4/19/2024 - Donuts and Back to Watching TV

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning and yea! The tech guy came and fixed my tv. The new Hopper receiver that was installed only weeks ago had already broken at one of the connections. I don't know how that happens when nothing has been touched or moved but I'm glad it's fixed. Well, a new one installed. The downside of it is that all the programs I had recorded have once again been lost so I'm back to square one. I'll have to figure it all out again. Sigh.... I record a lot because that's how I watch tv at my convenience and also I can skip the commercials. Since I only watch a few channels I'll also have to figure out again how to make my favorites lists, starting with going through all the channels and picking them out. I may have them written down, if I can find it.

Otherwise, I've been in the kitchen cooking up bacon and scrambled eggs to last for a while. Weather is overcast and cool. Rain coming tonight and tomorrow.

Have a good day, everyone. Hope nobody got the bad storms.
Good Friday to all.... HB was supposed to go to his ex-wifes husbands funeral but he changed his mind thought it would be weird.... so I'm going to draft him into helping me fix the back yard up.... I want to change things and get more plants from the bedroom to the outside..... this ought to go well... :rotfl:

Hey OC you will be a pro at this shortly.... reprogramming and favorite-ing your choices..... good luck.... bacon sure sounds good....crisp thick cut... yummmmm

Off to get the yard work done.....
I only got a receiver for Direct TV at the RV Park
I'm not real sure what you mean, Sexton. Are you saying you have only Direct TV and no other choices or that you have nothing but a receiver?

Robin, bacon is crispy for sure. Too bad I can't share. Trouble when I cook up a bunch like this, I nibble on it while more are cooking so I eat too much of it. I use my air fryer for it. I hope your yard work goes well. Keep an eye on HB. :)
It's cloudy and only in the 60s this afternoon. There's gusts of wind so I'm staying in the afternoon.

I had PT this morning. They had me do other things to test how I'm doing. This afternoon, working on
my studies.

OC, I'm glad yo can watch TV again. TV back. Too bad you lost the shows you saved. I hope you can figure out how to
set it again.

robin, I hope you got HB to help you outside today. Did you ever figure out who to contact about the mowing?

Wishing everyone an enjoyable afternoon.
I used to have Direct TV, but now have DISH..........and with both, local channels and like over 100 others.........Turner Classics, Lifetime, AMC, Discover, National Geographic, plenty of choices, for sure.

The receiver is just hooked up to the TV, to bring you all the channels via the sattelite up on the roof. Sort of like the modem you have for a computer that gets you onto the internet.
Same here, Poirot. I had Direct TV a long time ago but went back to Dish. I have all those channels like you said too--way more than I need, and that's even after I got rid of a bunch of them recently with a lower package.

I got the same tech guy today as I did that last time. He is just the nicest guy ever. Today he cleaned out piles of useless wires from behind my tv cabinet, which were still hooked up to my tv but not doing anything. Been there since my husband set things up many years ago. I didn't know which ones needed to be there and which ones didn't so I'd just left them alone and tried to organize them with zip ties the best I could. I didn't even ask the tech but he commented that I had a bunch of stuff back there that wasn't necessary, then he took about two minutes cleaning it out, saying it was a fire hazard! You wouldn't believe the big pile of wires, plug-in boxes, etc. he took out. Also he carried it all off to get rid of it for me. That made my day.
Patio East to West 123.jpg

My new clean rearranged patio. I had to pot the Pussy Willow (adobe pot), rose (brown pot) the empty wine barrel will have vegetables aka tomatoes after I get the plants this weekend. New patio chairs too.... I had to move the Clematis from where the Pussy Willow is now because the wind was beating the crud out of it. Once it gets set up doing well I will be able to block someone's view of the houses across the green belt. Mainly the people who are sitting on their patio dinning right now!! I KNOW how could they???

On to the weekend....
I hate having neighbour's that can stare at us.

Your patio looks beautiful!
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Robin, I like how you are making the most of your limited space. It takes some thought, planning, and work to gain some privacy in a situation like that but when you get the Clematis? established, that should make a difference. I really like your fence. You put that up yourself, didn't you? How hard was it? I'm always looking for ideas on some way to get a fence around my yard to keep my cows out. It's way too expensive to have someone come in and build almost any kind of fence.
OC, yes 90% of our neighbors don't have fences. The houses that we back to have fences installed. We looked at them as they have the same floor plan but cost $150 a month more, different landlord? Not sure why. But I went to Home Depot and purchased the panels and posts. We measured several times and still ended 6 inches short, which was better than being too long. I went with the shorter panels because Vinnie isn't known to jump or attempt to push through the fence. You need at least one helper to hold the fence as you pound in the post. With your dirt you will need help pounding in the fence posts.
how far does the land go with you are? It looks like big field in between the places with ditch
Thanks, Robin. You are right about my soil. I'm mostly daydreaming but it is so appealing I may go take a look at the panels the next time I'm in the city. It would take a lot of the panels to go around my yard.
One of our neighbors to the west had a fence that went much further than our does. We lined it up to our fence panel. They have since moved and took their fence with them. The people in the unit now have a stake out in the grass and a long leash for their dog. My dog is an idiot and would hang himself first chance he got. I do love him dearly but unless it involves a ball he has no intelligence.