Days of Our Lives - Fri., July 26, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, July 26, 2019

Best scenes today are Jack......with Eve!! Wow! But first......Dr. Shah arrives at the club, greeted by Julie, happy to see him, and tho surprised, delighted to learn he is there to have dinner with Jen. She takes him to a table. Meanwhile in the square, JJ spills the beans to his mom, about dad taking the serum after all. She doesn't quite believe that, as Jack said nothing to her. JJ explains how Jack did not want to interfere in Jen moving on, took the drug as he wanted to remember JJ & Abby. And as much as he hated what Dad did to Haley, JJ believes him. Dr. Shah calls Jen to see if she is on her way, she bids JJ goodbye, loves him, hurries to the club.

Gabi & Stefan jabber about his suspension and try to figure out how to get around it. Abe has been summoned, arrives, will put out a press release, Stefan innocent, trumped up charges, witness is Xander Cook, career criminal. Abe does so, doesn't work, Mr. Shin calls Stefan, no, his suspension still stands. Abe talks about looking out for Nicole, Stefan says no, she has not resigned, but he knows she wants him out of there. Gabi says then, Abe, I want you to marry me & Stefan. Well, Stefan is shocked, she says only way to manage this, if I am your wife, then I am a DiMera and we can work this out. Stefan finally agrees.

Meanwhile, Kristen as Nicole, is trying to cozy up to Brady. They jabber a lot, she brings up Kristen, he about has a fit, all the terrible things Kristen did, have you forgotten. Fake Nicole wants to help Brady take down DiMera, but she cannot do anything unless a DiMera, joking about having Stefan adopt her. Nope. She even mentions Kristen carrying and giving birth to Tate, Brady could claim Kristen is Tate's mother. He absolutely refuses, reminds her how Kristen kidnapped Theresa, stole the fetus, Theresa is Tate's mother, is on birth certificate, nope, no way. Now fake Nicole says there are other ways, like marriage. Brady again reminds her, Chad is happily married to Abby, Sami would not let her anywhere near EJ, he says no one knows where the heck Stefano might be (idiots) and both Andre & Tony are dead. Nicole smiles, I'll think of something, grabs her purse and leaves.

Tripp is calming Haley down after another of her episodes, Claire is going to kill them. He thinks she needs some good sleep, offers the pills he got from Dr. Shah. She refuses, but finally agrees to take one. She falls asleep on his shoulder for a bit, wakes up, he thinks she should go get a good nap in bed, she won't sleep in that room, he offers his, they are on their way there, JJ comes in with groceries. She happy to see JJ, mentions nap, he thinks good idea, Tripp opts to put away the groceries, JJ & Haley go to the bedroom.

Jack is appalled at the fire in the waste basket, is trying to put it out, Eve putting her spin on it, workmen there, they did something, yada, yada. Jack gets the flames out, realizes it was Rolf's diary. Wasn't workmen, you did this, and now it all hits the fan. She still tries to put her spin on it, yes, she did it, he has the injection, will get his memory back, she is just tired of it all, should have burned it 8 mos. ago. Lightbulb for Jack, 8 mos.?? That was when it went missing from hospital, you took it! You had it all this while. Yes, I took it, but Xander took it from me. Jack goes on and on, how she knew and kept quiet. Finally Eve blurts it all out. Yes she knew, but she also knew how Jen treated him in the past. She did not want him to remember that (these are such good scenes!). Jack's reactions are heartbreaking, as he is nearly crying as she goes on. Yes she used him, she only wanted to come to Salem with Jack on her arm, rub it in Jennifer's face, she detests her. But then they began working together, and Eve fell in love with him, did not want him to get hurt by Jen again. Jack is heartbroken, all Eve talked about was Paige, and how she was murdered, she said it over and over, rehearsed it. Eve is denying, but Jack is angry, she was was pretending to want to help him regain memories of his kids.

He is going to divorce her, she says no, no. He will get his memory back, but now she gloats, tells him the injection was just sugar water. She swapped it herself. Then admits she has the vials, the antidote, another injection, opens a drawer, pulls out a box with the vials. Jack tries to grab it, she holds it away, threatening to smash them.

Then she tells him he ruined her happiness, she is going to ruin his, she intends to smash every vial in the case.

