3/6/24 - Donuts and Cookie Monster's Favorite Day!

A quick good morning. The past two days have me worn out. Monday, visit with CPA, followed by a trip to another town for voting instructions and getting machines set up in place, which lasted until about 6:30 p.m. Then 12 1/2 hours at the polling place yesterday, where I ate junk all day, including some chocolate and other sweets. For the first time in nine days (a long stretch for me) I woke up with a migraine this morning, in spite of sleeping hard through the night from exhaustion. My pills haven't helped so I'm going to lie down again and see if that helps--before having some lunch. We also have rain with possible thunderstorms on the way, which may be a factor if the barometric pressure is doing something. I'll read yesterday's posts later. Hope everyone is okay and having a good mid-week day.
Ah.... Babs singing on a tug boat..... love it......
We just had the Tornado Sirens go off.... it's a state wide preparation day..... the safest place to go is of course underground and of course this place where I'm living doesn't have a basement OR a cast iron tub..... so should they go off for real we will head to the master bedroom's walk in closet as it's the center of the house... no windows....
I guess I need to get some cookies made..... I used to love molasses cookies but no one makes them anymore..... and I never learned how to make them.... I guess I'll go with the old standby chocolate chip cookies..... or when I go to the grocery store, I'll cheat and get Shamrock sugar cookies....

Cold front due later today.... rain coming with it..... till the weekend.....

OC we posted at the same time..... I hope the meds kick in soon and you are able to move around in a bit.....

Happy Wednesday all.....
The sun is finally out after the cloudy, cool morning. I decided to stay in this afternoon since it's damp out.
Rain is suppose to start overnight and rain for two days.

We started Bible class earlier than usual this morning and I forgot to make sure my cat was inside. I looked
all over the house when I got home. He slept in doghouse and now I'm in doghouse with him :) He's
not too upset. He's sleeping on the couch by me.

Wilde Woman, I hope your area won't get flooded. "Funny Girl" is in the new Broadway series coming. I'll
see it next March.

OC, I hope your headache is better after your nap. Hopefully, you can stay home during the rainy days.

robin, I'm glad you have a place to go if sirens go off. I really don't have a place since tubs and most closets
on outside wall.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
Good evening (actually a few minutes after midnight).

Kindergarten registration was a long day, and I fell asleep eating my dinner. Good thing I was on the couch instead of sitting at the kitchen table. Missed hearing my 11:00 medicine alarm, and woke up having an asthma attack. Just getting in bed. Hopefully I can get back to sleep.

rf, prayers for Boomer's recovery and that he has a restful night.
Boomer is breathing easier this morning. He ate well. Doggie treat and diet dog food mixed with sweet potato.... he was licking on the empty dish so hard I gave him more. Did not finish second.....put them in the fridge
Breathing is a little rough tonight please prsy