9/15/21 - Donuts and rain???


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's sunny at my house, but there's a 15 percent chance of rain. Maybe thunderstorms. I checked
radar. The rain is north of me. Right in the area where I have to drive.

I'm going to Crystal Bridges this morning. I need to leave soon since it's a 45 minute drive. I'll have to
be extra careful now with the rain falling. I signed up with an Olli (Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes)
course to go to Crystal Bridges three times. Today we get a special viewing of an exhibit that
closes next week. I've seen it already. Maybe they will give detail information on some things.

I hope everyone has a the best day possible.
Drive Safe kat......
Last day of work on this substitute job for me.... couldn't change PT so I'll work some leave and return.... of course they are asking me back and I don't know how to say I really don't want to. The district has Thursday and Friday off for "fall break" So the job would start up again on Monday.... I'll figure it out....
Poirot I hope the upcoming changes relieve some of the stress you are under..... prayers for you and your family.....

Have a great day.....
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Afternoon Everyone,
Looks like a beautiful day out the window, currently 70*F. I wasn't able to walk today as we had a department meeting at work today. By the time it was done it was my time to be logged in for phone coverage, so it will be an exercise free day. Tonight we have an orientation meeting for Gena's Confirmation classes, this will be year 1 of 3. Of course it's at the exact same time as our first choir practice in a year and a half, but I'll catch up on that next week. At least she'll normally have confirmation at the same time I have choir, so we can be busy at church together, but separately.

Kat - enjoy your class at Crystal Bridges, when I first read Olli, I thought of Ben Weston.

Robin - enjoy your last day of work for the week, hopefully it's better than the rest. I hope PT helps your knee feel better.
Good morning. Manda, it's nice you and Gena will soon get into a fall routine with the church activities.

Robin, it struck me as kinda funny that you are so good at making decisions and accomplishing just about anything you decide to do, but you had trouble saying "no" to a job. But you're right, you will figure it out.

Kat, kick some of that rain down to the south a bit. Looks like we're caught between that system and the rain from the hurricane on the TX/LA coast. Dry as can be here. I hope you're enjoying your outing and don't have to drive in any heavy rain.

I did some work outside this morning. I've had a sheet of some kind of thin wood (not exactly paneling but about that thick) taking up space in my storage building for ages. I decided to make a board for putting together jigsaw puzzles. My niece cut it to size for me with her electric hand saw so I sanded both sides this morning and spray painted one side. Will paint the other side another day. While I was out I started cleaning up the porch and surroundings of my little guest house. It's covered in mesquite leaves and all kinds of other trash. I didn't finish but it was a start. I also pulled a bunch of weeds around it. My cows have kept the grass mowed but they don't eat the weeds, which presents a dilemma because the weeds are full grown, scattered throughout my yard, but the grass is down to the nub. I can't very well ask somebody to come mow the weeds but it's too many for me to pull, especially since the ground is dry and hard now.

Poirot, you and your husband are in my thoughts today.
No rain yet. I was glad I didn't run into rain on my drive, but disappointed there wasn't any.
Forecast had rain here this afternoon, but no pop up shower yet.

Poirot, I hope your day is going well.

robin, good luck on deciding what to do. I would like a small job to make extra money.

manda, sorry you have to miss choir tonight. It's good confirmation is at the same time
of your choir practice.

OC, is there someone in your area with goats? If so, maybe you can have a couple
come in and weed eat
Hi everyone......Hospice has called, been here, ordered some things, which of course hubby doesn't think he needs so wants them out of his room.......been cranky, & I know there is more to come. Ugh. Dealing with calls, visit, delivery, all day. However, Hospice was very fast, I must say, and just on the ball.
Last night I was watching the movie Good News for a bit......(saw it years ago) Peter Lawford & June Allyson were in a library, he is helping her put books back on shelves, as she (in song) is giving him French lessons. Well, I could not help think of Kat, as he has this huge stack of books in his arms & she is just grabbing them, putting them on various shelves........and all I could think of was.....no wonder poor Kat has to keep checking and pulling books, putting into right places. LOL. (Nope, they did not check alphabet, or subject matter......(mystery, biography, etc) too busy singing French lessons. LOL
Robin, it struck me as kinda funny that you are so good at making decisions and accomplishing just about anything you decide to do, but you had trouble saying "no" to a job. But you're right, you will figure it out.

ah... ya... I didn't say no.... I mean the principal, vp and both dean of students came in to beg me to stay.....in addition to the person I was helping and the attendance clerk...... So I'm working MWF for the next couple of weeks. I have next week off because I have plans that week.

At today's PT the therapist told me that as I wasn't improving I needed to see the doctor. I'm more unstable now than when I started. These are words you really don't want to hear. Of course the EARLIEST he can squeeze me in is October 13th. So everything is sort of on hold till then....

Poirot, I'm glad Hospice has been there, they are amazing people and understand the fear your husband has causing his crankiness. Prayers will continue for you and your family.

Off to ice the knee and nap....
robin, I'm sorry your knee is hurting. I hope you won't have more surgery. Do you think sitting
in one spot might be hurting it.
kat, when at work I do get up several times an hour to print things or, get things from people.

my kneecap is getting hung up on the "real" knee part and when standing/walking heck even laying down doing some of the exercises the leg shifts from left to right..... it was doing this while I was doing exercises at home and this was the reason I wanted therapy to see what I was doing wrong...

honestly I'm pretty done with this.... the constant pain, the inability to walk any distance, not being able to put my socks or shoes on, squatting or seeing things not at my eye level.... Last night after not sleeping because I couldn't find a comfortable position, at midnight I, ended up getting the wedge purchased for hunny bunny's surgeries, putting that in the bed and then getting an ice pack putting that on the leg and with all of that I was able to sleep till 6 am...

sorry to dump on all of you... I'm just so tired of hurting.....
robin, that doesn't sound good the kneecap isn't working correctly. Hopefully, it can be corrected
without another surgery.
ROBIN........you are not dumping.......we are here, listening, and if we were there in person, would be doing big hugs. Is a visit back to the dr. not viable? I am so sorry you are hurting so much....God be with you, my friend.
Poirot, this afternoon I watched parts of two musical movies--By the Light of the Silvery Moon and On Moonlight Bay, both with Doris Day and Gordon Macrae.

Oh gosh, Robin, I'm so sorry. Continuing pain is just awful and this has been going on for a long time. A month seems like ages when you're hurting and waiting to see the doctor.
OC.......I almost watched those, except there were all those phone calls/deliveries, people coming in. Am sure it will continue. But I had not seen both those movies in years, I had wished they put them on in evening. LOL