9/14/21 - Donuts and Smokey Haze


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. Smoke from the western US and Canadian fires has once again settled over this area so we have air quality alerts along with higher temperatures. It'll be in the mid to high 80s today and for the rest of the week.

Off to school in a few minutes. The director of Head Start called a few minutes ago to say the nurse wouldn't be there today, and wanted to know if we wanted to reschedule or have an aide bring the kids to us. I told her that I prefer to have the aide bring the kids so we don't get behind.

COVID-19 is running rampant through our schools here. Four have already had to cancel their football games for this Friday and Saturday due to team members and coaches being sick. Several schools in my southern and northern counties have already closed.

Stay safe everyone! Prayers continue for all of you.
Good morning..... I don't understand people most of the time..... a single person perhaps.... but masses I don't.... our Bonsai Club is scheduled to take our twice cancelled bus trip to California to purchase stock and see the yards of friends and their beautiful trees..... I want to go.... I can afford to go..... but I am not going.... I wrote and asked what will the precautions be for the trip? We travel on a bus from my house to California and back to the houses and nurseries on a bus... no requirement for proof of vaccine, no masking, no social distancing..... 22 people outside my bubble on a bus 9 hours a day.... I was exposed to COVID when I went to a party at my sisters, and everyone there WAS vaccinated..... Several years ago one of my fellow bus riders was breaking with the flu.... she rode the bus to California, then was too sick to go anywhere the 3 days we were in state, she did manage to get together enough to ride home..... 4 of us fellow riders also got the flu...... that was before I got the flu shot routinely...... I don't want to live in fear, but I also don't want to quarantine again...... makes me sad to back out but I will be backing out.....

off to stare at the corridor....... for 6 hours....... after today 1 more day.....
I don’t understand people either.

there are parents at our school who are mad at the mask mandate yet are also anti-quarantine. So they think all of our kids should be unmasked AND not quarantine if exposed or even if sick. I don’t get it. Even if I didn’t have immuno suppressed/compromised kids - I can’t imagine wanting no protections for them. But I guess we have found the parents who have always sent their flu sick kids to school in the past
Had a nasty thunder & lightning storm last night, then rain on & off all night....lousy night's sleep, kept waking up. Hubby was rummaging around in kitchen at 4 a.m. After refusing dinner last night, guess he was hungry, as he made a bowl of cream of wheat......then got himself dressed, struggled quite a bit, gave up the walker, was using the wheel chair, he has cardiologist appt. this a.m. up in duluth. Was rather difficult to get him awake again, and completely ready. Our friend took him. Tis overcast, still drizzling a bit every now & then. Am so tired......this lack of sleep is catching up with me but good. No idea if they will get to the dentist office, as he is so frail, weak, & if he bleeds a lot.it will be difficult, he refuses to go to hospital, so, in a bind. Gloomy day outside, sorry I am in such a down mood as well. Take care all. God Bless.
Another nice day here. Rain chances aren't good for tomorrow. Nicholas isn't bringing my
area any rain.

I was outside over two hours doing odds and ends. I worked in the first part of the side bed.
I dead headed flowers and gave them their nutritional drink (Miracle Grow) since they have
buds. Then I watered all the flowers. I used the trimmer. Then I worked by the mailbox. It's been
too long since I deadheaded and water the flowers there.

I need to make a video soon of the front bed. I'm waiting on the mum. On Sunday, I noticed
my daisy plant finally has buds for flowers. The stalks really grew in the spring. Maybe it
will bloom soon.

Poirot, I'm glad your hubby got up by himself for a snack. Maybe you should offer him
cereal for dinner since he likes it. I hope you'll find time to rest today.

rs, take care of yourself at school and with the smoke.

robin, I'm sorry you won't be able to go on the Bonsai trip. You need to think about yourself
since most people won't. I don't like living in fear, but I not going to a restaurant to eat
anytime soon.

Kris, everyday I wonder why people don't care about others like they used to. They are only
concerned about themselves.

I hope everyone has a pleasant day.
When I used to test vision & hearing, it always amazed me the kids who had come to school sick..whether colds, flu, fever/unknown illness. We all should probably have had masks back then as colds are so easy to spread..............
Good Afternoon Everyone,
Cloudy today, it looks like it will rain, but so far just clouds in varying shades of gray. The Girl Scout Leader Meeting lasted about an hour and a half, then my co-leader decided to talk my ear off in the parking lot for another half hour before I managed to extract myself to go home and tuck Gena into bed. I'd say my poor kiddo, but she spent the night on a video conference with her best friend and the friend's little brother playing FortNight on their Nintedo Switches, they all log into the same game server so they can play together. Today I'm just exhausted and wish I could take a nap, at least we don't have plans for tonight, the only night off this week. Tomorrow Gena stats confirmation class with a student/parent orientation, then Thursday is Girl Scouts.

Robin - so sorry you have to skip the trip, but I would do the same in your position.
RS - oh dear, the situation out there does not sound promising. I hope the air quality improves for you soon at least.
Kat - sounds like you had a very productive morning
Poirot - I'm glad your husband finally ate something, sorry that he's keeping such odd hours. I hope you can get some solid sleep soon.
Wow! It looks like everyone is having problems today. I pray all of you have a better rest of the day.
I am finally beginning to feel better. I am able to drive in town which gets me to most things I enjoy. I drove to the bank, post office and grocery store today. Almost finished with the paper work. Hopefully we get the court date soon to probate will.

If I would get some more energy today, I will dust and vacuum the office area which has been a disaster area since about May.

God Bless You All and BE SAFE OUT IN THIS WORLD.
I just got off the phone with Gena's counselor, who's last day at the Boys & Girls Club is Friday. The only other counselor at our club is a man and only has 1 time slot on Thursday after school, or during the day on Tuesdays. I can't believe that they really think it would be in her best interest to pull her out of school every Tuesday for counseling. I told her counselor to write up the discharge papers and that I will look for a counselor elsewhere. I willing to adjust my work schedule to take her to appointments, but I refuse to pull her out of school every week or even every other week. She's already struggling after a year and a half of virtual school, she can't afford to miss more than absolutely necessary.

Gah, sorry just frustrated and venting. Thanks for letting me type.
Poirot, I'm sorry to hear about your husband. Prayers for your whole family.

manda, good luck finding a counselor for Gena. Maybe the church can help find one.

Nanahl, I'm glad you're feeling better and getting out. Don't worry about cleaning. It will get done.
Poirot, earlier, when you told of your husband getting up and making some cream of wheat for himself, I was shocked that he was even strong enough to do that. Going onto Hospice is a sobering turn to take. I pray that you and your husband both can be at peace with it. I'm wondering and hoping it may even provide some relief for him and rest for both of you. If I'm not mistaken he has wanted to quit with a lot of the activities for a while. Struggling with all the procedures, medications, and appointments is so exhausting and burdensome. I'm so sorry both of you are going through these difficult times. God bless both of you and your family.
Poirot, Hopefully your experience with hospice will be like mine. It was the best decision we ever made. Even tho they are not there all the time, they are on call. They took away all meds except for pain, etc and all unnecessary procedures. We had the hospice place the bed in the family room where everyone could be with him and hear what was going on. He knew what was happening and thanked us for bringing him home on hospice. He knew what hospice was. He had been a Chaplain for one while I was the Social Worker. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. The last week of his life was a blessing to all of us.