5-1-2016 - Donuts & Tea


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Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland
Spring blessings! This first day of May finds me unable to sleep so doing some sky gazing. Clouds must be covering the stars because the moon is a hazy lonely figure above. The temperature now is 65F and I am happy!

Last night required some minor surgery on my thumb. I ripped off a huge piece of skin on the underneath side trying to open a bottle. Diabetics have such thin skin. My family calls me a surgeon because they didn't seem to realize a nurse can sew up her own wounds.

Wishing each of you a safe, beautiful Spring May Day.
Good morning...I know a rhyme for the first of May, but..not on a Sunday, with me going to church in a while. LOL

They are to have the crowning of the Blessed Mother today, as May is the month dedicated to Mary. I have not seen this since I was a kid...always was done at a different mass it seems. Was supposed to be doing readings today, but was called, as the children who had First Communion last Sunday will be doing them all today, along with the crowning. Looking forward to this.

Woke at 4 a.m. tossed, turned, think I dozed off around 5:30, but...awake at 6:15, so, am dragging a bit. Cloudy & overcast, was supposed to be sunny. Maybe later. Have a good day everyone. By the way, it is 39 out there right now, still windy. LOL
Good morning. It's May Day, my wedding anniversary (12 years), and my uncle's birthday. The girls have their last recital this afternoon. I'm sure there is ball practice scheduled, but I'm not sure if I'm going to feel like rushing back for it as they don't have any games until Friday. I hope everyone has a wonderful start to their May!
Good morning. I had to take Remmy out very early this morning. She wouldn't leave me alone. There was a cat in the yard (though it immediately ran away), driving Remmy crazy. I did get to see some stars then, but it got hazy and foggy later. I guess Remmy thinks she can still find that cat, because she has been aggravating me ever since.

Ack, Noel! Talk about having to bite the bullet and stitch yourself up!

Take care, folks.
POIROT - enjoy your special church service. Hopefully you can nap this afternoon.

AGUY - yes I am using a triple antibiotic ointment with a day of cortisone gel. Thanks for your concern. Now I am curious about that joke.

ROCKFORD - Happy Anniversary!!!

KT - With Remmy, you never have a dull day.
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Good morning. Another chilly, windy morning here, at 49* when I got up. Warming up to lower 70s* again though.

Noel, even for a nurse, you've got to be gutsy to sew up your own flesh! My son, as a young teen, removed stitches from his thumb, and that made me nervous. He had sliced it through the pad, deeply, and the doctor had to be called in late at night to the ER (small hospital). Understandably, the doctor was not wanting to hang around for very long. He didn't wait for the deadening to take effect, so the suturing process was quite painful. :eek: I guess my son decided he was better off removing them on his own, rather than giving the doctor another go at it. :rotfl:

Rocky, Happy Anniversary!

Kt, never underestimate Remmy. She may know something about that cat that you don't!

Wishing a good day to everyone!
Morning. Yesterday dad was in pain, refusing medication because he is confused. I got him to take his meds and finally move to the bed so he could get the leg at one level and sleep. Once he is in the wheelchair, he refuses to have anyone try to re-position him. He was majorly confused again. I believe my stepmother is glossing over his "recovery". I did get to talk to his physical therapist and he is improving there. He was almost able to do the bed-to-wheelchair transfer by himself. And then to make the day even better, it rained the entire drive home.

Today I'm trimming the thyme bonsai. Will mail half of it to my son. I'll keep the other half for my personal cooking. The rosemary is needing a trim too, but I did too much root work in it to do any trimming for a bit, so next month we shall send some to him too.

Noel, please take care of your thumb. Self sewing up is always so much fun. I had to give blood Friday to prove I was alive to get my prescriptions refilled. The lab tech could not find my vein to save her life. I took the skin marker and marked the vein myself and asked if she wanted me to hit it for her. She was insulted. And now I have a nice hematoma. Thanks, lab tech.

I vote for the May Day poems and jokes to be shared tomorrow.

Happy Sunday!
Another nice day here. Men are mowing, but my yard is too wet for that today. Maybe
end of week. I'll be going outside soon working in my flowerbed.

Noel, I hope your thumb heals quickly.

Happy Anniversary, Rocky

robin, I hope you can stay at home today.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Sunday.
Robin, it's good to hear your dad is making some progress with the physical therapy. Physical disability becomes an even bigger handful when confusion (or even plain old orneriness) is involved. When you can't get inside the head of someone with irrational behavior, it's not always possible to tell where refusals to cooperate are coming from. Glad you got to talk with the therapist.

J.S., your decision to go with the superglue paid off AND left your co-worker impressed with your self-treatment skills. Superglue sure seems to have a lot of uses!

Kat, I hope you don't have mosquitoes yet. My niece said they were awful at her place when she was trying to mow yesterday.
Egads, you all reminded me of when I was a kid, around 10-12,riding on the back of my male cousin's bicycle. Don't know what he did, but I fell off, hit the concrete, and cut open an area above my eye...skin very thin there. Bleeding like mad, so everyone gets all upset, all my aunties, uncles, etc. And my mom, the nurse, made a butterfly tape...which worked, (she was not going to let me have a scar anywhere on my face). But I don't know if it was the fall, or all the aunties going on and on, but I began to throw up, which made them all more upset. (we were visiting relatives in Milwaukee). Got to say, used that when my own daughter cut her knee open once.

I do not think, tho, I would have let my mom stitch up my eye without screaming bloody murder, lol. So.....Noel, proud of you. JS, would probably have freaked out about using super glue, too LOL

Church service was just lovely, the kids just adorable, they even had 2 & 3 yr. old kiddies in the processing, bringing up carnations to put in a vase. The crown of flowers was on a white pillow.

Have to tell you all this. The sermon. He started out talking about problems, everyone has them, but there is one place you go......no problems whatsoever. The cemetery. LOL. Then mentioned schools, how back in say the 50s, biggest problems in classes were chewing gum, dropping papers/books on the floor. Today, they have to have policemen in some schools. And actually even talked about parents not paying attention/listening/watching their children. And me, I am sitting there thinking....does he watch Days of Our Lives? LOL
Heya Everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a fantastic Sunday. Today has been an okay day. I woke up a little after 9:00 am and did some errands around the house. I still have a few things I need to get done, but I am pretty much done for the day which I am extremely happy about. I like getting the things I need to get done early in the morning so I do not have to think about doing it for the rest of the day. :) After lunch I read and ended up falling asleep. When I woke up I did not want to get up as I was so snuggled up.

Today the weather is dark and dreary. It is also really cold, how did I get so lucky!! Definitely a day to be in. Are we sure it's May, not March?! :sarcasm:

I hope that each and everyone of you has a great Sunday! Much love and happiness to each one of you!
OC, mosquitoes have been out here since late March or April. They aren't too
bad yet <knock on wood> Birds eat a lot of them :)
Yikes, Kat! That is early. Often they don't show up here until the first week in May, so I guess they are pretty well on track this year. The gnats will probably also show up this week. When they come out, I stay in! They make huge welts on my face. We haven't had wet springs and summers in a long time so I've gotten spoiled in that respect, but I can't wish for drought so I guess I'll just stay inside for however long it takes for these flying pests to go away.