Days of Our Lives - Fri., Mar. 16, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, March 16, 2018

Entirely too many flashbacks today, if there is 10 full minutes of new scenes, that is a generous estimate. Replay of Chad & Lani outside Stefan's bedroom door, debating about entering, no warrant, Chad owns the place, blah, blah. He tries opening the door, tis locked, more knocking, finally half dressed Stefan opens the door. Lani wants to search the room, he refuses since she has no warrant, she does say they have evidence that ties him to Andre's murder, but doesn't say what. He makes them leave, he will finish getting dressed, meet downstairs.

Later, he comes down, chatter, chatter, learns Andre's phone found in his desk. He flashes back to putting it away, locking the desk, mentions always locking the drawer. Cue Chad to flashback to his entire searching thru drawers, jimmying open the locked one, etc. But he says, must have forgot. Lani questions, he claims security found it in kitchen, P.D. Missed it, turned it into him. She wonders why he did not then call the cops and turn it in. Cat and mouse games. Chad walks Lani out, she will have tech guys see if any tampering.

Jennifer talking to Kayla, cannot understand why Abigail is not answering her phone, calling her back. Yep, flashing back to Stefan telling Dr. Laura how she has to pretend to be Abby, that Gabby did it, she can, too. So, while Jen is again calling Abby, in she comes, not saying much at first, to the questions, finally claiming business stuff. Sorry she worried them. She tells Aunt Kayla she is ready for the tests, wants to make sure no brain tumor, Kayla doubts that, Abby (she is Dr. Laura pretending) asks about mental illness, Kayla doubts that, too. Jen assures her she won't be in some hospital far from family as Abby is fearing. Later, Kayla mentions not having Abby's insurance info, Jen looks in Abby's purse, sure the card is in her wallet, and finds Kayla's pink glasses. Both puzzled why Abby has them. She returns, all done, Jen tells of finding glasses, Abby says she had to make a phone call, pulled everything out of her purse looking for her phone, must have grabbed them by mistake when she was putting stuff back. She hugs her mom, Aunt Kayla, thanks them, cautions about saying anything to Chad, doesn't want him worried, unless there is some problem.

Brady is contemplating, Maggie comes in, they talk of how Eve won't answer his calls, etc. He does love her, wants her back. Maggie advises to stand his ground, she did with Victor, and she is back now. Later, Claire arrives to deliver her head shots, Brady flashes back to getting fired (yes, we get whole big scenes of all these) but doesn't tell Claire, tells her he will see personally that Eve gets them.

Earlier, Ciara & Claire were having their usual juvenile conversation, this time about the contest, Claire leaves to take her photos to Eve. Tripp had come in, not too happy to learn Ciara is actually entering the contest, figures she used him. She denies it, and won't do the contest if he doesn't want her to do so. She values his opinion, and friendship.

Eve is lunching at the Pub, Eric (he shaved!!) come to take her order, she is about to leave, just have takeout, he talks her into staying, she apologizes to him for how she treated him & Jen, took her anger at Brady out on them. Eric recommends the chowder, brings it later, she asks him to sit and talk for a bit. He does, short chat. She already did a big flashback of several scenes with Brady, he loves her, gives her the rings, etc.

At the loft, as Ciara & Tripp talk, knocking at door, is Eve, looking for Claire, who isn't there. She spots the pics of Ciara, starts looking them over, quite good, says she should enter the contest, too. Ciara is starting to explain that she was, but........Tripp interrupts saying Ciara could not decide which pic to use. Eve takes them, is glad Ciara is entering, leaves telling them when Claire returns, let her know she should bring hers in. With Eve gone, Ciara smiles at Tripp, surprised he did that, but he could see she stands a good chance. They talk of what the winner gets, modeling contract, etc.

Jen is at the Pub, talking to Eric, who tells of Eve being there, Jen figures both Eve & Brady are miserable apart. Eric says as we were, when apart. He wants to take her to dinner at Doug's place tonight, She would love to, just has to have her phone ready in case Abigail needs her. She was acting so odd, something is off.

