2/9/24 - Donuts and National Pizza Day


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Dec 29, 2012
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now I figured out what's for dinner tonite. Love pizza....but.....rather more cheese, less tomato. LOL

And the wacky weather continues, woke this a.m. to .....well, winter is back. Yep, snowed during the night, grassy areas are white, sidewalk is melted, but warnings out about slippery spots on both sidewalks and street, because of the previous rain now being frozen.
Good morning all,
When I went out to refill the bird feeders this morning, there were 2 young deer looking at me rather expectantly. "Where's ours?" So, I told them to just hold on a sec and I would bring them some apples. It took me about 30 seconds to go to the kitchen, chop up an apple, and bring it back outside. By that time there were 5 deer!! I'm not sure how they communicate, but they most certainly do.
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Sunny and 50, but rain is on the way.

This morning on the news they ran a piece on a bakery that created a unique pizza bagel, looked like a small pizza, and the newswoman said it was amazing. I sometimes melt cheese and tomatoes on a bagel, but this really looked like an actual pizza with other ingredients/toppings. I think jalapeno was mentioned, but that is not for me!

Kat - Hope you get to have a tasty pizza like the picture you posted.

Poirot - That darn snow always manages to find you.

Lil0 - What a sweet deer story. How kind of you to feed them!

Glad it is Friday...it's 5:00 somewhere!

Got up, watched and wrote up the show and now today hope to get all of Christmas out of the garage and into the storage unit..... it has only taken a couple of weeks.....
we will need to go to Costco today to get HB's medication from the dermatologist, Costco had to special order it. GREAT..... $$$$$ we could pick up a pizza while there.... a large pizza for under ten dollars works for me..... you get two choices pepperoni or cheese..... neither of those are my favorites.... I also prefer NO tomato sauce but alas I haven't figured out how.... we do have a Pizza Hut near by but their pizza is really bad... I think it's the store front not blaming all Pizza Huts.... trivia Pizza Hut was founded in Wichita....

We may have rain on Sunday, that's my hope OR we may have snow..... either way shouldn't be much depending on the track of the storm.... but today is warm for winter in Wichita and Sunny.... so outside activities here I come....

Happy Friday to everyone....
Kat, I wish I had some of that pizza right now! But instead I will heat up some of the stew I made last night, which didn't turn out very good.

Lil0, what fun, to have "pet" deer! Although I hope it doesn't turn into a nightmare for you. Wouldn't you love to know how animals communicate? I have debated on putting out deer feed but then I have visions of hogs, raccoons and skunks fighting over it. It's an advantage that your deer are tame enough to come up and allow you to present the food to them so you can monitor the situation.

Robin, it's interesting that Pizza Hut began in Wichita. I like the one in my Walmart town but haven't eaten there in years. They stopped serving inside during Covid and still only have it for pickup.

Wilde Woman, oh no, not rain again for you!

Poirot, I heard on the news this morning that there was a tornado in your state last night. I guess it wasn't near you. Sorry you've got snow again. They're saying we could get a few flakes Sunday night but nobody is taking it seriously, since the low is only going to be 32* and the days around it are in the 50s and 60s.

I managed to get up before 7:00 this morning and not surprisingly, my body has been begging for a nap since about 10:00. I'm trying to resist and set a new pattern. Otherwise I'm going to be in more trouble than usual when we switch to daylight savings.
That tornado was in Evansville, way down south of here, near Madison. Lots of damage there, it was a dandy, for sure. It is snowing again here, started about an hour ago........Yes, am staying in, needless to say, tho I do need a few things at the store.
Well, I did something dumb. I was making coffee, and because I had not used the machine in a couple days, poured a couple of pots of water in, draining the first one, then adding the second. But I forgot to put the strainer in place (you know, so the water comes out in a tiny stream ) and of course there was water all over the counter, two boxes of cereal got soaked, bread loaf, other things on the counter. Dumb, idiotic mistake on my part. I think the bag inside protected the cereal, (corn flakes & rice krispies) & also the bread, it was about 1/2 loaf. Can't believe I did it........grrrrrr. the cereal boxes got pretty wet, nearly half way up, so will probably come apart. Double grrrrrr.
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FYI, I haven't eaten pizza in over 8 years. The last time I ate one I went to the hospital. That's when I found out I
have acid reflex. One day, I hope to eat one.

It's another beautiful day here. Partly cloudy and in the 70s. I washed rags this morning. I need to get
them off the line.

My morning didn't go well at all. Too long a story. I went to town since I got a Kohl's coupon. Too late to get
a new winter coat. I want to get one with the furry stuff on the hood. I'm not going to try online. If I see one
next year, I'll get one then. I went to Dollar Tree and Walgreens and bought chocolate.

After lunch, I went out and worked more on the honeysuckle that's growing on the chain fence. I took a lot
off yesterday on the outside of the fence. I got most of it down today on the inside of fence. There's a little bit
more to do. I'll have to do another day since trash can is full. I was going to trim last year, but I ran out of time.
The new vines should look better without the dead stuff underneath.

Poirot, be careful going out today.

Lil0, what a treat to have deer in your yard.

Wilde Woman, you can eat a pizza for me. Enjoy your weekend.

robin, I'm glad you got some of your holiday decorations stored away.

Poirot, sorry to hear about your coffee snfu.

I hope everyone has a nice rest of the day and fun weekend.
Poirot, it's so aggravating to do things like that. I spend half my time cleaning up messes I've made or looking for things I've lost.

Robin, congratulations on the organizing and getting things in place!

Kat, I hope you get to eat a pizza someday. Wish I still had the honeysuckle that used to grow in my yard a long time ago.

Mrs. Clean, enjoy your pizza tonight!

Sexton, it's nice you have a lot of things handy where you live.

I spent a little bit of time outside this afternoon. It's cloudy and cool but not too windy. As I was coming back into the house my little resident squirrel was finding birdseed on the ground underneath a hanging feeder. I stopped and started talking to him and he ran over to the scaffolding and got up there, waiting for me to feed him. (What I put out this morning had already been eaten). So I took a little bit more out there for him. It seems strange that there is only one squirrel but I kinda hope it stays that way or at least no more than two, as there have been two at times.