8/12 & 8/13


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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I will not be able to do the summary on Mon & Tues.......
I'm sorry that I forgot you had told us this. I watched most of today's episode, but fell asleep through some of it. [I've been awake since 1:30 this morning]

A few notes:
Anna did NOT know that Tony was alive. She had come to Salem to place his ashes in the DiMera museum and get on with her life without him. Kate and Roman broke the news to her that Tony was alive.

Brady is puzzled by the fact that he started thinking about Kristen after having sex with "Nicole". He mentions that Nicole has scar tissue where Kristen had her tattoo on her shoulder. Thinks that seems like a strange coincidence.

Gabi asks Ben to increase security at the mansion. And Stefan asks Ben to look into the strange story Hope told about the woman leaving the $100 bill and the necklace in the garbage can.

Those are the highlights I recall.
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Here are a few more highlights that I can recall.

When Tony insisted that he wanted to be with Anna, Kristen actually threatened her life and insisted that he could never be with his true love. Kristen also laid on the insults, calling Tony a "sad little weakling" who needed a cane to get around.

Ben told Stefan Zero that because he had stuck by him when nobody else in Salem would, he would help him clear his name. Previously, Ciara had tried cooking for Ben, and turned a steak into something that looked like a lump of charcoal. Ben didn't mind and Ciara told him that she had the same lack of cooking skills as her mother.

Anna said that she'd been in therapy and realized that carrying around Tony's ashes was not good for her state of mind and that she had come back to place them in the DiMera Mausoleum (which she first called the "DiMera Museum."). After her encounter with Roman and Kate at the Pub, she wandered out into the Town Square and of course, she immediately ran into Tony.

John went to the Club to see Chloe about arranging for a surprise party for him and Marlena.
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Here are a few comments on today's episode, which fall into the categories laid out by an old Clint Eastwood film: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The bad and the ugly was all Kristen ordering around Tony, saying that he could never be with Anna, and dishing out the insults. How could a proud DiMera who never gave in to the diabolical Stefano tolerate this. He should take his cane and break it over Kristen's head.

The good was Anna who is just as entertaining as ever. It's too bad that her therapy class didn't include the concept of calling ahead. This way she wouldn't have surprised Roman and Kate at the Pub. In any case, Anna was a forceful as ever, providing Hope that she can aid the effort to put an end to creepy Kristen and her absurd plots once and for all.
Marlena went to Doug's Place to talk to Chloe. She asked if she could book the club to have a surprise anniversary party for John. Chloe points out it's not really their anniversary, but Marlena says she always thinks of their first wedding as their anniversary date (August 22nd). She said this way, John will be surprised, as he's not expecting it. So Chloe books the date for a private event. Later, John comes in and confidentially asks Chloe if he can book the club for a surprise anniversary party for Doc.

Anna was infuriated that Tony married "Nicole" and said Nicole probably did it to get back at her for when EJ hired Anna to kidnap Sydney from Nicole. Kate tries to assure Anna the Tony/Nicole marriage had nothing to do with her.

After Anna leaves in a huff, Kate starts to say she's a looney, but Roman stops Kate, says that Anna is his friend and he's concerned about her.
Thanks, DrBakerFan, Lil0, JS.

I laughed when Anna called the Salem PD the Keystone Cops.

Ciara burnt Ben's steak. Is that all she made for him? Then she burnt it.
I wish the writers would stop with the jokes about Salem women and
cooking. It's not funny anymore.

Great seeing John and Marlena. It's cute how they both went to
Chloe to plan their wedding anniversary.

What will happen in Salem tomorrow?

Will Anna hit Tony with the urn? Will Marlena tell off "Nicole" because
she slept with Brady and hurt Eric's feelings? Will Brady figure out
why he keeps thinking about Kristen and why does he still have a
picture of her in his phone?