was just too complicated.

My day wasn't as restful as I had in mind but overall it's been good. First thing, I jammed my toe (the one next to the big toe). It really hurt but not for too long. Then a couple of hours later I'd forgotten all about it and wondered why my toe was getting sore. I thought maybe I was getting arthritis in it. Finally, I remembered that I had hurt the toe earlier. Now the pain got worse and worse and is still hurting. The toe is bruised and the whole front part of my foot hurts, with some pain going up my chin. As though that weren't enough, a few minutes ago I was looking for something in the freezer, when some container of frozen stuff fell out and hit right on top of that same foot. Clumsy me.....

I also wasn't planning to feed cows this morning but we did. We had trouble hooking up the hitch on the cube cart to the truck. For some reason it just didn't want to work but finally did. Our heifers had gotten out so we had to hunt them down and get them back where they were supposed to be. Found a gate was open and we don't know how. We fed the other cows too.

After lunch I went to town to the pharmacy and the grocery store. Had to clean pink insulation and cow manure out from under my hood first.
WoW OC you've had a day..... at least the hitch didn't drop onto your foot..... perhaps a nice soak tonight with epsom salt will help... Some bored kids going around opening gates??? weird..... that the gate would be open.....

Poirot be careful changing things over to just your name. My Stepmother still has the electric bill in my Dad's name because when she went to change it they wanted her employment information, her income to find she didn't qualify and she would have to put up a $400 pre payment to be used if she skipped town. 89 years old and blind... skipping town was first on her mind..... She's moved twice since then I just call and move the electric for the "both" of them to the new address. Something to think about when you start getting around to doing things. It's possible if your town is small enough they've stopped your mail because of the death. Yet another annoying thing to deal with.

Visit to the Scrape Metal yard was not successful. Boo but he did get an name of a place that may have what he's looking for. So that will be a place to check either this weekend or next week.