Jen sits with Dr. Shah, as they talk, she flashes back to a time with Jack, they are in bed, very young. Henry notes she is distracted, he asked her 3 times if ready to order. She tells him about Jack taking the serum, he decides he doesn't want to be hurt again. Leaves. Julie comes over, Jen tells her about Jack & serum.

Fake Nicole arrives somewhere, large double white doors. She pulls out a key, opens and enters. We see back of a man in a wheelchair, looking out window. Camera gets closer. He turns his head slightly. Tis Andre! Or maybe Tony! Definitely a DiMera.
Jen & Dr. Shah were talking of Abby & Chad living in Paris, his fav city. her visiting them, and vice versa, and Thomas learning French, telling Abby "Mais oui, mama" when she asked if he wanted ice cream.
Wondering if we will be seeing them in a while??

fake Nicole was really trying her best to insinuate Kristen into Brady's mind, even suggesting that maybe she is under his skin, and he doesn't realize it. Brady denies......knows that whatever Kristen did, she only wanted to stick it to John & Marlena.

Gotta say it again........Jack's scenes with Eve were just terrific.
For a woman who claims she loves him so much........she is hurting him terribly. And I doubt he could ever forgive her for that.
Well, Eve sure showed her true colors. While she was trying to get Jack to believe that she loves him NOW, even tho she admitted that she was using him to make Jennifer miserable, as soon as Jack said he was done, she went right into malicious vindictive Eve and started to wreck the real vials of the serum. Way to go! I wonder what is to become of her, as Jack is done with her and other things happen next week, so what will she do and who will even talk to her???? And she still had no consequences for framing Ben for the fires she knew Claire started.
Thanks, Poirot.

What a show today.

Today we found out Eve kept the serum and is now threatening to destroy in front of Jack.

I'm glad Jack figured out that Eve took the diary months ago.

JJ and his big mouth. Why couldn't he have not said anything to his mom about Jack taking

the serum? Everyone is excited Jack took the serum, but he really hasn't.

Poor Henry. He left Doug's Place before his glass of wine. Will we ever see him again?

Today Brady gave "Nicole" that look when she walked out of the living room. Will he find
out too late she's not really "Nicole"?

I'm surprised Kristen didn't blow a gasket in front of Brady when he said all those things
about her.
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Thank you, Poirot. As much as I detest having Eve on my tv screen, I thought the scenes with her and Jack were wonderfully done. I think both actors were really into the passion and emotions of their roles since Eve's complexion became blotchy with red and Jack's ears and neck became redder as the scenes went on.
The whole thing with Haley is bothering me, and I've been one who liked her okay up until now. But her insistence on hiding her problem, and not getting help for it, is way too contrived. It makes no sense at all to me. Now, with Tripp going along with it and getting the pills for her, he's irritating me as much as she is.
Thanks for the summary!
I also think the Haley story is over the top! Why keep this from JJ? "He's done so much for me" is just stupid...part of being in a relationship is sharing the truth - right? It feels like a set up for yet another stupid love triangle! I'm not liking it at all!
And when JJ finds out, and he will, and learns she leaned on Tripp, not him.....then what? JJ saved her when she tried to commit suicide, and has been a rock, a good friend, and a lover. Yet she doesn't want him to know? Would be interesting to know the writers' thinking behind all this.....but, as KathyLu would say, Da Plot, Da Plot!
If I thought it was a way for the actress to leave town, or break it off with JJ, via Tripp, I might accept it. But, that probably is not the case, so no idea what makes these writers think that ANOTHER female with hallucinations is something viewers want to see.
Oh! I missed the show and just read your summary. I have to watch Jack's scenes tonight.
Henry Shah wins the prize for the man in Salem who has real smarts. Any other Salem man, especially Eric, would have gone through with the date with fickle Jenny hoping that he'd have a chance against all the odds and the evidence presented by history.

Eve wins the booby prize for the most inept Salem schemer in history. True professionals like Kate and Xander would be shaking their heads over her amateurish stupidity. Among the professional schemers' rules that Eve broke today include:
  • don't ever confess to even the slightest amount of wrongdoing;
  • if you have to give an inch, blame somebody else not yourself;
  • never display incriminating evidence -- ever;
  • never get emotional -- always keep your cool.