10/23/21 - Donuts and Decluttering

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I didn't get everything from my trip cleaned up yesterday, due to unexpected happenings so I'll make another try at it today. It's going to be warm outside--a bit on the hot side- today anyway so puttering inside sounds like a plan.

My toe is much better today. A real relief, after how much it hurt yesterday. I knew the recommendation would be to put ice on it but I'm resistant to that to any degree possible. Anything cold stresses me out and makes me even more miserable. (I may be the only person in existence who finds heat, rather than cold, helpful for a migraine). So once I was finally able to sit down and relax and elevate my foot late yesterday, I put a heating pad on it and that was soothing, though it still hurt. Then I got a headache and took some Tylenol. My head didn't get any better--turned into a migraine--but my toe absolutely quit hurting! Unless I bent it or bumped it, etc. This morning it is sore but not aching. Who knew Tylenol could be so effective? It never helps my headaches except sometimes with a cold or some other thing.

Nothing like the tale of a toe to start Donuts, right? :rolleyes: Wishing all of you a pleasant day.
Ah.... a good tale of the toe for the day!!!! while I do enjoy ice therapy.... I am hypersensitive to it so I have to have more layers before the cold item, at PT recently he didn't believe me until half way through the 10 minute therapy I had little blisters starting... for a normal person it was enough protection... not for me.... double cover girl that's me.....

I'm starting to wrap the Christmas packages I've collected over the year.....I have the table set up and now to make it happen.

Happy Saturday to all....
It's another sunny day and will get close to 80 today. I walked after my morning errands, but
I didn't go as far since it's so warm.

I'll going to finish my Sunday school homework this afternoon.

OC, I'm glad your toe is better. I hope your headache isn't too bad today.

robin, enjoy your time wrapping presents.

I hope everyone has a nice afternoon.
Good afternoon..........been up since 5:30...33° then....tis 46° now. Gee, one would think ol man winter was getting pretty close now on his trip to vacation in the north country!

As to Tylenol & pain....I used it all the time for the recent knee injury.......
O.C. Both my hubby & my son were given a regimen of Tylenol for the pain when each broke their hips this past year. LOL, my son was in VA hosp. in Minneapolis, then to rehab here in town, and the VA sent 8 bottles...each containing 100 pills of Tylenol (generic, though). This was in addition to the ones he already had, lol. I still have them. (In my son's case, he broke the other hip & had surgery several years ago ....this time the way this one broke, no surgery, but he has therapy, but has to use a walker, thus is in assisted living currently (too many stairs at home).
Been puttering here, odds & ends, still have laundry to do, And then some more going thru, discarding paper stuff, trouble is, more comes. LOL Sun is out but seems to vanish for a while, then returns. Weatherman said something about possible "S" word up in Duluth.......yukkk.(not here, yet, thank goodness)
I can't even bear the thought of it being cold enough to snow.

Poirot, it does seem Tylenol is the preferred pain reliever these days, from a safety standpoint. It has eased my pain in some situations (was wishing I had taken it earlier yesterday) but most of my pain through life has been migraines and back pain. Tylenol does nothing for those, in my case. However, my well pump service guy was telling me about his migraines and how as soon as he sees the auras he goes and takes a bunch of Tylenol and that keeps the pain from getting so bad. :eek: I wondered how many he takes. He didn't ever use the words, "migraine" and "aura," but from his descriptions, it was clear to me what he had. You'd have to know him.....He does know all about water systems and pumps though.

Kat, it's 87* here right now. Hope you enjoyed you lessons.

Robin, sounds like you need an insulated suit under your ice pack. Icy cold against the body is cruel and unusual punishment! Christmas wrapping? If I could be on top of shopping like you are, I'd go back to doing Christmas. Cute squirrel picture. Yes, we do appreciate our Squirrel.

Gotta put clothes in the dryer and go to the mailbox. I may not get around to tackling the clutter on my table today.
Just love that squirrel photo. LOL
O.C. you are right.......Tylenol does nothing for a migraine......When I got them, I learned that lesson, and just did nothing but chamomile tea, slice of plain toast maybe. My doc in IL once gave me some sort of suppository med (as I was constantly upchucking even without eating anything. That did not work either. LOL. It was just live thru and survive.
I have to say it surprised me that it was Tylenol, not aspirin. Hubby initially got something strong for just a few days......but I think hospitals are being very careful about opioids these days. But he got put on Tylenol daily, and my son, different hospital & doctor also......so evidently they feel it to be safer drug, that really works.
Got the laundry done, however still have to take out of dryer and fold. Had a couple of long phone calls today which I enjoyed, tho admittedly, one LONG one would have been fine, lol. Ended up not doing some work I should have, but.....twas great...this pandemic has isolated so many of us, and for me, right now, so many different things to see to, the list keeps getting longer, despite checking off. Ha.
tOO odd how something triggers a memory one has not thought of in a zillion years, but over in the fun & games, dance came up, dance partners, school dance........and wow! See, I was/am a good dancer, probably more a very good follower, so in high school, despite my nerd personality, was a popular dance partner. Our high school used to provide music & dancing during 2nd half of lunch hour......This one guy always insisted on having me as his partner.....LOL
Anyway, after H.S. I got talked into doing some U.S.O. dances at Great Lakes Naval Base, & this one time, this sailor, excellent dancer, asked me, and I believe it was a jive number, we ended up being only couple on floor, everyone stopping to admire & clap, etc. Yep, for one brief, shining 3 minutes, was a STAR! LOLOL. Oh, you can stop laughing now. I definitely get too out of breath now to even polka, hubby did not dance......which did not go over at weddings for me, but my male relatives were plenty and certainly able. Ha. Sorry, boring, I know. I will go eat dinner.
Poirot, I love to hear stories like that. What fun for you to be the center of attention with your dancing--and with a sailor, no less! That sounds like something from a movie. Back then, I would have been envious of you, since I couldn't dance worth a flip. I never could catch on to "following." Such good memories for you.