Days of Our Lives Fri., August 9, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, August 9, 2019

Sarah wants to be with Eric, knows it will be tough at work, with Rex there, but.....she married him, she will face whatever it is. Eric offers to go to work with her. No, she will do this on her own. She open door to leave, there is Roman, is not surprised to see them, knows the whole story. Sarah is sorry to have hurt Rex, leaves. Roman talks to Eric, wonders if he did not move on too quickly, knows Eric loves Nicole. Eric says she moved on, married Tony. Roman is saying she is grieving, Eric should have waited. Eric's life, he has moved on, invites his dad to leave.

Kate continues to badger Tony, who is still playing dumb. She really thinks Nicole in cahoots with Kristen, that Tony should be careful, yada, yada.

Rafe sits with Hope, talking of the necklace, how does she still have it if she returned it to Ted. She needs to give it to Eli, it really then is evidence. Well, the two put their heads together, Hope tells the whole story of going to Ted's apt. finding the money, questioning Ted, returning the necklace, breaking things off. She talks of trying to return the $100 to the woman (she pulls it from her pocket) & the woman running off, like it was worth $100 to her for Hope not to see her face. As they talk, Hope says she knows Stefan has denied kidnapping, and killing Ted, and she believes him. That woman had to have gone to Ted's after I left, so either killed Ted or knows who did.

Fake Nicole returns to the bed in a robe, Brady still there. They jabber, he tells her he would never hurt her, & even mentions how he somehow was thinking of another woman, Kristen. He doesn't know why, it was weird. Fake Nicole now has something she absolutely has to tell Brady, and as she begins, knocking at the door, Tony is saying let me in, she says go away, he opens door and comes in. Noting them both on the bed, he tells Brady if he is “through with her now” he would like a word with his wife, in private. Brady takes the hint, goes to get dressed. Tony blabs all that Kate told him, wonders if Kristen will next send out a press release. Kristen questions that Kate told him all that, oh yes. Brady comes out, has to leave on Titan business, quick kiss to fake Nik, he is gone. And in the next scene, the mask is off, Kristen is questioning Tony again, he has a plan. Shin has named Gabi CEO, Stefan will be going to prison, they get divorced, she can go off with her stud muffin, and he can be with his beloved Anna. She turns thumbs down on that idea, they stay married, Gabi will be forced out, and she will take over the business. He will have to put off seeing his Anna for just a while longer.

Gabi & Stefan go round and round, he is out on bail, plans on getting everything back, taking Gabi down. She is giving him all kinds of snarky looks as he talks, finally saying that he will be spending years in prison, and meanwhile all this is hers. She is beefing up security, he won't get in so easily any more. You know the way out! She leaves, he finishes his drink, looks around, leaves.

Rex is with Chloe, tells his tale she listen well. He is leaving town, she understands. He comments they did not get chance to spend much time together, thank you for being on my side, listening. He hugs her, leaves.

Out in the square, he runs into Sarah & Eric, she has learned he quit, etc. etc. He is fine, doesn't plan to punch out Eric again. He still loves Sarah, hopes Eric doesn't hurt her. He goes to Pub, tells Roman he is leaving town, Kate comes in, hears it all, is indignant, but Rex has made up his mind. He really wants to leave Salem. Hugs his parents, leaves.

Rafe is fingering the necklace in an evidence bag, calls Gabi to tell her Stefan did not kill Ted, he is giving her a heads up.

Stefan runs into Hope, knows he did not kill Ted, maybe it was Hope.

Roman is holding Kate, who is very upset over Rex leaving town, when the door opens.Roman's eyes widen. There stands a smiling Anna.
Finally Sarah realizes she is still wearing her wedding rings while sleeping with her huband's brother!! The way Eric said "yes, we are horrible people" to Roman was with the inflection that he absolutely didn't mean it. He honestly thinks he has done nothing wrong because he's in love! Until the real Nicole shows up!!

Hope was a little slow in putting 2 and 2 together with finding the $100 bill and necklace. And Rafe and Hope, please don't go back there!!

Roman is right. The Cubs do play the Pirates next week but they are in Pittsburgh. Couple weeks late on Pirates being at Wrigley. Usually they are eerily accurate with Cubs games!
The way Eric said "yes, we are horrible people" to Roman was with the inflection that he absolutely didn't mean it. He honestly thinks he has done nothing wrong because he's in love!

While Eric IS totally responsible for his own awful behavior and beliefs, it still is aggravating to me that both Marlena and Maggie cheered Eric and Sarah on, almost to the point of goading them to do what they finally did.

It's too bad that Rafe and Hope took the path of romance and marriage. I used to like them as work partners until that got amorous.

Thanks for the summary.
Thanks, Poirot.

It was sad to see Rex and Chloe say goodbye. What could have been
if he didn't have to leave town.

Interesting to see Hope and Rafe figure out the mystery of the money and
the necklace. They talked about how they used to be good partners and
we all remember what happened to Stefano.

I wonder what the real Nicole would have done if Brady told her after she left
he thought about Kristen.

Kristen spoke too soon about Tony seeing Anna.

Did someone tell Anna Tony is alive? Maybe she read it online.
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Sourpuss Eric suggested that he and bigmouth Sarah take a break by going to Chicago?? Won't the locals be thrilled to see this pair? Their arrival would be the worst event in the Windy City since the Great Fire.

Roman showed up at Eric's place? Why didn't he take this opportunity to remind his woebegone son that he sorta has a job at the Pub and it might be nice if he showed up for work once in a while.

Anna's back and hopefully, she'll be bad, straightening out her dazed and confused Tony and putting an end to Kristen's reign of terror. It might be nice if Anna peeled that Nicole mask right off the psychopath's face and then rid Salem of her presence by clobbering her with Tony's old urn.
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I assumed that Brady said that stuff on purpose too since he hasn't said anything good about Kristen in forever. Then when he was talking to Chloe I thought we'd get some confirmation of that, even if it was just a look on his face so who knows. Brady isn't always the brightest guy so maybe it will take a few or many things for it to all add up.