4/18/24 - Donuts and Greening up


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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The rains got the grass turning green.....yayyyy. Oh, still have a ways to go, but nice to see. Cloudy still, looking like rain, but.......not in forecast.

Just a side note........The writers' strike lasted 148 days, and today is day 99......so, the episodes we are seeing will continue to have been written by the temporary writers for another 49 days. Chin up.

Have to take care of a couple errands, and visit the supermarket. Have a good day!!!
Good morning.... it's grey and occasionally we get stuff falling from the sky. Hit or Miss storms are the theme for today's weather.
HB is out at the podiatrist getting his feet trimmed.....when he returns we both have hair cut appointments. I had to change mine as he is attending a funeral on Friday and can't drive me to the hair dresser. I so need my hair cut that I'm almost counting the minutes.

Happy Thursday no matter the weather day to all....
Ugly day here. Raining, windy, and 48 degrees. The heater is my best friend. It will be the same tomorrow and for at least part of Saturday.

Poirot: Glad you got badly need rain. Appreciate the info about the writers. Hope your errands go well.

Robin: Get a nice haircut!

rfsexton: The wildflowers sound lovely. You reminded me that I need to get more pecans!

Everyone enjoy your day!

Sexton, the pecan trees have been out here for a while but they've been unusually sparse. I'm hoping they go ahead and fill out nicely. Will see.

Robin, HB getting his feet trimmed... :rotfl: . If I'd been drinking something I probably would have lost some of it laughing. I have visions of a horse having his hooves trimmed.

Poirot, things are going to look so much prettier around you once that grass gets all green!

It's supposed to be sunny here but a good bit of the morning has been cloudy. Wind will change to the north today. Rain will arrive tomorrow night. Guess I'll turn on my radio while I work in the kitchen. I usually put on my headphones and listen to the tv.
It's cloudy and in the 70s this afternoon. Rain expected some time today. Unsure if it will happen since
forecast changed since this morning.

A busy morning. I wanted to get to library early since I'm going to the last Broadway show this afternoon. After
my walk, I found out mower is coming today. I had to sweep driveway and move the large branch in my yard.
Wed morning I found big branch from cherry tree. It's clumsy and heavy, but I got it pulled out of the back to
the front. I moved the branch to my neighbor's yard. I will have to cut it up so it will fit in his truck. (he told me
he would take yard waste to his other property). I did get to library early. I stopped on way home at bank.

Hopefully, I'll be home before any bad weather happens.

Poirot, I hope doing errands went well.

robin, when are going to get your car back? Is HB's mouth getting better.

Wilde Woman, sorry to hear about your weather. I hope you get better weather soon.

rf, I hope the pecan crop is a good one. I know the maple seeds are all over this year.

OC, I hope you have a good afternoon.

Take care everyone.
Had to take new glasses in for a slight change in one lens. Meanwhile, now, am using previous glasses that had been replaced just last month. No idea who made the mistake. The eye dr. said he wasn't gonna charge for the visit, and now the eyeglass place said they weren't either! (they have a one time "fix" whatever, within 30 days.
This a.m. it was very still out, tho pretty cloudy. But chilly. I thought it was going to be warmer than it turned out to be. Around 11 a.m. the sun finally appeared, along with a fierce wind. Egads. I could not wait to get back home, despite planning to stop at WalMart ........nope, just gave it up when I left the supermarket. Heck, those stores all have a/c going so unless you have a winter coat on (I did not) you just shiver constantly. My hands were so cold.......lol. Oh, well, tomorrow's another day! Ha.
Good afternoon everyone. Yesterday was a busy school day then the nasty storms hit again just as I got home from work... the reds and purples ( showing the amount of rain falling) were all over the map on top of us. We were under tornado watches then warnings as tornadoes formed across the state line in Ohio. They took out a few communities in Ohio before the rotations fell apart just as they hit the Pennsylvania line. I had decided to just sit in my shower stall for the duration of the storms instead of sitting on my basement steps. I didn't know if I'd be able to make it back up the stairs or not. Things weather wise are quiet today, and my neighbor texted that the electricity came back on shortly after I left for work this morning.

Last night's storm also caused a lot of damage down ShaunP's way after moving south from my area.

All caught up with my work, and my desk is clear for the weekend. That doesn't happen very often.

robinsnest, please keep the storms down there or send them off in a different direction. If not, they'll hit us tomorrow.

Poirot, I'm glad the lens RX is being corrected with no additional cost for you.

rf, I bet the wildflowers are beautiful.

kat, you're way too busy for one person. I don't know how you do it all.

OC, I'm glad you're mower came yesterday. I'll still have to wait for a while since my yard hasn't had a chance to dry out before more and more rain comes.

WW, thank you for the pretty picture for Thursday.
I got home just after 5. The play longer than usual. The play I saw was "To Kill a Mockingbird". It's
slightly different than the movie. Richard Thomas played the lead. I really enjoyed it.

When I was leaving, the mower just arrived. The yards are done and the branch is gone. I think the
neighbor has it in his truck. I was going to cut it up since it was so big. I'm surprised I got it out
of the tree. It stuck in a V of the tree. I had to keep turning branch to get it out.

The rain is gone from forecast until next Thurs. Nice for working in the flowerbed, but not nice
since it's so dry.

robin, good news about your car.

Poirot, I'm glad you were able to get your glasses fixed.

rs, I'm glad you missed the tornadoes.

I'm taking my shower early so I can watch Days. I'm an hour behind.
Wind is now from the north. Getting cooler. My yard around the feeder is filled with White-Crowned Sparrows and Brown-Headed Cowbirds. Not the most interesting of birds but they have to eat too. The resident Cardinal is never far away. Two hummingbirds, at least, maybe more.