With Lani gone, Chad returns to the room, Stefan & Chad are trading barbs again. Stefan is tiring of the accusations that he killed Andre, Chad wonders what secrets Stefan has stashed in his room, Stefan says other people in this house, not the only one who has secrets that might cause trouble if they came out. Chad bristles, Abby (Dr. Laura) comes in, stops them. Chad gives her a peck on cheek, where has she been. Appt. with Kayla, forgot I had it scheduled. Stefan nods as he & Dr. Laura make eye contact. He then says he has to make business trip to Hong Kong, wants Abigail to go along. Cue Chad's displeased expression.
It WAS boring......I could not believe all the flashbacks.....looked like they were catching up all those folks who maybe did not watch all week, and to heck with those of us who did. They don't have that many throwbacks, repeats, even on a Monday!!
And I probably have to apologize here, as hard to keep things straight......but I think actually, the alter pretending to be Abby is Gabby..............not Dr. Laura.

Am pretty sure Stefan brought out that black wig, told Dr. Laura to put it on, he wanted to talk to Gabby (the other day). This is what happens when things are not really defined properly. Sorry, if I goofed.
It WAS boring......
Was it ever. I was doing some reading while glancing at the screen. Dull as it was, the episode did raise a few questions.

How can the New DiMera Guy claim to be "working round the clock" to improve the status of DiMera Enterprises? All he does is argue with Chad and Vivian, and play mind games with a schizophrenic.

Ciara actually thinks that she'll be competing with other young women besides Claire? She ought to look around. Apart from herself and Claire, there are no college-age women in Salem.

Since Eve wants Brady's stuff put out with the trash, what about Brady himself? If she hates him so much, she could arrange for Brady to be stuffed in a Hefty bag and left out at the curb to be picked up with the rest of the trash..

Brady's new home?
Thank you for watching and for writing up this summary, Poirot. I agree, it sounds like it leaves a lot to be desired, especially for a Friday episode, but I will watch, though I may get bogged down and fast forward some portions. I nearly always fast forward flashbacks.
Oh I don't, I kind of thought we could have a used a few more flashbacks. I mean we could have gotten Lani reminiscing about asking the Nameless One, how he came to be in possession of Andre's phone. Or how about Eric fondly recalling the time he brought a forlorn Eve a nice bowl of chowder to cheer her up?

And for the cherry on top, we could have have a dual flashback of Jennifer and Kayla finding Kayla's glasses in Abigail's purse. The writers could have just taken a day off and given us a veritable scrapbook of an episode of flashbacks of things that just happened five minutes ago. What fun!!:clap:

Just to be clear, I'm being totally tongue in cheek. LOL All the flashbacks came across as lazy, I agree.
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I really hope an outside contestant enters that Bella contest, and neither Claire or Ciara wins. If either one won, their ego would be overblown and impossible for Tripp and the other to live with. Of all the stupid storylines they could come up with, they create this one for the girls. Why do all of the teen girls on Days have to go through a modeling phase anyway? Can't Claire just concentrate on her singing (just not onscreen) and Ciara finish college or look into a career?

I came in the show part way through the episode, so I was unclear which of Abigail's alternate personalities were with Kayla and Jennifer. My only thing is Dr. Laura did not want Abigail to take those tests when she took over the other day, so I figured it must have been Gabby. I wonder what those tests will show Kayla when they come back?

The flashbacks made it a boring episode. Thanks for the summary so I don't have to go back and see the beginning.
Thanks, Poirot.

You can tell it was flashback Friday in Salem today.

OC, I hope someone else wins the Bella contest too. Unless it's a tie.

Jennifer and Kayla didn't say anything, but they felt there was something
wrong with Abigail when she left.

Closed captioning had Gabby every time we saw Abby today.
It was definitely Gabby pretending to be Abby. Stefan pretty much told her to do it yesterday.

Funny that Kayla had those eyebob glasses in 2 different colors.

Are they trying to establish that Claire is no longer related to Brady or Eric? When she served Brady and Eve at HTS Cafe a few weeks ago, she called him Uncle Brady. Today it was just Brady. Yesterday it was just Eric while Sami was Aunt Sami. And notice how they never mention Belle in any of their scenes.

I hope Jen and Kayla don't let up on this. It would be a nice touch if Kayla was the first to figure this out on account of Kim. Though I don't recall her being heavily involved in Kim's story at the time.

Way too much Brady and Eve this week and way too many flashbacks today. What was cut?
Thanks for the summaries for this week, everyone. I was away in Ireland & Northern Ireland and didn't get a chance to see it. Sounds like the shows around the beginning of the week were pretty good! However, it definitely tapered off towards the end. Too much Eve & Brady, and then too much Abby & Stefan0. I miss seeing the stuff with Sonny/Paul/Will. Hopefully the other week that I missed shows some of that. And yup, what a lame Friday cliffhanger.