2/28/24 - Donuts & freezing


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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The sun is out, it is 0 out there, 67 in the house, snow covers everything out there, the fireplace went on to help warm up the house, and despite still being in jammies, I have on knee sox. Hope you all are faring much better.......we are only to get into teens for a high, but glad to see sun out, at least.
It was 80 here yesterday. This morning, in the 20s and wind chill colder than that. It
was windy last night. It's sunny now. High 40s. Sat & Sun back in the 70s.

I woke up with sniffles and a headache so I skipped my Bible class. I don't like missing.
I took medicine for my headache. It took over an hour to feel better. I did some
cleaning. It was good I stayed home since doctor's office called. I have to go back in
a month for another blood test since one of them was unusual.

Lil0, stay safe with the high wind.

Poirot, I wear knee highs during the night.

rf, I hope you don't have to out tonight.

I hope everyone has a good day.
I was up during the night with my good friend small bladder dog.... it was COLD out and windy..... like kat's day yesterday we had been in the 80's then plummeted to the 20's, currently 23 and windy. IT will warm up to the 40's today and then back to the 70's.... winter is weird.....
still having hand issues after the doctor's appointment, this is disappointing news.... fingers crossed they will sort out but I do have a follow up in March....

rf is Boomer eating any better now? is the lower dose keeping him steady and seizure free? keeping him in my thoughts....

I hope everyone has a great Wednesday....

EDIT to add Prayers for North West Texas.... they are having a severe grass fire, a HUGE grass fire that has burned through towns and is leaving nothing standing as it blows through......
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Good afternoon everyone. After a night and morning of massive storms, rolling thunder, and flooding, we seem to be in a relatively calm period for a few hours. Just got back from a quick trip home to check the coal cellar that was dry when I left at 6:54. Thankfully the new pump had come on, and was holding the incoming rainwater at 2 inches.

The temp is dropping, and we're to get down to the teens tonight. This nasty rain is to change to snow. The ground is so soggy that it'll melt as soon as it comes down.

You folks to the southwest of me can keep these nasty storms to yourselves. I'll take the snow that comes over from Poirot and the cold that comes down from Toronto any day over this wet stuff.

Hope you feel better, kat.
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Same sort of weather pattern here as Kat and Robin but not as cold. Was 32* this morning, got to 46* and heavy cloud cover. But that did feel quite cold after getting to the 90s* and upper 80s* the past two days. The big subject here though, was the wind. I know the rain is tiresome and can cause its own problems, but those poor people and animals in the Texas Panhandle would have given anything for rain. There just was no moisture in the air, then the winds hit. Before going to bed last night I saw video clips of cattle running for dear life and their owners frantically trying to get them out in time. It was heart breaking. The wind roared on and on through the night here. It was eerie.

Squirrel, I'm glad you have a pump that does the job these days. I remember when you used to have a lot of problems with that.

Sexton, keeping Boomer and you in my prayers. Sounds like you got the same wind that passed through here yesterday afternoon and last night. Hope you have enough moisture to avoid fire danger.

Robin, your hand problem sounds so awful. It's hard to think there's no very effective treatment for it but I know you've done whatever can be done.

Kat, I hope your headache and sniffles are a quickly passing thing, and I especially hope the irregularity on your medical tests is nothing serious.

Lil0, nine inches is a LOT of snow to melt so fast. But it's that time of year. I know what you mean about driving in snow or wind. I really need to go to town but I couldn't bring myself to do it today.

Poirot, I pretty much wear knee socks year round. If it were 67* in my house I would be too bundled up to move around and do the basics.

Today I finally finished my taxes, completely! My appointment with the CPA is on Monday. I have a busy week coming, at least the first half of it. But I did rearrange some doctors' appointments to clear the path a bit. ........Speaking of which, my phone rang just a moment ago and it was a recording from the doctor's office, calling to confirm my appointment for Monday. Really? I called yesterday and rescheduled it. I guess their right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.

All of you stay safe and as comfortable as you can.
OC, good news about your tax return. I'm still waiting on forms from the IRS. I feel a little better this evening.
I think the weather change hit me wrong. I hope I don't have anything serious either from the blood test.

robin, I hope the brace helps you hand.

rf, I'm glad Boomer is doing better.

rs, I'm glad your pump is working well in the basement.